第一句子大全 > 标签 > registres
船舶登记:ship registration英语短句+例句大全

船舶登记:ship registration英语短句+例句大全

...内法律法规的要求。在英语中,船舶登记可以表达为"ship registration"。关于船舶登记的英语短句和例句可以帮助读者更好地理解这一概念。这些例句涵盖了船舶登记的流程、法律要求、优势等方面,为读者提供了全面的信息和知...

2024-02-23 #大杂绘

Les registres de langue 语级

Les registres de langue 语级

...今天来了解一下法语的语级吧!Le classement le plus commun des registres de langue est le suivant :常见的语级分类如下:– Familier (qui comprend le très familier, voire l"argot) 俗语,俚语On l"utilise principalement entre copains, entre écoliers, entre jeunes…它主...

2017-11-28 #经典句子



...状语需根据说话时具体情况来定时态。1He didn"t fill in the registration form this morning.今天早上他没有填登记表。2He hasn"t filled in the registration this morning.他早上还没填登记表。1的时态是过去时,所以早上已经过了。2的时态是现在完成...

2023-11-09 #经典句子

英语作文不会写?一个问题 六种对策!(一)

英语作文不会写?一个问题 六种对策!(一)

...出概括全段的主题句,比如中间第一段:The current opt-in registration system must be replaced by an opt-out programme in order to sign up most Hong Kong residents. To join the current system, patients must register online and activate their e-health records by going to an eHR registr...

2023-12-27 #经典句子



...submit the sample of the seal(stamp) and number of its bank account to the registration administration organ for the record.民办非企业单位应当将印章式样、银行账号报登记管理机关备案。5.Article 14 A people-run non-enterprise unit shall, on the strength of the registration ...

2024-02-21 #大杂绘



...ted business licensing items shall be used as preconditions for enterprise registration.this municipality supports the exploration of the reform of “one permit for one industry” approval model, integrating multiple permits involved in one industry access into a comprehensive industry permit.the ...

2008-05-22 #经典句子

英语学习笔记:registere enrol两个单词的使用例句

英语学习笔记:registere enrol两个单词的使用例句

...h tutoring class. 姚婔给她儿子报了一个英语辅导班。Show the registration number of your shop,please. 请展示你的商铺号。Tomorrow is the last enrollment day for the meeting. 明天是会议报到的最后一天了。Register?follow me,I"ll show you the freshmen enrolled d...

2014-12-01 #经典句子

充满个性的情感文案 满是委屈 宠溺如一

充满个性的情感文案 满是委屈 宠溺如一

...了夫妻。Look, look, look, look for a husband, find a good husband, a registration, wave one, we will become husband and wife.我假裝不在乎你,但痛的是我自己。I pretend I don"t care you, but still I feel the pain.我执你之手,与你共白头。I"ll take your hand and grow old ...

2020-09-05 #经典句子

适用于夜深人静时发的孤独文案 个性又高级 温暖入心!

适用于夜深人静时发的孤独文案 个性又高级 温暖入心!

...了夫妻。Look, look, look, look for a husband, find a good husband, a registration, wave one, we will become husband and wife.你很像一个人。谁?我的下一任男朋友。You"re a lot like a person.Who?My next boyfriend.别把自己想的太伟大,要知道,在别人的世界里,...

2010-05-28 #经典句子

7月份比较酷拽的文案 犀利霸气 令人害怕!

7月份比较酷拽的文案 犀利霸气 令人害怕!

...口本不能翻页而开心吗。Are you still happy that your household registration book can"t turn pages?十四、别人都在谈恋爱就我在谈烟灰。Everyone else is in love, just me talking about soot十五、要求不高,不分青红皂白地站在我这边就好。It is not demanding,...

