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英语词句学习Business flourished. 生意兴隆

英语词句学习Business flourished. 生意兴隆

The economy is booming and small businesses are flourishing.经济繁荣,小企业蒸蒸日上。 【核心词汇】flourishto develop well and be successful; thrive; develop rapidly and successfully 繁荣,兴旺,成功to grow well and be very healthy 茁壮成长 If something flourishes, it ...

2023-09-27 #经典句子

情人节的花flower 花神Flora助你记下 flor英文词根下全部单词

情人节的花flower 花神Flora助你记下 flor英文词根下全部单词

...装饰;floweret n. 小花;flour n. 面粉;粉末 v. 研成粉末;flourish v. 繁荣;茂盛;挥舞;活跃,n. 挥舞;花样;炫耀;华丽词藻;flourishing adj. 繁荣的;盛行的二、flor,flori:芙罗拉Flora是罗马神话中的花神,下嫁给西风神。婚后西风...

2007-12-22 #经典句子

学习英语单词 首先要对单词有一个整体的认识

学习英语单词 首先要对单词有一个整体的认识


2010-04-07 #经典句子



...Live long and proper!多福多寿!Everything goes well吉祥如意Business flourishes生意兴隆Harmony brings wealth和气生财Wishing you prosperity恭喜发财Treasures fill the home金玉满堂Wishing you every success一帆风顺Safe trip wherever you go出入平安Promoting to a higher posit...

2023-12-23 #经典句子

温柔干净且无关爱情的文案 推荐女孩子看!

温柔干净且无关爱情的文案 推荐女孩子看!

... 写他的酒和月亮 写他的向往。If Datang did not have this flourishing age, Li Bai wrote what to write about his wine and the moon to write his yearning.九,安全感对胆小鬼来说太重要啦。Security is too important to a coward.十,除夕夜最热闹的不是春晚而是...

2009-08-30 #经典句子



...。但也从没怕过。Take advantage of the youth to catch up with the flourishing, perhaps a long way, perhaps never day and night. But I"ve never been afraid.——张九南有福同享,有难我当。I will share your blessings with you, but not with your troubles.——秦霄贤别到处嚷...

2019-06-24 #经典句子



... waiting days, study hard, be humble, and cultivate deep roots, which will flourish in the future.8、雨会停,天会晴,没有什么会糟糕透顶。The rain will stop, the weather will clear, nothing will be terrible.9、就算星星碎掉,溢出来的光也一定好看。Even if the stars...

2023-09-28 #经典句子



...!6.May your career take off.中文:事业发达!7.May your business flourish. 中文:生意兴隆!8.May your wishes come true. 中文:心想事成!9.I wish you good fortune and every success.中文:大吉大利!10.May you always get more than you wish for. 中文:年年有余!...

2023-05-09 #经典句子

简单干净的签名说句子 有感觉 扣人心弦!

简单干净的签名说句子 有感觉 扣人心弦!

...a long period of time, study hard, humble life, raise deep roots, later to flourish.多少年以后,你是否还记得,有个女孩非常想念你。How many years later, do you still remember, there was a girl who missed you very much.二人的悲哀太大,没有办法,只能换做,逃到...

2022-11-23 #经典句子

12个现实句子 送给心情低落的你

12个现实句子 送给心情低落的你

...。Since banyan trees are rooted in deep soil, the green shade oflife will flourish, and the tares will enjoy the same treatment asseedlings, but will not bear ears of wheat.别人能做的,我也能做。I can do what other people can do.除了你自己,没有人能给你力量。No one can giv...

2022-12-15 #经典句子

温柔治愈系的暖心文案 相当气派 内心爽朗

温柔治愈系的暖心文案 相当气派 内心爽朗

...木繁盛。My heart was an island, no grass, you came, flowers and trees flourish.女孩子 得逼自己变得更优秀Girls have to push themselves to be better可不可以跟这个世界请个假 我想离开了Can you please leave with this world I want to leave你在干嘛”“我在想你吖...

