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英语每日一句Think Outside The Box

英语每日一句Think Outside The Box

Think Outside The Box跳出固有的思维模,创造性思考,打破常规 To think outside the box 意味着用不同于平常的创造性思维方式思考。“We need to come up with a really good advertising campaign. Let’s try to think outside the box.”我们需要想出一个非常好...

2017-05-18 #经典句子

“出去吃”英语说成eat outside 小心闹笑话

“出去吃”英语说成eat outside 小心闹笑话

@英语天天talk 原创文章,禁止二次修改或截取片段盗用出去吃英语不是 "eat outside"eat outside = 在室外吃饭 / 在门外面吃饭@英语天天talk 原创文章,禁止二次修改或截取片段盗用想要邀请家人、朋友一起出去吃饭,我们应该说:eat out...

2008-10-20 #经典句子

Think outside the box在盒子外面想 怎样正确理解这个习语?

Think outside the box在盒子外面想 怎样正确理解这个习语?

Think outside the box的意思是打破常规;跳脱传统思考模式。例如I think we need to think outside the box to solve the problem.我想我们得跳脱传统想法来解决问题。Think outside the box这个说法在近30年来非常受欢迎,此用法可能起源于20世纪60年代...

2015-05-10 #经典句子