2008-08-21 #经典句子

温柔而唯美的情感短句 懂你的心 皆是失落

温柔而唯美的情感短句 懂你的心 皆是失落

...了夫妻。Look, look, look, look for a husband, find a good husband, a registration, wave one, we will become husband and wife.当别人脾气不好的时候,你再怎样劝也劝不住,还会殃及自己When others have a bad temper, how can you persuade them, but also bring disaster to thems...

2023-06-25 #经典句子



... be polite with me. Sooner or later, you will be a person with a household registration.在我的生活中你是甜味剂。You are the sweetener in my life.我想和你分享甜味。I want to share the sweetness with you.这真是好天气啊!You laugh like good weather.明年每年都是这样...

2023-06-26 #经典句子

英语副词在句子中位置总结 你发现简单的规律了吗?

英语副词在句子中位置总结 你发现简单的规律了吗?

...众的注意。如果副词重在强调谓语动词,直接放在动词前Registration for the sale has been repeatedly postponedto accommodate potential buyers.为了顾及潜在的买家,出售登记一再推迟。难点注意:有时副词的位置并不影响想表达的意思,像上面car...

2022-12-21 #经典句子

冷漠又高级的个性句子 个性又高级 适合发圈

冷漠又高级的个性句子 个性又高级 适合发圈

..., lie down, you still have a lot of homework. How about tomorrow morning"s registration? In the past, tomorrow"s beauty queen is waiting for you! Come on! Come on. boss清澈,晶莹,却又清凉。你能不觉得,秋梦怎么会像春天一样?Clear, crystal clear, but cool. Do you think tha...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

20句可爱又特别撩人的句子 赶紧收藏起来 拿去撩对象!

20句可爱又特别撩人的句子 赶紧收藏起来 拿去撩对象!

...本的人!Anyway, sooner or later we are all a person in the household registration book!六,我能吃一口你嘴上的冰激凌?I can take a bite of the ice cream on your mouth?七,来一杯芋泥啵啵奶绿,不要芋泥,不要奶绿,要啵啵!Come to a cup of mashed milk, don"t pur...

2023-05-19 #经典句子

充满失落的伤心小短句 懂你的忧伤 句句有理!

充满失落的伤心小短句 懂你的忧伤 句句有理!

...s unparalleled. From 7:00 in the morning, I went to Tongji to queue up for registration, and then to the joy that the anesthesiologist helped me contact Plus, every minute I waited was a torment. The results of the consultation were unexpected, and there was no surprise. In the afternoon, I hurried ...

2023-01-23 #经典句子



...antiviral" are not yet permitted in the U.S. and require pesticidal device registration. In Germany, the antiviral claims are now permitted, according to the company.不过,声称的Viroblock NPJ03作为 “抗病毒 ”的保健活性物质的说法在美国尚未获得准许,需要进行农药...

2023-05-20 #经典句子

广电总局 中宣部接连发文 直指违法失德 “饭圈”乱象等问题

广电总局 中宣部接连发文 直指违法失德 “饭圈”乱象等问题

...ary responsibility to install anti-addiction systems and improve real-name registration technology, it said.压实游戏平台主体责任,推进防沉迷系统接入,完善实名验证技术。Penalties should be increased for actors who have engaged in illegal or unethical behavior, and agenci...

2016-07-04 #经典句子



... application兹有转让方的专利申请/专利:16.Chapter VIII Patent Registration and Patent Gazette第八章专利登记和专利公报17.patent information retrieval system of EuropeanPatent Office欧洲专利局专利情报检索系统18.patent information retrieval system of Japan PatentIn...

2024-02-17 #大杂绘

关于父母的温柔文案 句句触动心弦 越看越喜欢!

关于父母的温柔文案 句句触动心弦 越看越喜欢!

...但是大刘没让小刘流落街头。I"m still unmarried in my household registration book. I"m not a wife or a daughter-in-law, but still a parent and daughter of Liu, the apple of Mr. Liu"s eye and the little princess of Ms. Yan. Big Liu didn"t let Xiao Liu live in a villa, but Big Liu didn"t le...

2023-09-16 #经典句子