2014-02-05 #经典句子

正能量暖心语录 句句阳光治愈 说到你心窝

正能量暖心语录 句句阳光治愈 说到你心窝

...你可以再来一次!Believe in your ability to not only get by but to flourish. You’ve gotten through difficult times before and you"ve done what once seemed impossible. So you can do it again!五、卓越不是一个单一的行为。它是一系列作为习惯的一部分重复的较小的...

2023-08-12 #经典句子



...鸢尾。In early September, the cool autumn evening, Zhou Ying began to flourish. Leave home at leisure and grow iris step by step.希望九月能有很多嘴角上扬的小窃喜。I hope there will be a lot of small happiness in September.遇见你的九月,白露刚好,夜晚的风辗转回...

2017-11-24 #经典句子

适宜回忆起曾经的幸福 句句在理 意味深长

适宜回忆起曾经的幸福 句句在理 意味深长

...旺发达,不是为了我,而是为了你自己。I just want you to flourish without a care in the world, not for me, but for yourself.了解的心,隐藏着最后一幕,孤身一人,它将生活的世界封闭起来。再次见心,抹去生命的宿命,彼此的等待,悲哀生活...

2023-08-09 #经典句子

唯美入心的古风文案 一见倾心!

唯美入心的古风文案 一见倾心!

...千繁华,却似人间只有一个他。Scorching peach blossom, three flourishing, but like the world only one of him.2、不念尘世浮华,不写红尘纷扰,不叹世道苍凉,不惹情思哀怨。Do not read the world of vanity, do not write the world of trouble, do not sigh the world o...

2020-09-13 #经典句子

超高级忧伤的情感短句 煽情贴心 总有一句适合你!

超高级忧伤的情感短句 煽情贴心 总有一句适合你!

...年繁花开得茂盛,你双瞳剪水的纯;Still remember that year flourishing flowers, you double pupil shear water of pure;来路无可眷恋,愿你安息,愿你在天堂一路走好,被温柔以待。May you rest in peace. May you have a good journey in heaven and be treated gently.

2022-11-13 #经典句子

适合怀念曾经的幸福的文案 句句在理 意味深长

适合怀念曾经的幸福的文案 句句在理 意味深长

...地蓬勃发展,不是为我,而是为你自己。I just want you to flourish without a care in the world, not for me, but for yourself.理解的心,隐藏了最后的情景,第一次的进攻,独自一人,它关闭了生命的世界。再见心,抹去生命的宿命,对方的等待...

2023-11-20 #经典句子

那些触动心弦的情感句子 经典走心 值得细细品味

那些触动心弦的情感句子 经典走心 值得细细品味

...ing hard, being modest and nurturing the deep-rooted roots, the trees will flourish in the future-- Hsing Yun人们一旦有了隔阂,就真的无法亲近。Once people are estranged, they really can"t get close to each other.不要欺负人,你是小孩子,扛不住就哭。Don"t bully people. You...

2023-01-09 #经典句子

个性励志的正能量说说 句句有劲 给自己加油!

个性励志的正能量说说 句句有劲 给自己加油!

...In the waiting days, study hard, exercise, and grow deep roots, so as to flourish in the future.你想得越多,顾虑就越多,什么都不想,反而能一往直前。你害怕得越多,困难的越多,什么都不怕,反而没那么难。当你勇敢地去追梦的时候,全世界都...

2023-01-27 #经典句子

触动泪点的傲娇情感小短句 抚慰心绪 句句触心

触动泪点的傲娇情感小短句 抚慰心绪 句句触心

...年繁花开得茂盛,你双瞳剪水的纯;Still remember that year flourishing flowers, you double pupil shear water of pure;有人说,痛到了极致,是哭不出来的,只有酸涩,在胸腔中排山倒海。Some people say that the pain to the extreme, is not cry out, only acerbity,...

2023-09-29 #经典句子