第一句子大全 > 标签 > Positive


... good look at their faces. 你一定要仔细看清他们的面孔。单词positive 和“确定”有关的单词还有positive。positive这个词除了有“积极的”的含义,其还有“ 确信的,肯定的”的含义。例子:I can"t be positive about what time it happened.我说不...

2014-04-27 #经典句子

正能量英语名言——For Positive Thoughts

正能量英语名言——For Positive Thoughts

Think beautiful thoughts and there will be no room for ugly ones.参考翻译:多想美好的,就不会有丑陋的想法。Don"t cry because it"s over, smile because it happened.参考翻译:不要因为结束而哭泣,而要因为曾经拥有而微笑。You"ll never find a rainbow if you"r...

2020-01-06 #经典句子

《高考英语阅读基本功》长难句解析 连载9

《高考英语阅读基本功》长难句解析 连载9

...nd reviews, face-to-face conversations — found that it tended to be more positive than negative, but that didn’t necessarily mean people preferred positive news. (2016高考全国卷III·阅读D篇)【句子拆解】:(1). Researchers(主语) (analyzing word-of-mouth communication...

2023-10-31 #经典句子

战胜疫情的励志句子 战胜疫情 传递正能量 守护生命!

战胜疫情的励志句子 战胜疫情 传递正能量 守护生命!

...e to attack to arouse the beautiful spray. Overcome the epidemic, pass the positive energy, protect life!雾气弥漫的清晨,并不意味着是一个阴霾的白天。战胜疫情,传递正能量,守护生命!A misty morning does not mean a cloudy day. Overcome the epidemic, pass the positiv...

2023-01-19 #经典句子

早安朋友圈伤感语录 句子很丧 但很励志

早安朋友圈伤感语录 句子很丧 但很励志

...要坚强,要积极,我们都会有挣扎的时候。Stay strong, be positive. We all struggle sometimes.三、积极的态度会引发积极的想法、事件和结果的连锁反应。即使有时会很困难,但如果我们选择保持乐观,我们会见证我们的生活转变,成为...

2023-01-17 #经典句子

发朋友圈的灵魂治愈句子 儒雅有深意 染指年华

发朋友圈的灵魂治愈句子 儒雅有深意 染指年华

...要有一个积极的心态,你会克服消极的障碍。Always have a positive mind and you will overcome the negative obstacles.五、让你周围都是很棒的、自信的、积极的、乐观的人,他们会鼓励你去伸展、成长和实现。你身边的正能量越多,你的世界...

2023-07-29 #经典句子

正能量早安心语 微笑向阳 用希望滋养你的愿景 未来会更加明朗

正能量早安心语 微笑向阳 用希望滋养你的愿景 未来会更加明朗

...美好的一天,而这一天就是今天。Wake up, think of something positive. Look in the mirror, say something positive. You deserve a good day and that day is today.二、相信,即使事情看起来并不对你有利。不要让表面上发生的事情动摇你的信仰。用希望和正...

2022-12-06 #经典句子

中英文励志情感语录 写给失意的你 句句暖心哦

中英文励志情感语录 写给失意的你 句句暖心哦

...生活发生了巨大的变化。Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you"ll start having positive results. Stay positive and you will see great changes in your life.在沉默中努力,让成功制造噪音。Work hard in silence, let success make the noise.不要把时间浪费...

2022-12-02 #经典句子

实力来自于勤奋 高考英语真题长难句分析(三十二)

实力来自于勤奋 高考英语真题长难句分析(三十二)

...l planning and building. Chris Lewis will explain how Brindley made such a positive contribution to the education of that group of early “civil engineers”.相关题目When is the talk on James Brindley?A. February 6th.B. March 6th.C. November 7th.D. December 5th.词汇突破canal运河,沟渠;...

