第一句子大全 > 标签 > course
par for the course能翻译为课程价值吗?这个习语说的不是课程哦

par for the course能翻译为课程价值吗?这个习语说的不是课程哦

Par for the course意思:果不其然;意料中事,其英语释义:Normal, typical, or to be expected (especially when something is a source of annoyance or frustration)par这个词来自拉丁语,意思是equal(平等),一般认为par for the course这个用语来自高尔夫球运...

2011-03-24 #经典句子

Of course是在挑衅?别对雅思口语考官说这10句话

Of course是在挑衅?别对雅思口语考官说这10句话


2023-10-06 #经典句子

记住:“Of course”别张嘴就来 原来这句话对老外的杀伤力这么大!

记住:“Of course”别张嘴就来 原来这句话对老外的杀伤力这么大!

‘Of course.’ This is such a useful English phrase, but be careful. If you use it wrongly people might think you’re angry when you’re not, or they might think that you think they’re stupid. That’s no good! You don’t want to get it wrong, but don’t worry. In this video you’ll learn ...

2023-07-09 #经典句子