第一句子大全 > 标签 > Hankie
英文版的丢手绢 《Throw the Hankie》歌词

英文版的丢手绢 《Throw the Hankie》歌词

小朋友要模仿Throw the Hankie这篇视频,于是就把它的歌词打出来了,分享给大家。Throw the hankieHey,everyone.I have a new hankie!Me too!Me too!Me too!Mine is so cool!It"s blue.Mine is cooler.It"s pink and it has hearts.Well, mine is pink and yellow.Mine is blue and yellow...

2008-10-02 #经典句子

苏教译林版_一年级英语下册单词列表 例句汇总

苏教译林版_一年级英语下册单词列表 例句汇总

...There were two empty bottles on the table.(桌上有两个空瓶子。)·hankie英 [""hk] / n.手帕,纸巾I want a green hankie.(我要一块绿手帕。)·and英 [nd; ()n; nd] / conj.和,同,与There""s a needle and cotton there.(那儿有针和线。)·sticker英 [""stk] / n.贴纸I am a st...

2023-12-23 #经典句子