2023-10-02 #经典句子

新人教高中英语必修一 U3 Sports and fitness重点词汇用法归纳

新人教高中英语必修一 U3 Sports and fitness重点词汇用法归纳

...好。It was useless to pretendinnocence.假装无辜是没有用的。9. positive adj.积极乐观的,自信的;正面的,有助益的肯定的,确定的,有把握的阳性的【典型例句】She’s got a really positive attitude to life.她对生活抱有非常乐观的态度。She tri...

2023-08-10 #经典句子



...享3点。1. “I still have a lot to learn.” 我还有很多东西要学Positive people love to learn. They understand information evolves, and what used to work 10-years ago, might not be effective today. Negative people believe they know it all, and are less likely to welcome new information if...

2016-06-10 #经典句子

每日三句经典英语 - 生命不息 奋斗不止

每日三句经典英语 - 生命不息 奋斗不止

Remember, keep a positive attitude and good things will happen.中文: 记住:保持乐观的心态,好事自然会发生。《摩登家庭》小编:我们心中应该总是充满阳光,心态好,一切才会向好的方向转变!学习一下positive(adj.)积极的,正向的;反义...

2023-12-12 #经典句子



...ork on changing them. Your job is to ensure that the voice in your head is positive and supportive at all times and not negative and critical.首先请留神自己的消极声音吧。看看自己什么时候会自责,并且当时心里是怎么想的。一旦弄明白当时的想法,你便能...

2023-12-22 #经典句子



Positive affirmation.①Affirmation n.肯定;断言;主张②翻译:积极的主张Affirmations are positive statements of a desired outcome or goal. They are usually short, believable and focused. By repeating them over and over again, you build inroads into your subconscious mind, opening up...

2012-04-10 #经典句子

寄语生活的句子 励志有内涵 青年人人情有独钟!

寄语生活的句子 励志有内涵 青年人人情有独钟!

...吧,因为巨大的正能量正在向你走来。Smile because massive positive energy is coming to you.三、我们不再追求外表,我们追求成熟、稳定、忠诚和和平。We no longer go for looks,we go for maturity,stability,loyalty and peace.四、你将会得到突如其来的机...

2022-12-07 #经典句子

之语文字|自渡的人要读懂的句子 沁心入骨

之语文字|自渡的人要读懂的句子 沁心入骨

...,我们将见证我们的生活转变,成为我们想要的样子。A positive attitude will spark a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. Even if it can be difficult at times, if we choose to stay positive, we will witness our life tra nsform to become the way we want it to ...

2023-10-29 #经典句子



...o get news . They get news about the world through the internet. Is this a positive or negative development ?大作文解析题目大意:越来越多人不再从报纸和电视获取新闻,而是从网络获取信息。请问利弊如何?思路:利弊类文章,同样强调在论证上要...

2017-02-22 #经典句子

正能量的励志的句子 句句精辟 深刻哲理!

正能量的励志的句子 句句精辟 深刻哲理!

...极的思维导致积极的生活,消极的思维导致消极的生活。Positive thinking leads to positive life, negative thinking leads to negative life.人要知道既然没有办法死,就找点乐子活着。People know that since there is no way to die, have some fun to live.对,坚持...

2022-12-22 #经典句子

属于十一月的限量版句子 独一无二 万里挑一!

属于十一月的限量版句子 独一无二 万里挑一!

...n, and self-control will have a good temperament. In November, please keep positive and optimistic, work hard as always, come on!5、保持乐观和积极的心态,不做负能量的估判,和正能量的人相伴,就会发现不一样的风景。Keep an optimistic and positive attitude, do no...

2023-06-05 #经典句子

英文外刊 “夸你一句转头就忘 骂你一句惦记三天”:您图点啥?

英文外刊 “夸你一句转头就忘 骂你一句惦记三天”:您图点啥?

...gative comment about you or your performance can outweigh a huge volume of positive feedback.There are several reasons why these sorts of comments have such an outsized impact on your psyche.我猜你也有过相同的经历:你发现,即使是一个对你或者你行为的负面评价,对你...

2023-01-06 #经典句子