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7个沁人心脾的好句子 句句渗透心!(值得永久收藏)

7个沁人心脾的好句子 句句渗透心!(值得永久收藏)


2023-06-08 #经典句子

小众且万能的句子 渗透人心 启迪心灵

小众且万能的句子 渗透人心 启迪心灵

山河奔腾,我要把星辰献给你The mountains and rivers are surging, I will give you the stars感到毫无准备I feel unprepared可是一不小心踢到桌角上,就坐在地上哭了起来。But when he accidentally kicked the corner of the table, he sat on the ground and began to cry.你是...

2011-04-02 #经典句子

唤起心灵的宝藏句子 相信爱会渗透冷酷的心!

唤起心灵的宝藏句子 相信爱会渗透冷酷的心!

一、我知道,放手伤害并不容易,但要把它变成你力量的源泉,让时间软化你的心。I know,it is not easy to let hurt go but take the hurt and turn it into your source of strength and let time soften your heart.二、勇气会剥去你灵魂深处的痛苦,让你成为...

2022-11-29 #经典句子

选一句发朋友圈吧 通透治愈的句子 渗透人心!

选一句发朋友圈吧 通透治愈的句子 渗透人心!

一、不要做一些只是为了被人们接受的事情,为你自己去做。Dont do something to just get accepted by people,do it for yourself.二、在努力争取你没有的东西之前,先要珍惜你拥有的东西。Be appreciative of what you have before striving for what you don"t....

2022-11-26 #经典句子

孤独的丧系句子 渗透人心 让人意难平

孤独的丧系句子 渗透人心 让人意难平

还要再见吗?道别的时候还会心存波澜?Do you want to see you again? When goodbye, will there be waves in mind?听着什么歌,想着什么人?What song are you listening to and who are you thinking about?疤痕可以亲,也可以忘。Scars can be kissed or forgotten."既然活着就要...

2022-12-03 #经典句子

值得细品的情感句子 渗透人心 适合写在笔记本上

值得细品的情感句子 渗透人心 适合写在笔记本上

道阻且长,行路必到。If the road is long and blocked, it will come.生命仍在逝去,Life is still dying,五点的时候天很黑,It"s dark at five,人生简单,爱吃煎蛋。Life is simple, love to eat fried eggs.有生之年做酒,醉不成愁。If you make wine in your lifetime, you can"...

2009-07-03 #经典句子

心事重重的走心句子 渗透人心 静守岁月

心事重重的走心句子 渗透人心 静守岁月

人生总让我们伤痕,Life always hurts us,直面爱与爱的较量Face to face the contest between love and love不要紧,天越黑,星星越亮It doesn"t matter. The darker the day, the brighter the stars are风窗边的风提醒你说要爱这个世界。The wind at the window reminds you to l...

2022-12-01 #经典句子