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1996年考研英语写作题型的分析和范文举例—Good Health

1996年考研英语写作题型的分析和范文举例—Good Health

写作要求:Directions:[A] Title: GOOD HEALTH[B] Time limit: 40 minutes[C] Word limit: 120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence)[D] Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence: “The desire for good health is universal....

2023-10-26 #经典句子

祝老人生日快乐的句子 温馨祝福 值得收藏

祝老人生日快乐的句子 温馨祝福 值得收藏

...百岁;生日快乐、后福无疆。吉祥如意、富贵安康!Good health and long life; happy birthday and boundless happiness. Good luck, wealth and health!2.日月昌明,日月同辉,松鹤长春,后福无疆,富贵安康,春秋不老;祝老爷子宝刀不老!永远年轻!T...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

经济学人精读:日本养老 居家照护还是去养老院?| 外刊双语

经济学人精读:日本养老 居家照护还是去养老院?| 外刊双语

...5% of Americans and 21% of Germans. More old people, in turn, means higher health-care costs. Last year the government budgeted 15trn ($138bn, or 15% of its total expenditure) for health care and nursing, excluding the charges it levies for the public health-insurance scheme. With public debt at 250...

2023-12-14 #经典句子

2021牛年新年祝福语 唯美走心 愿你福到运到~

2021牛年新年祝福语 唯美走心 愿你福到运到~

...麻开花节节高!I wish you a happy year of the ox! All the best! Good health in the New Year! Success in your career! Sesame blossom higher and higher!真心祝您在新的一年里平安快乐、身体健康,愿您所有的梦想都能在牛年得以实现。I sincerely wish you peace, happine...

2022-12-21 #经典句子



Illnesses and Diseases Vocabulary | Common Health Problems 常见的健康问题 疾病和疾病词汇Common Names of Illnesses and Diseases in English. 英语中疾病和疾病的常见名称Illnesses and Diseases vocabulary in English. 疾病和疾病英语词汇。Diseaseis a particular abnormal ...

2013-06-30 #经典句子

英语作文不会写?一个问题 六种对策!(一)

英语作文不会写?一个问题 六种对策!(一)

...的文章也会采用这种策略。比如16年11月发表的Fine-tune E-health System that Shares Records of Patients in Hong Kong,开头段的最后一句便是典型的主旨句:Despite its promise to enhance the efficiency of health care and promote collaboration, the system needs improvemen...

2023-12-27 #经典句子



... eye drops that are popular in China have been blacklisted in Canada after health authorities there analyzed the ingredients. Experts warned that their long-term use might cause damage to the eyes.阅读技巧:1、5-10秒速读,了解大意。如果完全不懂,再回头看,一定记住不...

2014-08-30 #经典句子

作为培训机构英语老师 我谈谈郑老师的课和别的机构有何不同

作为培训机构英语老师 我谈谈郑老师的课和别的机构有何不同

...孩子经常晚睡,我告诉孩子:Staying up too late is bad for your health.有一次两个孩子看到爸爸抽烟,把句子改成:Smoking is bad for your health.两个孩子还录了一个小视频。睡觉的时候,弟弟说:Close the curtain, Turn off the light. Darkness is the rig...

2022-12-18 #经典句子

过新年 英文送祝福!

过新年 英文送祝福!

...所爱的人许多美好的事物和无尽的祝福!5、Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。6、Good luck, good health, good cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.祝好运、健康、快乐伴你度...

2023-05-09 #经典句子



...ave money: Good Food, follows in the footsteps of I TV"s Save Money:Good Health, which gave viewers advice on how to get value from the vast range of health products on the market.参考译文第八集(系列节目)“省钱:好食物”(Save Money:Good Food)效仿了ITV的“省钱:好健...

2023-08-10 #经典句子



...ir lungs.2.It is true that..., but...eg: It is true that smoking harms our health, but some people still keep this habit.3.把我们平常用的however/ nevertheless稍作修改,句子也可以变得更加地道。如谈到“吸烟对人体健康有害时”,平常可能会写:Smoking does ha...

2023-06-23 #经典句子

八年级英语第二单元三个连词和名词 一个介词详细讲解及真题训练

八年级英语第二单元三个连词和名词 一个介词详细讲解及真题训练

...法。这个小女孩将为您接通电话。4 三个高频名词No1:health不可数名词健康,人的身体或者精神状态。常考其适当形式填空,healthy形容词,健康的。副词形式:healthily,健康地。常考2个固定搭配:be in good health。非常健...

2023-10-27 #经典句子



...ntrol, China returned the favor to meet the most urgent needs of ASEAN.The health sectors of both sides have maintained hot line communication, including more than ten video conferences between the health experts. China has provided a great number of emergency medical supplies to ASEAN, sent multipl...

2012-06-14 #经典句子



...will be living with some degree of hearing loss by 2050, warns the World Health Organization"s (WHO) first World Report on Hearing, released on March 2nd. At least 700 million of these people will require access to ear and hearing care and other rehabilitation services unless action is taken."Our ab...

2023-08-30 #经典句子



...达现阶段在某个研究方面的不足或空白。例如:Attacks on health care have sparked a large-scale exodus of experienced health workers.三、引言(introduction)。英文科技论文的引言通常先介绍研究的背景,之后逐步缩小,最后引出论文所涉及的具体问...

2023-11-12 #经典句子



...公司倒闭。所有女性在某些时候都需要妇科帮助。标题:Health technologyGirls uninterruptedFemtech firms are enjoying an investment boom. About time健康科技女性不受打扰女性健康科技公司正处于投资热潮。是时候了Paragraph 1:A HORMONE CALLED relaxin hel...

2023-05-20 #经典句子



...nd consumers by behaving like good corporate citizens. Many,including JD Health,are offering patients consultations free of charge while the epidemic lasts. Ali Health,an arm of Alibaba,China"s e-commerce titan, launched a free “online clinic”for residents of Hubei,which has been und...

2023-06-13 #经典句子

治愈自己玻璃心的句子 唯美精致 触动心灵!

治愈自己玻璃心的句子 唯美精致 触动心灵!

...,储存健康;我国人民透支健康,存钱。People often trade health for wealth when they are young andwealth for health when they are old. People in developed countriesspend money and save their health. Our people spend money on health.有些路需要一个人走,有些事需要一个...

2022-11-26 #经典句子



...上(特别是孩子),比如:These children are blooming with good health.这些孩子茁壮成长。另外,bloom还有名词用法,一般用在这个句型中:in full bloom(盛开、怒放),比如:In the garden, the flowers are in full bloom.院子里,鲜花盛开。I want a ...

2023-11-18 #经典句子

适合父亲节发的文案 温暖走心 句句都喜欢!

适合父亲节发的文案 温暖走心 句句都喜欢!

...a smiling face. On father"s day, I wish my father happiness, longevity and health!默默“父”出,为爱干杯。父亲节快乐!Silent "father" out, cheers for love. Happy father"s Day!父爱这字眼是多么的平凡,但这种爱是多么的不平凡。Father love this word is how ordina...

2023-07-12 #经典句子