第一句子大全 > 标签 > perceive
英语近义词辨析:regard consider see view和perceive

英语近义词辨析:regard consider see view和perceive

...的近义词有哪些呢?here we go:regard、consider、see、view、perceiveThese words all mean to think about sb/sth in a particular way. 以上各词均含认为、视为、看待之义。1、regard解释:to think of sb/sth in a particular way 指认为、视为、看待:例句:He seem...

2023-11-14 #经典句子



...B] create 产生,生成[C] cause 引起,导致 [D] perceive 注意到,领悟到[解析] 本题考核知识点:动词词义辨析。空格处填入动词,其主语是he(the commentator),宾语是visual images,所在句子的大意为:评论员必须能够……...

2024-01-01 #经典句子



...hese boundaries are based on past experiences. Sometimes they are based on perceived capacities. Sometimes these limits are based on nothing.据我所观察,很多人都是自己强加给自己的局限性。他们有时候根据能力和力量自我设定了他们的局限,有时候根据过去...

2008-11-14 #经典句子



... in New York suggested that people who finish messages with full stops are perceived as insincere.2015年,纽约宾汉姆顿大学的一项研究表明,用句号结束短信的人会被认为不真诚。The study involved 126 undergraduates and the researchers found that text messages ending in ...

2023-07-01 #经典句子



...程,每天线上原版动画打卡学习。故事感知级别SP (Story Perceiving)通过让孩子理解故事、用故事营造场景让孩子进行互动游戏体验,加深孩子对于故事内容、核心词句的理解与记忆。并通过将核心词句放入同主题不同的情景中反复...

2023-08-01 #经典句子



1. There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than exists in the public mind today.考察重点:动词时态与主谓一致首先我们需要还原整个句子,climbing than the anxiety that exists in the public mind today. 抓住了还原部分的主语anxiety...

2022-10-28 #经典句子

好的正能量英文句子 适合发朋友圈

好的正能量英文句子 适合发朋友圈

...黑暗的时候,我们必须聚焦在光亮之处。If human beings are perceived as potentials rather than problems, as possessing strengths instead of weaknesses, as unlimited rather than dull and unresponsive, then they thrive and grow to their capabilities.如果人们被视为有潜力而不...

2023-07-12 #经典句子

三十而已经典扎心句子 句句有道理 说到心坎里!

三十而已经典扎心句子 句句有道理 说到心坎里!

...不是精神,而是物质。It is not our body nor our spirit that first perceives the arrival of thirty, but matter.2.三十岁的我想说,一无所有,过得一塌糊涂。Thirty years old, I want to say, nothing, a mess.3.比起情感的不安,物质的困顿,才时时刻刻勒着你...

2023-06-14 #经典句子

七月触碰心灵的文案 没有流过眼泪 你就不会盛开!

七月触碰心灵的文案 没有流过眼泪 你就不会盛开!

...候光芒四射。做你自己,并足够坚强。No matter what people perceive of you always shine at the end of the day.be youself and be stong enough.4、亲爱的,不要把痛苦藏在心里,让眼泪流下来。Darling dont keep that pain inside you let the tears roll down.5、不要担...

2008-08-26 #经典句子

三观很正的人生感悟 简短精辟 句句高级

三观很正的人生感悟 简短精辟 句句高级

...filling the blank of life. In fact, people should live more numb, so as to perceive more sensory pleasure.人生只是一把尺子,青春在这样的尺子上只占很短的跨度。Life is only a ruler, youth in such a ruler only accounts for a very short span.如果一个人的梦想无法实现...

2023-10-07 #经典句子

关于爱情的句子 一定能说到你的心坎里!

关于爱情的句子 一定能说到你的心坎里!

...察到你微小情感的人倾诉温柔。Talk gently to someone who can perceive your tiny emotions.如果你不小心偏心,我就会想起很久很久以前。If you don"t be careful, I" ll remember a long time ago.没人帮你,说明你孤单。No one helps you, indicating that you are lonel...

