第一句子大全 > 标签 > Chin


...芮效卫翻译的《金瓶里的梅子》(The Plum inthe Golden Vase or chin p"ing mei ),共五卷,美国普林斯顿大学出版社分别于1939,2001,2006,2011,2013年出版。芮译本是由美国汉学家芮效卫翻译的《金瓶里的梅子》(The Plum inthe Golden Vase or c...

2023-12-05 #经典句子



来源:秦朔朋友圈· 关注秦朔朋友圈 ID:qspyq2015 字数 2k+·四大名著里最受孩子喜爱,也是最适合给孩子看的,莫过于《西游记》。有勇有谋的齐天大圣、总能带来欢乐的二师兄、老实憨厚的沙师弟、执着善良的师父唐三藏,师...

2023-09-03 #经典句子

不会说这个词 别说你学过英语

不会说这个词 别说你学过英语

...挂,hang in是坚持,这句话的意思是“要撑住”。Keep your chin up.chin是下巴,Keep your chin up. 是保持下巴抬起,这句话的意思是“不要垂头丧气”。You got this.got是动词get的过去式,get是达到、获得的意思,这句话的意思是“你行的...

2023-07-21 #经典句子

可爱又呆呆的文案句子 简单有趣 句句走心!

可爱又呆呆的文案句子 简单有趣 句句走心!

...的肉肉多可爱鸭 所以双下巴是双倍可爱喔。The meat on the chin is lovely, so the double chin is double lovely.9.你是全世界最可爱的小男孩 给我甜甜的草莓就换。You are the most lovely little boy in the world. Give me sweet strawberries.10.今天有点不开心 虽...

2022-11-12 #经典句子



... like it, please thumbs up and subscribe Yige Duck on the top of this page.Chin-chin.

2015-01-17 #经典句子



...油管-Interacvie English,有条件的朋友可以去看看。keep your chin up 别灰心,不要气馁这句话直译就是把下巴抬起来,意思就是不要低头,常见于鼓励他人。I know this must be hard for you, but try to keep your chin up.我知道这对你一定是有困难...

2008-02-13 #经典句子

14个让人放松心情的沙雕句子 可可爱爱 让人从头笑到尾

14个让人放松心情的沙雕句子 可可爱爱 让人从头笑到尾

...多呢?Just weighed, surprised to find that he had lost eight jin, scratching his head, then suddenly found that it was my diamond ring has not been worn, I said, how can I suddenly lost so much weight?最近发现,原来我是迪士尼在逃的公主,照了照镜子,虽然说谈不上一模...

2022-12-18 #经典句子



...reatment effect of submental artery skin flap andexpanded cervical flap on chin scar;颏下动脉皮瓣联合颈部扩张皮瓣修复颏部瘢痕2.The harmonious request and countermeasure of university culture construction against the background ofexpanding higher educaiton;高等教育扩张背景...

2024-02-04 #大杂绘

北师大版_六年级英语下册_一年级起点单词列表 例句汇总

北师大版_六年级英语下册_一年级起点单词列表 例句汇总

...Cut the tomatoes in half vertically.(把西红柿纵向切成两半。)·*chin英 [tn] / n.下巴He had a small tuft of hair on his chin.(他下巴上有一小撮胡须。)·*elbow英 [elb] / n.肘,肘部She jabbed him with her elbow.(她用胳膊肘捅他。)·*medicine英 [medsn] / n.药This med...

2023-12-24 #经典句子

英语单词分类-身体部位 Body

英语单词分类-身体部位 Body

...mouth [maθ] 嘴lip [lip] 嘴唇tooth [tuθ] 牙齿tongue [t] 舌头chin [tn] 下巴throat [θrt] 喉咙neck [nek] 脖子ear [(r)] 耳朵body [bdi] 身子chest [test] 胸部abdomen [bdmn] 腹部waist [west] 腰back [bk] 背部shoulder [ld(r)] 肩膀arm [a:m] 手臂elbow [elb] 手肘wr...

2013-07-21 #经典句子

无敌可爱的简短文案 萌萌哒!

无敌可爱的简短文案 萌萌哒!

