
唯美高级的情感文案 幸福感满满 一眼难忘


The most regrettable thing in life is to easily adhere to the shouldnt adhere to, stubborn, give up shouldnt give up 卑微的向你乞讨所谓浪漫的爱情,你却无私奉献了你所谓高尚的友情

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The most regrettable thing in life is to easily adhere to the shouldn"t adhere to, stubborn, give up shouldn"t give up.


The humble beg you so-called romantic love, but you selfless dedication to your so-called noble friendship.


"Have you ever heard of getting rich raising pigs?"


I can"t get used to it without you, because I never get used to having you.


No quarrel, no trouble, beautiful beginning should have a quiet end.


I was born in the south, live in the south, planted in your hands, finally have been to a different place


Everyone, there is a sad, want to hide, but in the growth.


Your unintentional injury, hurt is you, pain is me.


Dreams are really beautiful, but I always dream with you.


I know you so well that all my premonition is true


Once thought of love while walking, anyway people mountain sea.Later feebly found that I could not love while walking, you one person blocked the sea of people.


Don"t go to bed with anyone, or you"ll regret what you did when you meet a man who loves you but is clean and principled.

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