第一句子大全 > 标签 > Relish
英文短文背诵第二十篇:Relish the Moment 品位现在(内附音频)

英文短文背诵第二十篇:Relish the Moment 品位现在(内附音频)

20-Relish the Moment.mp302:43来自网络Relish the MomentTucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the moment. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a cro...

2008-05-11 #经典句子

工作日 如何用英语邀请同事共进午餐呢?

工作日 如何用英语邀请同事共进午餐呢?

...【例句】I have a strong preference for sweet food.我偏爱吃甜食。relish表示从某种事物当中获得极大的乐趣和享受。就像小编,在撸猫和吃零食中获得了极大的relish。【例句】I always eat with relish.我吃饭的时候总是很享受。另外,小编补...

2020-10-06 #经典句子

每日一句英语 Day78——时空恋旅人:珍惜这一趟不凡的人生旅程

每日一句英语 Day78——时空恋旅人:珍惜这一趟不凡的人生旅程

All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.我们所能做的就是尽我们所能珍惜这一趟不凡的人生旅程。——《时空恋旅人》(About Time)【相关单词短语讲解】【1】all (we) can do is... 所有(我们)能做的;(我们)只能……Wh...

2023-11-13 #经典句子

只需一个方法 轻松打造家庭英语环境

只需一个方法 轻松打造家庭英语环境

... a bowl of rice, two eggs, some green onion, some salt and oil, and some relish.1. Whip the eggs(搅拌鸡蛋), then heat the rice in the wok(炒菜锅).2. Take out the rice and put two spoons of oil (两勺油)to the wok.3. When the oil is warm, pour in the whipped eggs, stir(搅拌...

2023-06-22 #经典句子



... job prospects. A detailed study of 65 gig-economy workers found that they relished their independence but it came with a host of personal, social and economic anxieties.【语言点】say:to suggest or give sth as an example or a possibility 比方说;假设e.g. Let"s take any writer, say(= fo...

2023-05-30 #经典句子

日常发朋友圈的心情句子 简单随性 开启快乐的一天

日常发朋友圈的心情句子 简单随性 开启快乐的一天

...at.7、不慌不忙的将日子过得津津有味。Take time to live with relish.8、夜晚一定要早点睡,不然可能会有一个损友给你发一大波烧烤照片。Be sure to go to bed early at night, or a bad friend may send you a wave of barbecue photos.9、冬天的早晨,最不想...

2023-01-26 #经典句子

适合五一的很有深意的句子 简短虐心 引人共鸣

适合五一的很有深意的句子 简短虐心 引人共鸣

...有味,旁人只觉得平常可笑。Such love story, oneself tells with relish, others just feel ordinary laughable.碰见一个比你用心去爱更好的人Meet someone who loves better than you do世上没有爱,爱只有一个证明。There is no love in the world, love has only one proof.下...

2017-03-23 #经典句子

看一眼就落泪的句子 暖心又干净 句句说到心坎里

看一眼就落泪的句子 暖心又干净 句句说到心坎里

...脚踩上去,轻盈而从容。The fog, seize it, is soft; Drink, with relish; Step on one foot, light and easy.这雾不是一个一个的。这就是全部。除了你自己的身体,其余全是雾。The fog is not one by one. That"s all. All but your own body is mist.

2022-12-02 #经典句子

温柔到骨子里的温柔句子|回想年少时的欢喜 你依然拔得头筹

温柔到骨子里的温柔句子|回想年少时的欢喜 你依然拔得头筹

...津有味儿。You know what? With you, even if boiled noodles, I eat with relish.我懂得你所有的欲言又止,所以我并不孤单。I know that all your desires stop, so I"m not alone.我一直想买朵花给你,就换话题没有开我也会跑,千万里去,为了取得那一束花...

2023-01-19 #经典句子

让人感到幸福的句子 句句犀利透彻 看完你会明白很多

让人感到幸福的句子 句句犀利透彻 看完你会明白很多

...,还热爱生活,过好每一天。Happiness is to live every day with relish, happiness is to love the people around, happiness is no matter how tired, there are hot meals and warm greetings at home, happiness is to know that you are an ordinary person, but also love life, live a good day.5、...

2023-01-22 #经典句子

初中英语七至九年级上册34篇优秀作文 考试95%会考 不敢不背!

初中英语七至九年级上册34篇优秀作文 考试95%会考 不敢不背!

...t, put some mushrooms and 2 pieces of beef on the bread. Put two spoons of relish on the beef. Finally, the other piece of bread on the top.Now you can enjoy it. It’s very delicious.09Unit9 Can you come to my party?【题目要求】你是Mike,你去Marry 家,想问问她去不去参加你的生...

2023-12-31 #经典句子