第一句子大全 > 标签 > buy


...到这个短语的时候,肯定会反应不过来,那就是“I don"t buy it”。I don"t buy it如果有外国人热情安利你买某个东西,但是你又不想买,千万不要说成了“I don"t buy it”。要知道口语中的“buy it”表示“信以为真”,所以“I don"t buy ...

2020-01-13 #经典句子

“买菜”英语说成buy vegetables 难道错了吗?

“买菜”英语说成buy vegetables 难道错了吗?

...咱们就一起学习一下关于“买菜”的一些英文说法吧。“buy vegetables”可以用来表达“买菜”吗?buy vegetables--这种“买菜”的表达,一般只能局限于:买蔬菜(萝卜,黄瓜,土豆,西红柿……)一般我们表达的“买菜”,并不...

2015-12-07 #经典句子

适合女生买买买的可爱句子 句句有趣 每天的欢乐源泉!

适合女生买买买的可爱句子 句句有趣 每天的欢乐源泉!

....3、买东西也穷,不买东西也穷,那为什么不买东西。You buy things, you are still poor, you do not buy things, you are still poor, then why not buy things?4、我为我喜欢的东西大费周章,所以我快乐。I spend a lot of time on what I like, so I"m happy.5、去年的...

2023-01-11 #经典句子



...:购物;从商店采买的东西;逛商店;释义:英 [p] 美 [ɑp]buy things 释义:买东西音标:英 [ba θz] 美 [ba θz]go shopping 释义:去买东西音标:英 [ɡ p] 美 [ɡo ɑp]make seasonal purchases 释义:采购;购物;采买;买东西买东西英语怎么说例句...

2018-08-08 #经典句子

老外说“good dog”啥意思?外国人常用的英语口语了解一下!

老外说“good dog”啥意思?外国人常用的英语口语了解一下!

...:Hey, it"s my thing!嘿!这就是我的风格/我的菜!03、与“buy”相关的口语表达这个单词也是大家相当熟悉的了,你一定会脱口而出:这不就是“买”的意思吗?但是,看过C姐下面给出的例句,相信你就会秒懂:举个例子:I"m not ...

2024-01-06 #经典句子



...绍商店英文原文Near my home, there is a shop. It’s not big. I can buy lots of things there. Sometimes I buy school things, like exercise books, erasers, rulers, pens and pencils in it. They are very cheap. My mother often buys food and drinks there. The apples are five yuan a kilo. I think t...

2023-11-29 #经典句子



...以在实际使用中,要同时注意这几种形式的变化。如:He buy a book every week.这句话的问题在于主谓单复数不一致,所以要把buy改为buys。又比如:He buys a book yesterday.这句话的问题在于谓语动词的时态错误,因为时间状语为yesterday,...

2022-12-24 #经典句子



...先小伙伴们先来看看下面的两句话是否正确呢?People are buying clothes online clothes stores are closing.I like your new shoes, they look really good.这两句话是因为标点错误而导致句子错误的例子。第一句话把两个独立的句子连接在了一起,而第二...

2023-01-15 #经典句子

2019年10月自考英语二真题解析4 再接再厉!

2019年10月自考英语二真题解析4 再接再厉!

...的,刚出现的,新买的句子3.For the same price,you might have to buy a used Explorer,or buy a new but much less expensive model. (1)same 同一的,相同的,一模一样的(2)price n. 价格,价钱,物价(3)buy vt. 购买,获得我们buy东西的时候,有几个人不关心pric...

2023-08-02 #经典句子



...ernoon. Celia goes to do the shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper. Celia wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a shop.“What does your shop sell?” Celia asks. “A lot of things,” The girl in the shop says. “You can buy food, drinks, c...

2023-12-05 #经典句子

外国人常用的口语表达方式 你一定不知道!

外国人常用的口语表达方式 你一定不知道!

...句话,这里的“thing”理解为“某人最显著的特征”。2. Buy这个单词也是大家相当熟悉的了,你一定会脱口而出:这不就是“买”的意思吗?但是,看过小编下面的例句,相信你就不会这样肯定了。He said he could’t get to our date on ...

2023-10-15 #经典句子



...______some photos last weekend.A.take B.took C.buy)25.-Did they buy ice creams?_______________.A.Yes,they are. B.No,they don"t. C.Yes,they did.)26.I_________buy anything last week.A.don"t B.didn"t C.doesn"t)...

2020-04-24 #经典句子

中考英语|高频重点句型总结与解析第1集 考前必看 高分必备

中考英语|高频重点句型总结与解析第1集 考前必看 高分必备

...b. (not) do sth.(6) ask / tell /want sb. (not) to do sth.(7) give/ buy/ lend/ sb. sth.(8) tell/ ask sb. how to do sth.(9) get on well with…(10) get ready for / get sth ready(11) help sb do/(to) do ; help sb with(12) It’s time +for sb. to do sth.(13) It’s +形...

2023-10-26 #经典句子



...家一定要理性消费,喜欢才买。We must consume rationally and buy what we like only.网友:我不听,我就要买。We won"t listen. We just wanna buy.主播小姐姐:我给大家展示细节,大家看清楚。I"ll show you the details so that you can see them clearly.网友:别...

2023-10-24 #经典句子

杨洁篪金句刷屏 “中国人不吃这一套”英语怎么说?

杨洁篪金句刷屏 “中国人不吃这一套”英语怎么说?

...式中国人不接受,也就是“中国人不吃你这一套”。don"t buy itdon"t buy it字面意思:不买它;口语中可以用来表示:不相信、不买账。I don’t buy it.相当于I don’t believe it.We Chinese people don’t buy it.我们中国人不信你这一套。我们中...

2019-07-20 #经典句子



.... Is this a positive or negative development?Nowadays, many people will be buying thing in online. For some people is convience, also might be cheaper than shopping centre. This essay will be dicuss the number of people shopping online today there’s advantages or disadvantages.Firstly, how often p...

2023-09-30 #经典句子



...food mile。我们一起来了解一下吧!Nowadays, the food that you buy comes from many different countries. Have a look in your fridge, cupboard, and fruit bowl and check the origins of the food. Perhaps there are apples from California, lamb from New Zealand, or potatoes from Egypt? You will ...

2012-03-22 #经典句子

“自贸英语 每周一课学起来”第十四课(一)开讲啦!

“自贸英语 每周一课学起来”第十四课(一)开讲啦!

...十点。John: That"s great.太好了。Nana: Then what would you like to buy?你想买些什么?John: Something particular.买些特别的东西。Nana: What do you mean by “particular”?“特别”是指什么?John: I mean something with Hananese characteristic.就是有些海南特色的。Na...

2023-05-23 #经典句子



...most busy例句:We"re not always this busy!我们并不总是这么忙!Buy(v.)购买;买得起;获得;贿赂;相信现在分词 buying 过去式 bought 过去分词 bought常用短语buy up 尽量收购;全买buy over 收买;贿赂buy time 争取时间例句:Money can"t buy you...

2011-10-26 #经典句子



...John:That’s great!约翰:太好了。Nana:Then what would you like to buy?娜娜:你想买些什么?John: Something particular.约翰:买些特别的东西。Nana: What do you mean by “particular”?娜娜:“特别”是指什么?John: I mean something with Hainanesecharacteristics....

2023-11-22 #经典句子