
让人放松的感情文案 现实又美好 充满爱意


You told her all the good things that I knew were lies 这世上肯定有某个角落,存在着能完全领会我想表达的意思的人

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You told her all the good things that I knew were lies.


Somewhere in the world there must be someone who understands exactly what I"m trying to say.


Lovelorn people are sad poets, and I joined them.


As time goes by, whose wind rises, whose dust settles, in the annals of history, but is a few thin lines, but a poem of romance.

忍忍吧 说不定明天就死了呢

Put up with it. You might die tomorrow

No words are necessary between two loving hearts两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

No words are necessary between two loving hearts.


Human life should be full and imperfect, and imperfection is the outlet of the soul.


Never abandon, the tide rises and falls, flowers bloom and fall, everything in the world has ups and downs, but my love for you never falls.


For the rest of my life, never see each other again, FOR fear of losing my honor.


Frown and curved lips are all for you, from now on there is no one in the heart between the eyebrows.


You"re unhappy because you can"t stand your current situation, and you can"t change it.


How much you like someone depends on how far you imagine their future is.

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