第一句子大全 > 标签 > alien
alien和foreigner都为外国人 在日常英语中 地道表达是什么呢?

alien和foreigner都为外国人 在日常英语中 地道表达是什么呢?

...egal citizen of the country they are living or working in外侨,外国人Alien is used in official contexts.in everyday English ,foreigner is used,but can sound disapproving or unfriendly.to avoid this,people often use the expression people from other countries instead alien.alien通常被用于...

2019-12-10 #经典句子




2023-01-22 #经典句子

大学英语六级词汇讲义CET6-02 词根词缀联想记忆背单词

大学英语六级词汇讲义CET6-02 词根词缀联想记忆背单词

...防;警戒著;随时准备著94, remain alert 保持高度警惕95, alien [elin]adj. 外国的;相异的,性质不同的;不相容的 n. 外国人,外侨;外星人an alien spaceship外星太空船aliens seeking asylum in the U.S.在美国寻求庇护的外国人96, an alien from anot...

2016-05-17 #经典句子

鲁教版九年级 Unit 3 Section B 1b 听力录音+课文翻译

鲁教版九年级 Unit 3 Section B 1b 听力录音+课文翻译

...UFO要着陆了...And there s something strange getting out.It must be an alien.有些奇怪的东西从里边出来了。一定是外星人。And the alien is running after the man! Imust be dreaming.外星人在追那个男人!我一定是在做梦。Maybe we should call the police. Hey, waita m...

2024-01-06 #经典句子

不纠缠不打扰的句子 伤感深情 边看边哭!

不纠缠不打扰的句子 伤感深情 边看边哭!

...远的你。Some things make me weak, such as raised bangs, cold hands and alienated you, but there are still some things I want to try my best, such as performance retrogression, staying up late addiction and alienated you.一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌。然...

2022-12-12 #经典句子

朋友圈现实扎心的句子 句句触动人心!

朋友圈现实扎心的句子 句句触动人心!

...远的,突然就莫名不联系,渐渐疏离。Friends will gradually alienate, suddenly inexplicable do not contact, gradually alienated.6、真理不要光拿来教育别人,主要教育自己。Truth should not be used only to educate others, but mainly to educate ourselves.7、从小被教...

2023-07-11 #经典句子

治愈你心情的沙雕句子 搞笑逗趣 值得收藏!

治愈你心情的沙雕句子 搞笑逗趣 值得收藏!

...定会收,只要你请我吃饭我一定会去。Remember, no matter how alienated we are in the end, as long as you send me a red envelope, I will accept it. As long as you invite me to dinner, I will go.语文考试时,总觉得自己是英国人;英语考试时,又觉得自己是中国人...

2022-11-13 #经典句子



...;相册;音乐专辑记拼音al bu m bu簿什么簿呢?集邮簿24.alien [elin] adj.外国的;外星的;陌生的;格格不入的 n.外国人;外星人alive [lav] adj.活着的,在世的;有活力的;注意到的;充满的这两个一起记:活着的alive外星人alien25.all...

2017-04-03 #经典句子

积极向上的句子 干净大方 充满活力

积极向上的句子 干净大方 充满活力

...么肯定是疏远了。If initiative requires thinking, then it must be alienating.天空中不同高度的两片云,怎么可能会相遇,可是底下看着的人,不会觉得。Two clouds at different heights in the sky, how can they meet, but the people watching from below, will not feel....

2022-10-21 #经典句子



...镇了,这里也可以使你想到远古失落的文明!I met a lost alien civilization in thedeepest seabed last year. 去年,我在海床最深处,遇到了失落的外星文明。

2007-11-07 #经典句子

有感而发的现实句子 经典透彻 句句箴言

有感而发的现实句子 经典透彻 句句箴言

...hmble、chasing、entangled、and finallyrelativelysilent、embarrased and alienanted.人开始对你这样做,也许心里已经有别人了。Peoplebegitotreatyoulikethis,maybereadyhavesomeone relseinentheir heart什么时候知道,谦虚的人是无法保持内心的,求你单方面努力...

2023-11-16 #经典句子



...it when others find it. 疏远不一定是讨厌,或许是太喜欢了。Alienation is not necessarily annoying, perhaps too much like. 越来越喜欢安静的环境和温柔的人。More and more like the quiet environment and gentle people. 我想变得足够好,再见你时...

2022-12-22 #经典句子

散落人间的诗意句子 满是伤感 韵味无穷!

散落人间的诗意句子 满是伤感 韵味无穷!

...行渐远渐疏离,一片相思无处寄。Gradually far away gradually alienated from you,a piece of lovesickness can be nowhere to send.半生风雨一身伤,人间何处是暖阳。Half of the wind and rain,a whole body of wound you get,where the corner is in the world being warm and sunny?...

2023-01-02 #经典句子



...其妙的疏远.The most afraid of those sudden concern and inexplicable alienation.5.你百般算计的错过我 .到底是为了遇见谁呀.You take every measure to miss me. In the end is to meet who ah.6.终有人会复制破碎的你,裂痕成为你的装饰.Eventually someone will copy the ...

2023-06-17 #经典句子



...story, and you just get to the best part when suddenly he interrupts, "The alien and I," not "Me and the alien."你正在给朋友讲一个精彩的故事,刚讲到最精彩的部分时,他突然打断了你说: 应该是“外星人和我” 而不是“我和外星人"。Most of us would pro...

2023-07-14 #经典句子

冲了遗憾的爱情句子 干净简洁 适合发朋友圈

冲了遗憾的爱情句子 干净简洁 适合发朋友圈

...离感,义无反顾的做您的过路人甲。There is a warm sense of alienation, do not hesitate to do your passer-by.

2022-11-22 #经典句子



...了吗?一直不回消息,记得回来给我带特产。Have you been to alien? I haven"t heard from you. Please come back and bring me some special products.天气有点热,给你买顶帽子绿色的怎么样?It"s a little hot. How about a green one?恭喜你成功订购了单身狗套餐,...

2022-11-24 #经典句子

那些爱意满满的短句 送给丧到不行的你 深夜治愈系

那些爱意满满的短句 送给丧到不行的你 深夜治愈系

...erature.试着疏远你,因为我知道我不能再拥有你了。Try to alienate you, because I know I can"t have you anymore.激情的瞬间需要被感动,但长寿需要更多的理由。感情、理解意味着痛苦,而这些痛苦将使人们在未来的幸福倍增。A moment of passio...

2022-12-05 #经典句子

适合怼人且不失可爱的句子 简短霸气 句句精辟!

适合怼人且不失可爱的句子 简短霸气 句句精辟!

...意地疏远我,因为我从来没把你放到眼里。You don"t need to alienate me deliberately, because I have never paid attention to you.8、我认识你之前,我确实没有以貌取人的习惯。Before I met you, I really didn"t have the habit of judging people by their appearance.9、...

2023-05-29 #经典句子

拽到炸的句子 又气又好笑 发朋友圈点赞率超高!

拽到炸的句子 又气又好笑 发朋友圈点赞率超高!

...大可不必对我疏远,我压根就没想纠缠你!You don"t have to alienate me, I didn"t want to pester you at all!我就是个感觉控,感觉你配不上我!I"m a sensory control, I feel you don"t deserve me! 能失去的东西,老娘从来没觉得有多重要!What can be lost, ...

2022-12-22 #经典句子