
让人放松的感情文案 字字入心 快乐爆棚


There is no news that cant be received, only people who dont want to reply 爱+重燃=重蹈覆辙+再次受伤=活该

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There is no news that can"t be received, only people who don"t want to reply.


Love+rekindle = repeat the same mistakes+get hurt again = deserve it. Life is really ironic, and a person can really become what he once hated most.


Every day when I wake up from my dream, I try my best to tell myself! You"re gone, and you"ll never come back! There"s nothing we can do between us! All I can do is leave you alone! But there is still no way to stop thinking about you!


Sometimes I feel like a psycho. I worry about myself and disturb others.


Face the truth of the falling reality frankly.


On the last day of the Lunar New Year in 2017, tell yourself that everything should be put down. Don"t bother, don"t contact. Let go of all reluctance and nostalgia, that"s it. I hope the mango in the Year of the Monkey will make me prosperous.


Every Sunday afternoon is the most tangled moment, just because we are going to study soon.


Since you have loved, you will never forget the pain? Love will never forget, and dare not forget. Even in the endless night, even if it is wet and dry, I can"t bear to forget the edge of the wet pillow towel. What other reason can I forget?


Too close to be rejected, too far to be forgotten.


Did you really get back together? Can love come back after so long separation? I suddenly envy them, and I still have a chance to start over. Even after being apart for so long, they are not as happy as they were when they got married! But in reality, there are many separations, that is, a lifetime. I once said that if we break up or divorce, we will never contact each other again and disappear completely into each other"s world. I did, but why don"t we wait around and wait for each other?

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