第一句子大全 > 标签 > neighbors
牛津版六年级英语上册第四单元 Our neighbors第一课时习题

牛津版六年级英语上册第四单元 Our neighbors第一课时习题

...园教育通 ID:szzhly」牛津版六年级英语上册第四单元 Our neighbors第一课时习题领取电子打印版资料方式1.点击文章左上角【智乐园教育通】2.关注公众号后(已经关注的直接进入公众号),发送消息“上册2021”即可直接领取更多...

2020-10-24 #经典句子



...大的发展。Linked by mountains and rivers, Mongolia and China are good neighbors, good friends and good partners. A close neighbor means more than a distant relative and a friend in need is a friend indeed. I believe such bonds of mutual assistance will cement traditional friendship between the ...

2023-11-21 #经典句子



...学生在第一句就会保留出来:I want to talk about MJ. HE is my neighbor.这句话其实没什么毛病了,可是强迫症一犯就不放心,觉得不完美,马上又再来一句:I want to talk about MJ who is my neighbor. 然后觉得不流利,就又重复一遍又一遍,虽然...

2023-09-03 #经典句子

短语动词 end up 后面到底跟什么?让我们一起一探究竟吧

短语动词 end up 后面到底跟什么?让我们一起一探究竟吧

...书最后被扔进垃圾桶里。She fled with her children, moving from neighbor to neighbor and ending up in a friend"s basement.她带着孩子逃走了,从一个邻居移动到另一个邻居,最终在一个朋友的地下室里。End up 跟表状态的介词短语,表示进入某种不是...

2019-03-20 #经典句子



...例如:在小区里和邻居融洽相处很重要。Getting on well with neighbors in your neighborhood is very important.主语很长,头重脚轻,因此引入形式主语it,真正的主语放到后面。It"s important to get on well with neighbors in your neighborhood.(二)、形式主...

2023-07-28 #经典句子

双语——一天两次被捕(Arrested Twice in One Day)

双语——一天两次被捕(Arrested Twice in One Day)

... ... 里面Instead, drunk and high, Donald began to harass his next-door neighbor.【译】相反,喝得醉醺醺的,唐纳德开始骚扰他的隔壁邻居。【用法】instead 单独在句首或句尾表示“相反的是”,“代之的是”;例:Instead, a dog has to pant to keep cool...

2017-09-21 #经典句子

双语——隔壁的女孩(The Girl Next Door)

双语——隔壁的女孩(The Girl Next Door)

...mily finally arrived at their new home, they decided to go out to meet the neighbors.【译】当詹姆斯和他的家人终于到达他们的新家时,他们决定出去见见邻居。【单词】finally 副词 ["fahyn-l-ee]["fanli] adv. 最后;决定性地;最终【单词】arrived 原型:...

2023-07-08 #经典句子



...深,表示:to try to have the same possessions and lifestyle as one"s neighbors or peers.这句话源自于一个漫画,有说到Jones的这家人家日子过得很不错,他们的邻居就不想说我们比你们穷,所以这句话主要就是指“(你)不想和邻居的生活水平...

2023-11-12 #经典句子

我们爱用表情包表达心情 而老外的情绪都藏在文字里

我们爱用表情包表达心情 而老外的情绪都藏在文字里

...例子:搬新家了,可是不幸地碰上了烦人的邻居(annoying neighbors),该如何是好呢?A:你如何与你的邻居独处?他们晚上还会发出这么大的噪音吗?How do you get alone with your neighbors? Do they still make so much noise at night?B:昨天晚上,他们的...

2015-10-10 #经典句子



...社区建设: Harmonious community building良好的邻里关系:good neighbor relations社会和谐:social harmony如果你不会写主题词的名词,你也可以这样来代替:Being+adj; To do sth; Doing sthhow to protect our environment= 名词(做主语!)如何保护我们的...

2023-12-08 #经典句子



...But the wine turned sour because no one came to buy it. He went to ask his neighbors why no one would buy it. A neighbor told him that his terrifying dog would bite the customers when they went into the shop to buy wine.酒店猛狗寓言告诉我们:“猛狗”不远离,再好的“酒”都...

2023-11-18 #经典句子



...But the wine turned sour because no one came to buy it. He went to ask his neighbors why no one would buy it. A neighbor told him that his terrifying dog would bite the customers when they went into the shop to buy wine.酒店猛狗寓言告诉我们:“猛狗”不远离,再好的“酒”都...

2023-11-26 #经典句子



... She thought he might get scared by her tail. Just then, a princess from a neighbor land came out to see the sea and she saw the prince.美人鱼公主救了王子并将他放在沙滩上。公主照顾了他一整晚。当王子睁开眼睛的时候,美人鱼公主怕王子会被她的尾巴吓...

2017-12-06 #经典句子



...母C的同学就要很快站起来,并说:“I'm here.Who are my neighbors ?”手持字母B和字母D的同学就马上站起来说:“I’m here.”老师接着问:“Where is F ?”游戏继续进行。 (2)大写找小写。游戏方法:教师在黑板上贴出一组大写...

2023-09-12 #经典句子



...e(低碳生活为什么更好,怎样践行低碳生活)2.disappering neighbor3.studying abroad(在国外学习和国内学习比较 然后如果你在国外上自己的专业,有什么规划)4.plastic surgery(问你会不会整容,整容的原因)5.movie star6.novel coronavirus7.T...

2013-08-10 #经典句子



...Let"s writethese questions down and then survey our parents,friend,and neighbors about their thoughts.重点语句1.这个男孩对未来的梦想很美好。2他有时会思考生活的目的是什么。3.我不确定去哪里找到他。4.同学之间应当友好相处。5.请在这儿写下...

2017-12-11 #经典句子

英语 be good with 和 be good to 的区别

英语 be good with 和 be good to 的区别

...?莉莉能和他哥哥相处好吗?例句3: We should be good with our neighbors.我们应该与邻居和睦相处。2. be good to:表示“对…好,对…和善 ”等。例句3:My brother was good to me when I was ill.我生病时,我的哥哥对我关怀备至。例句4: Be good to...

2007-09-17 #经典句子



...仍然怀恨在心。 Are you honestly still holding a grudge against your neighbor because of some little incident from when you were 15 years old?你真的还为15岁时候和邻居发生的一些小事故而怀恨在心吗?Why do you bear a grudge against my husband? I"d really like to know. ...

2010-01-07 #经典句子



...为D。ask for advice/寻求建议,求教3.While we were on holiday, our neighbor took __ our house.A. notice of B. care of C. after D. on答案为B。take care of /照看4.Students are expected to ___ their classes regularly.A. come B. go C. attend D. follow答案为C。attend classes/上课5.I w...

2012-10-04 #经典句子



...单词。也可以是字母eigh组合的发音。我们可以学习eight, neighbor……。熟练掌握5大发音规律,可以极大地提高学习英语的效率。长短轻中重,别小看仅仅5个字,如果能在老师指导下坚持练习,形成习惯,口语和听力都会有极大的...

2023-12-03 #经典句子