第一句子大全 > 标签 > Future


...会”相关的英语就行。我“会”的英语:can we go into the future or back to the past这就是我们“会”已知英语“求证”不会的英语的语言能力。有了这个“用”英语的能力,我们就可以到Yahoo去“探索、发现、求证”了。这是“互联网+...

2023-10-13 #经典句子

小学英语双语作文 家长辅导英语写作练习 《未来的世界》

小学英语双语作文 家长辅导英语写作练习 《未来的世界》

The World in the Future未来的世界The world in the future will be very different from the present one.未来的世界将与现在的世界大不相同。People can go to the Mars by spaceships.人们可以乘坐宇宙飞船去火星了。There also has been a lot of colony on the moon.月球上...

2023-09-30 #经典句子



But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions. 【词汇突破】critical 重要的 concerni...

2022-10-29 #经典句子

青春洋溢的毕业季文案 触动内心 感触颇深

青春洋溢的毕业季文案 触动内心 感触颇深

...paper full of youth.来日方长,各自赶路,总会后会有期。The future, each of them, will have a future.奋力奔向憧憬很久的未来,给自己一个满意的答复。Strive to look forward to the long future, give yourself a satisfactory reply.把青春所有的记忆都封存在...

2008-08-16 #经典句子

关于分手祝福的文案 句句入心 意味深长!

关于分手祝福的文案 句句入心 意味深长!

...逢,祝你今后快乐I met you by chance. I wish you happiness in the future二,当年我自云云人海中独独看到了你,如今我再将你好好地还回人海中。 珍重千万千万In those days, I saw you alone in the sea of clouds, but now I will return you to the sea of clouds. Ta...

2023-01-21 #经典句子

在这 12 组短语中 有the 还是没 the 区别很大

在这 12 组短语中 有the 还是没 the 区别很大

...n the place of them. 你该站在他们的位置理解这件事。八、in future 和 in the future in future 意为“从现在往后”,in the future 意为“在未来、将来”Please come on time in future. 今后请及时来。I hope I will marry her in the future.我希望将来能和她...

2009-10-28 #经典句子

2020毕业季暖心寄语 真诚走心 看完很想哭

2020毕业季暖心寄语 真诚走心 看完很想哭

...心,看完很想哭希望你的前程 繁花似锦 人声鼎沸Hope your future is full of flowers and voices他日华园再相逢 盼少年归He will meet again in the garden, looking forward to the return of youth在夏天相遇的就在夏天告别吧!此后,平安健康 诸事吉顺 得偿...

2023-01-10 #经典句子

生日发朋友圈被秒赞的小句子 独一无二 值得收藏!

生日发朋友圈被秒赞的小句子 独一无二 值得收藏!

...。Thanks to the time, I grew up one year after all. May the eyes of the future be sunshine and the smiles be magnanimous.5、比去年多了一岁,身价也要翻一倍。It"s one year more than last year, and it"s worth twice as much.6、成长不期而遇,生日如期而至,希望以后的...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

特别暖心的正能量英文句子 2019年即将过去 2020年加油!

特别暖心的正能量英文句子 2019年即将过去 2020年加油!

...说未来实现梦想的时候,未来永远不来。Don"t wait for the future to realize your dream, because when you say that the future will realize your dream, the future will never come.没有来日方长,只有时光匆匆,珍惜当下的每一分每一秒。There is no future, only time ...

2023-01-31 #经典句子

值得摘抄的精选好句 句句在理 激励人心!

值得摘抄的精选好句 句句在理 激励人心!

...ines on my desk, on my paper, on my hands, on my books, in my heart, in my future.3、每个人一生中都应该有一场倾盆大雨,过后才能遇见真正的太阳。Everyone should have a downpour in his life before he can meet the real sun.4、即使以后不能同路,但能够与你并...

