第一句子大全 > 标签 > understand
适用于忧伤时发的小句 字里行间的伤心 文艺又高级!

适用于忧伤时发的小句 字里行间的伤心 文艺又高级!

...be you.无话可说才懂沉默比争吵更难过。Have nothing to say to understand silence is more sad than quarrel.因你而起的深情像是掉在地上的食物,人惋惜又无法继续。Because of you and from the deep feeling like food dropped on the ground, people regret and can not con...

2023-08-08 #经典句子

除了understand……还能怎么说?「了解 理解」的9种英语表达方式!

除了understand……还能怎么说?「了解 理解」的9种英语表达方式!

我明白. 我了解了…,英语除了 I understand,还有什么其它英语说法呢?1. I realize.用于有点严肃的场合。ex. 朋友在跟你分享他们最近经济困顿的经历,you can say :I realize that it’s hard for you.我明白你很艰难I understood suddenly.ex. I realized...

2023-09-07 #经典句子

一个人的心酸一句话 越看越想哭 心都碎了一地!

一个人的心酸一句话 越看越想哭 心都碎了一地!

...ning, a lot of emotions can not share, simply digest themselves.People who understand naturally understand, people who do not understand no matter how much explanation there is time difference, some stories can only be said to people who understand.他只是舍不得你这份鞍前马后的殷勤。...

2023-06-26 #经典句子

那些真实的情感句子 简单干净 送给迷茫中的你

那些真实的情感句子 简单干净 送给迷茫中的你

理解是一种高贵,并不是谁都有的Understanding is a noble thing. Not everyone has it所有的理解、温暖、感动都造就了最后的美好All of the understanding, warmth, moved to create the final beautiful你想被别人理解就要先学会理解别人You want to be understood, ...

2022-12-04 #经典句子



...什么,想让别人明白你是世界上最难的人之一。He doesn"t understand what you"re trying to say. He wants others to understand that you"re one of the most difficult people in the world.放弃一个人是什么感觉?”就像一场大火烧毁了你住了很久的房子,你看着...

2023-11-18 #经典句子

富有故事的情感句子 高冷又文艺 适合失落时发圈!

富有故事的情感句子 高冷又文艺 适合失落时发圈!

...明白,而是明白了我也不知道该怎么做。Sometimes not don"t understand, just don"t want to understand;Sometimes is not do not understand, but understand I do not know how to do.就是因为你笑的如此没心没肺,所以才会没人发现你的难过。It is because you smile so h...

2022-12-04 #经典句子

一眼就喜欢的心情小句子 高甜治愈 使人心动!

一眼就喜欢的心情小句子 高甜治愈 使人心动!

...ve is moving, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is understanding, love is a lifetime commitment.像你这样的女孩不能嫁人,就算嫁了也是嫁祸于人。A girl like you can"t marry, or if she does marry, it"s to blame.一个人的暗恋,一个人的永远,一...

2022-11-23 #经典句子

可以治愈心灵的文字 温柔而文雅 爱情永存

可以治愈心灵的文字 温柔而文雅 爱情永存

...懂你的言外之意,而是有人懂你的欲言又止。The best tacit understanding in the world is not someone who understands what you mean, but someone who understands what you want to say and stops.有些事不是努力就可以的,五十块的人民币设计得再好看,也没有一百...

2008-12-07 #经典句子

长大后才懂的句子 现实入心 有感而发

长大后才懂的句子 现实入心 有感而发

...人只能陪你一阵子,能陪你一辈子的寥寥无几。Grow up to understand that some people can only accompany you for a while, can accompany you for a lifetime of very few.3.长大后才明白,好运就是你很努力很努力的结果。When you grow up, you realize that good luck is t...

2022-12-17 #经典句子

走心情感文案|那年的风好大 吹散了好多人

走心情感文案|那年的风好大 吹散了好多人

...你说出的故事,而是有人懂你说不出的心事。The best tacit understanding in the world is not that someone understands the story you tell, but that someone understands the things you can"t say.说出口的伤痛都已平复,绝口不提的才触及心底。Say the pain has been calm...

