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as if  as though  even if  even though 让步状语从句一次学完

as if as though even if even though 让步状语从句一次学完

【2019年9月19日 百天英语-Day58】【华东师范大学-林森撰写】今日主题句:尽管太阳高照,却不很暖和。Although the sun was shining it wasn"t very warm. 秋意渐浓,别看太阳挺大,但吹的已经是冷风了,同学们请注意早晚防寒,提防感冒啊...

2023-07-13 #经典句子

让步状语从句 常用接词有although though even though等

让步状语从句 常用接词有although though even though等

状语从句之“让步状语从句”1、常用的让步状语从句连接词有although,though,even though和while2、通过句子体会这些连接词的用法(1)I used to read a lot although/though I don"t get much time for books now.[虽然现在我没有太多时间读书,但在...

2023-07-10 #经典句子

聂鲁达“二十首情诗和一首绝望的歌”经典爱情语录 Even推荐

聂鲁达“二十首情诗和一首绝望的歌”经典爱情语录 Even推荐

送一首诗给你的爱情XiaoYu Recommend你就像黑夜,拥有寂静与群星。在我荒瘠的土地上你是最后的玫瑰。I swayed ny leaves and flowers in the sunNow I may wither into the truth.当华美的叶片落尽,生命的脉络才历历可寻。倚身在暮色里,我朝你海...

2023-12-21 #经典句子