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英语习语解析:Beard the Lion (in His Den or lair)

英语习语解析:Beard the Lion (in His Den or lair)

...—————————————————————————Beard the Lion (in His Den or lair)“在巢穴中揪狮子的胡子”●词源典故Etymology and Origin——————————————————————————————————该词组语出...

2023-08-17 #经典句子

头发hair与胡子beard相关 英语单词

头发hair与胡子beard相关 英语单词


2012-02-02 #经典句子

「新概念英语」A trip to Australia 一次旅行 Mike有啥变化?

「新概念英语」A trip to Australia 一次旅行 Mike有啥变化?

...对吗?]MIKE: That"s right.[迈 克:不,是我。]MIKE: I grew a beard during the trip.but I shaved it off when I came home.[迈 克:我在旅行时留了胡子,但我回到家时就把它刮了。]SCOTT: Why did you shave it off?[斯科特:你为什么把它刮了?]MIKE: My wife ...

2016-02-11 #经典句子



...持续想超过10秒以上,就很容易记住 “bald”这个词了2) beard 胡鬚想像一个留着胡鬚的男人,他的胡鬚里藏着一只小鸟。小鸟在干嘛呢?在喝啤酒!对了,和beard发音相似的单词,就是beer 啤酒So imagine, a bird is drinking beer.A bird is dri...

2011-06-25 #经典句子

英语太奇葩了 中国人早晚被气死!

英语太奇葩了 中国人早晚被气死!

...全相同,发音居然不一样?!来看一组单词发音:heart、beard、heard 中间拼写都是 -ear,但是发音能完全不一样?!"Heart," "beard," and "heard" all have different vowel sounds even though they have the same vowels.heart/hɑrt/beard/brd/heard/hd/有太多这样的...

2023-11-24 #经典句子

英语小贴士 - 常用英语短语搭配学习卡片

英语小贴士 - 常用英语短语搭配学习卡片

...刮胡子,使用的是shave my face,而不是根据意译的shave my beard,虽然beard是胡须的意思,但是必须要使用face,记得哦!Card 7go to work释义:上班重点短语:固定搭配leave/get off work释义:下班重点短语:这个短语建议和上班go to work对...

2015-03-06 #经典句子

可以消除你所有烦恼的句子 幽默又风趣 来看看吧!

可以消除你所有烦恼的句子 幽默又风趣 来看看吧!

...不搭的关系吗?Don"t people always say it"s sexier to have a light beard? Why did the more I looked in the mirror, the more I sensed something was wrong? Is it because the color of my lipstick doesn"t match my beard?其实我是真的爱你,但是如果你一定要给我对你的爱加一个...

2022-11-12 #经典句子



Guo Daqiang, more than 50 years old, has a shaved head, a white beard, but a pair of bright eyes. 如今五十岁的郭大强,光头,白须,一双眼炯炯有神。He is not only the third generation head of Guo’s Xiao Di (Chinese bamboo flute) production, but also the representative inherit...

2020-10-11 #经典句子



...些老问题。其中new 就是adj做后置定语。ex2: He is a man with beard.他是一个有胡子的男人。with 就是介词做后置定语。(常用做后置定语的介词为of with about)ex3:There is a strom coming in! 风暴就要来了——《终结者1》经典台词。coming 就是...

2023-01-12 #经典句子

温柔干净的暖心文案 大众却不烂俗 牵动心弦

温柔干净的暖心文案 大众却不烂俗 牵动心弦

...d helmet. 龙虾长长的胡须像树枝一样舞动。 The lobster"s long beard danced like a branch.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞走了。秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。 Birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. ...

2010-11-15 #经典句子



...ce 圆脸upturned nose 上翘的鼻子bushy eyebrows 浓密的眉毛shaggy beard 胡子拉碴的facial hair 胡须rosy checks 红红的面颊积累了上述的表达,相信大家在描述外貌时一定会更加自如。你们还想学习写什么内容呢?欢迎留言告诉阿凌

2014-06-13 #经典句子



...我们的朋友对面缓缓地前进着。.I saw a man with a large black beard looking out of the taxi window.我看到有个长着黑色大胡子的男子正从出租马车的窗户里向外看。He began to run after the first taxi, but it was soon out of sight. 他于是开始追头一辆马车...

2022-12-19 #经典句子

2017年收录到字典里的新单词:刷剧 捂脸英文怎么说?

2017年收录到字典里的新单词:刷剧 捂脸英文怎么说?

...也是与日俱增的。Pogonophobia 胡须恐惧症Everyone enjoys a good beard, right? Wrong. In fact, some people dislike them so much that it actually manifests as a phobia. Although this word has been around for centuries, it’s only recently that it became an official term in the English dict...

2013-03-31 #经典句子



..."s green, all girded up in sheaves,Born on the bier with white and bristly beard;Then of thy beauty do I question make,That thou among the wastes of time must go,Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake,And die as fast as they see others grow;And nothing "gainst Time"s scythe can make defence...

2007-05-07 #经典句子

可爱到爆的俏皮句子 新颖有趣 令人爱不释手!

可爱到爆的俏皮句子 新颖有趣 令人爱不释手!

...狗的尾巴都要可爱。You are more lovely than rabbit"s ears, cat"s beard and dog"s tail.10、想变成一架小飞机,噗呲噗呲飞进你心里。Want to be a small plane, fly into your heart.11、本想对你回眸一笑,可未曾料到笑出了鼻涕泡泡。I wanted to look back at yo...

2023-01-11 #经典句子

土狗英语语录:英文版“太岁头上动土” 咋翻译?来看大佬翻译

土狗英语语录:英文版“太岁头上动土” 咋翻译?来看大佬翻译

...要翻译它的隐藏含义,来看看大佬们的翻译:大佬1:To beard the lion in his den.进狮穴捋狮须(敢于触犯有权势者)。大佬2:Challenge the marshal.挑战元帅。关于这个成语的翻译都和大佬2的差不多。◎土狗再和大家分享两个“不要在太...

2024-01-13 #经典句子

简短文艺的个性签名 句句优质 果断分享

简短文艺的个性签名 句句优质 果断分享

...老爷爷把你打晕在袋子里,If there is a grandfather with a white beard, he knocks you out in the bag,上面写着每个女孩都是公主,It says that every girl is a princess,喜爱唱歌不好,最爱唱歌的人没有得到。It"s not good to love singing, and the one who loves singing mos...

2022-11-19 #经典句子



...常下雨么?--Yes, we do. 是的,我们是。三.语音ear ear beard near year heareer deer beer cheerere here四.句型解析1. --What’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?--It’s sunny. 天气晴朗。解析:这是询问天气情况的句型,常用“It’s ...

2023-11-12 #经典句子

实用英语|头发是hair 那刘海呢?

实用英语|头发是hair 那刘海呢?

...发师例如:I am a barber.我是一个理发师The barber trimmed his beard. 理发师为他修了修胡须。hairdresser /hedres(r)/ n.理发师这个单词则是更多指以女性为服务对象的理发师例如:The hairdresser will do you next.理发师接下来就给你理发。不难发...

2017-12-06 #经典句子



...数形式。常识性错误例5:He was tall, with broad shoulder and a beard that turned from black toward (to) gray over the years. (13新课标I)解析:shoulder改为shoulders。肩膀是两个,所以用复数形式。四、 指代混乱这种错误一般会出现“上下文逻辑关系...

2023-05-24 #经典句子