2023-07-23 #经典句子



...要刺瞎对方的眼睛却又挂起温柔的月”I was thinkingDo people perceive that they have such a shadowEndlesslyRise and fallVowed to pierce each other"s eyesBut it hangs the tender moon"期盼的不一定会到来,但若努力与期盼靠近,则可能值接近无限大。What is expect...

2023-01-09 #经典句子

文艺干净系短句:棉花糖小姐在减肥 想变成白砂糖

文艺干净系短句:棉花糖小姐在减肥 想变成白砂糖

...刺瞎对方的眼睛却又挂起温柔的月” "I was thinkingDo people perceive that they have such a shadowEndlesslyRise and fallVowed to pierce each other"s eyesBut it hangs the tender moon"“车窗外是短暂的人来人往,车水马龙,天空和云相拥着向后跑去。” "Outside ...

2023-01-16 #经典句子

非常文艺的表白文案 很甜很撩 直抵心灵

非常文艺的表白文案 很甜很撩 直抵心灵

...自己细微情感的男孩表现出温柔Show tenderness to a boy who can perceive his own subtle feelings平凡的孩子热爱生活Ordinary children love life像个根本藏不住的人Like a man who can"t hide at all我当然不想摘下月亮我想要个月亮跑过来I don"t want to take the m...

2023-07-21 #经典句子

直击人心的情感文案 现实又扎心 句句有理!

直击人心的情感文案 现实又扎心 句句有理!

...小的情感的男孩施以温柔.""I want to be gentle with boys who can perceive my little feelings. "人生来就是狗,谁有本事谁领它走。Life is a dog, who has the ability to lead it away.归隐山梦月,无风无月,无人知你。Gui Yin mountain dream moon, no wind no moon, no one kn...

2023-05-14 #经典句子

「早安」暖心又干净的早安句子 唯美大方 句句贴心!

「早安」暖心又干净的早安句子 唯美大方 句句贴心!

...nd sweet girl, but I am willing to give all my tenderness to a boy who can perceive my little emotions. good Morning!你今天受的苦,吃的亏,担的责,抗得罪,忍的痛,到最后都会变成光照亮你的路。早安!The suffering you suffer today, the losses you eat, the respons...

2022-12-28 #经典句子

初夏暖心的文案 每一句话都是在讲你我的一个故事

初夏暖心的文案 每一句话都是在讲你我的一个故事

...e.向能觉察到你微小情感的人倾诉温柔Speak to someone who can perceive your little emotion由于你们不愿意再次走在一起,那么就好好地说再见,感谢这段时间你们的陪伴,有缘再见。Because you are not willing to go together again, then say good-bye, thank...

2023-12-06 #经典句子



...rk/saying/proverb +"题干的句子",we can easily understand/appreciate/perceive its implied meaning. Obviouly, this saying can be easily linked to 话题中心强调句it is 作文主题词 that can enable sb to do sthit is 作文主题词 that can render it possible for sb to do sthWithout 作...

2023-09-29 #经典句子

令你怦然心动的句子 句子很“毒” 伤感治愈

令你怦然心动的句子 句子很“毒” 伤感治愈

...缺点而忘记自己的缺点。It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own. 生命的公式很简单。它是给予勇气、关注、和平、爱和安慰给自己和社会的公式。八、永远记住,你自己要成功的决心比什么都重要...

2023-05-24 #经典句子

这些句子莫名戳中泪点 心酸无奈 句句戳心

这些句子莫名戳中泪点 心酸无奈 句句戳心

...被察觉It"s time that taught me that everything hidden inside me is not perceived以前以为会这么喜欢你,现在不认识你了I thought I would like you so much. I don"t know you now夜晚吹过的微风,黄昏的夕阳,我永远喜欢The breeze that night blows, the sunset of evening, I al...

2022-11-29 #经典句子