...se of any difficulties, you cannot bow your head because you have a double chin.头上只要有一根毛,秃头这场战役就还没输。As long as there is a hair on my head, I have not lost the battle of baldness.因为遇到了温柔的人,所以想温柔待人!Because I met a gentle perso...

2019-07-14 #经典句子

英语口语必备清单 还不赶紧收藏起来学习 偷偷惊艳所有人

英语口语必备清单 还不赶紧收藏起来学习 偷偷惊艳所有人

...多 记得多 词汇量自然就有久而久之 英语才会有提高哟!Chin up! 别泄气 振作起来!Could I have your attention,please? 大家安静下来听我说可以吗?Could you do me a favor ? 你能帮我一个忙吗?Count me on. 算上我一个Cut it out .省省吧。Denying it ...

2011-12-20 #经典句子



...中巴友好事业贡献更大力量。“祝愿中巴友谊万古长青!Chin-Pakistan Dosti Zindabad(乌尔都语:中巴友谊万岁)!”赵立坚说。

2023-08-02 #经典句子

“加油”用英语怎么说 “Add oil”?

“加油”用英语怎么说 “Add oil”?

...持下去。Keep it up. 坚持住。Don"t give up. 别放弃。Keep your chin up. 振作,别灰心,乐观些。Giving up is not an option. 放弃不是你的选项。表示支持某人I support you. 我支持你。I"m rooting for you. 我支持你。I"m here for you. 我一直在你身边。I’...

2014-09-23 #经典句子

幽默怂人的短句 独特有风格 你肯定喜欢!

幽默怂人的短句 独特有风格 你肯定喜欢!

...Don"t bow your head when you encounter any difficulties, you have double chin!12、只能说你心理素质过硬!It can only be said that your mental quality is excellent!13、请你好好说话,包括眼神啊!Please speak well, including eyes!·END你的每个关注和点赞,我都认真...

2023-05-22 #经典句子

温柔而唯美的情感短句 深情浪漫 治愈心灵!

温柔而唯美的情感短句 深情浪漫 治愈心灵!

...,要摸头,要托腮,要你全部的宠爱。To hold, to touch, to chin, to all your love.说过要留长发,可还是熬不过夏天,就像说过要一直喜欢,却敌不过时间。Said to keep long hair, but still can not endure the summer, just like said to always like, but can not b...

2023-07-27 #经典句子

发朋友圈必备的可爱句子 简短有趣 人人点赞!

发朋友圈必备的可爱句子 简短有趣 人人点赞!

...了,还想要双眼皮。Some people are not satisfied. They have double chin and want double eyelids.4、我上辈子一定是一只企鹅,因为我太“南”了。I must be a penguin in my last life, because I am too south.5、普通小孩热爱生活中。Ordinary children love life.6、星...

2023-05-15 #经典句子

符合你各种小情绪的文案 句句经典 百看不厌!

符合你各种小情绪的文案 句句经典 百看不厌!

...双下巴,Some people are just not satisfied, they already have a double chin,之后睡觉时梦到你回复信息,下意识醒来Then when I go to sleep, I dream of your reply and wake up subconsciously你们只是默默地转过身,再也没有回来。You just turn around in silence and nev...

2008-03-06 #经典句子

幽默有趣的小句子 沙雕可爱 治愈你的不开心

幽默有趣的小句子 沙雕可爱 治愈你的不开心

...e so-called dilemma is: raising head with lines, lowering head with double chin.7.爱情就像是鬼,相信的人多,见到的人少。Love is like a ghost, more people believe, less people see.8.在这个赚钱非常容易的时代,我是属于非常容易被赚走钱的。In this era of maki...

2022-12-19 #经典句子

让你开心的可爱句子 句句有趣 越看越喜欢!

让你开心的可爱句子 句句有趣 越看越喜欢!

...下巴,还想要双眼皮。Some people are not content, have a double chin, but also want double eyelids.5.要是我的肥肉,也能离家出走就好了。If only my fat had run away from home.6.小时候的梦想想当超人,长大了真的实现了,现在每天在公司一个人干十个...

2023-01-24 #经典句子