2023-05-20 #经典句子

越看越中意的句子 简短大方 值得一看

越看越中意的句子 简短大方 值得一看

...离开。No matter where you go, no matter what you may encounter in the future, please leave with a sunny mood.眼泪不代表任何人的失败,微笑不代表任何人的成功。Tears don"t mean anyone"s failure. Smile doesn"t mean anyone"s success.山后的山会倒,但水会倒,永远不...

2023-05-14 #经典句子

关于爱情的唯美文案 入心入骨 爱意浓浓!

关于爱情的唯美文案 入心入骨 爱意浓浓!

...r eyes are very good-looking, I see the stars in your eyes, see our bright future.你是我在这世间,最后的底线。You are my bottom line in this world.我想和你在一起,在一起做喜欢的事,与你一起浪漫,不止四季。I want to be with you, do what I like together, and ...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

适合毕业季发的离别文案 句句走心!

适合毕业季发的离别文案 句句走心!

...莫问前程。Landscape a journey, three life lucky, so don"t, don"t ask future.2、下一个夏天,教室仍会坐满人,只是不再是我们。Next summer, the classroom will still be full. It just won"t be us.3、青山不改,绿水长流,他日江湖再见!Green mountains do not chan...

2023-09-28 #经典句子

五月你好的暖心句子 五月 愿你忠于自己 活得认真 笑得放肆!

五月你好的暖心句子 五月 愿你忠于自己 活得认真 笑得放肆!

...恳地每一天。五月你好!Let the past past, let the coming of the future, the years will not live up to sincere every day. Hello may!未来是会发光的,而努力奔向它的你也在发着光。五月你好!The future will shine, and you who strive to run towards it are shining. Hello...

2023-06-15 #经典句子

「晚安小句子」心有暖意 何惧人生荒凉

「晚安小句子」心有暖意 何惧人生荒凉

...的故事,但都没有后续。There are too many stories, but there is no future.失去的东西再也回不去原来的样子了。What is lost and recovered will never return to its original state.没有任何理由再让你烦恼了。There is no more reason to disturb you.我试图销声匿迹,...

2022-12-05 #经典句子

早安正能量励志句子 懂知足 知进退 珍惜拥有

早安正能量励志句子 懂知足 知进退 珍惜拥有

...,并付诸行动,你就能成功。Don"t ever lose hope for a better future. You can lose everything but as long as you have hope, and you act on it, you can succeed.六、当你继续尽可能地感觉良好时,你的好感觉会随着吸引力法则而倍增,你的生活也会变得越来...

2023-01-03 #经典句子

致自己的座右铭句子 简短励志 适合做个性签名!

致自己的座右铭句子 简短励志 适合做个性签名!

...有的,而是从现在这一刻持续累积的。Good life is not in the future, but from now on.6、不为模糊的未来感到担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。Don"t worry about the vague future, just work hard for the clear present.7、如果你甘于平庸,你将会越来越平庸...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

适合写在书本上的励志句子 句句积极向上!

适合写在书本上的励志句子 句句积极向上!

...ow about learning is that you will be asking for help from yourself in the future.4、请你在努力一点,无论如何都想听你说,我终于成为不负众望的人。Please try your best. Anyway, I want to hear from you. I have finally become a man who can live up to the expectations.5、...

2022-12-11 #经典句子

让人觉得特别委屈的情绪化文案 总有一句能表达你的内心

让人觉得特别委屈的情绪化文案 总有一句能表达你的内心

...,我们再也没有以后了。The story between us is over. We have no future.我们是要牵着彼此的手,一起走向未来的呀,怎么能现在放手呢?We want to hold each other"s hands and go to the future together. How can we let go now?以后的我们,会是我们,还是我...

2023-11-21 #经典句子

充满正能量的早安句子 意义深远 写给每一个不甘平庸的人

充满正能量的早安句子 意义深远 写给每一个不甘平庸的人

... bit more effort, this effort is not for nothing, but for ourselves in the future in the path of life can be a little bit more choices, can choose the kind of happy life, choose to live in their own way, so ah! We must come on now! Good morning!虽然我们来到这个世间不能做到让我们的...

2023-01-19 #经典句子