2013-06-15 #经典句子

表达内心悲伤的句子 满满的爱意 暖心治愈

表达内心悲伤的句子 满满的爱意 暖心治愈

...法理解。如果你不明白,我还能说什么?When I smile, if you understand, just hold my hand and smile at me. When I cry, if you understand, lend me a shoulder and accompany me quietly. When I am wronged, if you understand, just give me your arms and make me vulnerable only in front of y...

2023-11-16 #经典句子

英语自学系列:超强干货教学 高效率锻炼英语听力

英语自学系列:超强干货教学 高效率锻炼英语听力

...听到演员说话时 试着全神贯注地听Don"t worry that you may not understand.不用担心你是否听得懂You can read the subtitles later when they appear.你可以在字幕出现的时候 再去看一遍字幕Now, if you can understand the actor, then don"t look at the subtitles.现在 ...

2008-01-18 #经典句子

哲理高雅的句子 透出人间百态 活出自己

哲理高雅的句子 透出人间百态 活出自己

...s your feelings. The language used in life is a language that everyone can understand.魔鬼与天使之分是:天使为人着想,与世贯通,魔鬼利用弱点,达到目的。The difference between devil and angel is that angels think of people and connect with the world. The devil uses hi...

2022-11-26 #经典句子



...有人懂你的欲言又止,请珍惜真正懂你的人。The best tacit understanding in the world is not that someone understands what you mean, but that someone understands what you want to say. Please cherish those who really understand you.6.喜欢朝霞和夕阳,因为那里沉淀着我们...

2023-07-04 #经典句子

历史上最美的情话 浪漫甜蜜 一句顶十句

历史上最美的情话 浪漫甜蜜 一句顶十句

...的要求其实也不多,她只是想找一个完全懂他的爱人。To understand her brave in the weak, give her spiritual support;To understand the sadness of her happiness, give her care of the heart;Be aware of her rudeness and respond to expectations in her eyes.Want to understand her heart...

2023-06-15 #经典句子



...onal command of the language:appropriate,accurate and fluent wuth complete understanding.能够自如运用语言;达到得体,标准,流利并理解透彻。考生可以表达深层次的见解,语言自然流畅,思路清晰,遣词造句准确又得体。词汇和语法结构都极为...

2012-02-08 #经典句子

高级有品味的情感句子 丧系文案 值得收藏

高级有品味的情感句子 丧系文案 值得收藏

...笑。Life is like a dream, dream is like life. Only know how to cherish, understand tolerance, understand understanding, understand humility, in order to really have a quiet, insipid, real feeling, to accommodate a full of dust and wind and frost smile.生活充满了味道,酸甜苦辣,失恋...

2022-12-01 #经典句子

适合收藏的简单干净微信置顶句子|你要悄悄努力 然后一鸣惊人

适合收藏的简单干净微信置顶句子|你要悄悄努力 然后一鸣惊人

...,在这个世界上,只有成功才能证明你的一切。You have to understand that in this world, only success can prove everything about you.这是这个世界的真相,你无法抹去人们对于世俗的观念。This is the truth of the world, you can"t erase people"s views of the world...

2022-12-29 #经典句子

简单生活 简单学英语 新概念英语The way to King Street

简单生活 简单学英语 新概念英语The way to King Street

...” ]The man smiled pleasantly. [ 这人友好地笑了笑。 ]He did not understand English ! [ 他不懂英语!]He spoke German. [ 他讲德语。 ]He was a tourist. [ 他是个旅游者。]Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook. [ 然后他把手伸进了衣袋,掏...

2010-02-05 #经典句子

疗愈又唯美的高级文案 释放忧伤 字字入心

疗愈又唯美的高级文案 释放忧伤 字字入心

...,让你懂了,那还得了!My world does not need too many people to understand, let you understand, that also got!“你知道我为什么感冒了吗?”“因为着凉了?”不,因为我对你完全没有抵抗力。"Do you know why I have a cold?""Catching a cold?No, because I"m tot...

2023-11-18 #经典句子