第一句子大全 > 标签 > moving
Move well Move often。这句话 送给你

Move well Move often。这句话 送给你

这 是 Yu 的 第 123 篇 原 创日更计划过了一半,我大概能感受到这计划的好处和坏处。好处是,写出我心,发文章这件事,变得不再难以启动。即使当日没什么可写,我也可以写出来一篇内容应付;坏处是,当这件事变成了任务...


天天英语|Life moves pretty fast.If you don’t stop……

天天英语|Life moves pretty fast.If you don’t stop……

明天,想不想换一种方式说早安呢?快跟我们学习这一句英文表达吧!51Talk一句话教你说早安▽Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once in a while,you could miss it.人生过得很快。如果每隔一段时间不停下来环视四周,...


地面低速运动目标检测 ground moving target identification英语短句 例句大全

地面低速运动目标检测 ground moving target identification英语短句 例句大全

地面低速运动目标检测,ground moving target identification1)ground moving target identification地面低速运动目标检测2)slowly moving target detection低速运动目标检测3)ground moving target indication地面运动目标检测1.The Study of Ground Moving Target Indication with Sy...


扩展移动边界法+extended+moving-boundary+method英语短句+例句大全 can be rearra

扩展移动边界法+extended+moving-boundary+method英语短句+例句大全 can be rearra

The "Extended Moving Boundary Method" is a computational technique used to simulate fluid-structure interactions and has found wide application in various engineering fields. This method combines both fluid dynamics and solid mechanics principles to accurately model the behavior of moving boundaries...


移动荷载+Moving+load: 英语短句+例句大全

移动荷载+Moving+load: 英语短句+例句大全

"移动荷载+Moving+load英语短句+例句大全"是一本汇集了关于移动荷载及Moving Load的英语短句和例句的丰富资源。这本书旨在帮助读者更好地理解和运用移动荷载相关的英语术语和表达,无论是在工程领域、物流行业还是科研领域都...
