第一句子大全 > 标签 > beads
跟司机 车主 经销商 轮胎工程师一起学习轮胎部位和部件术语

跟司机 车主 经销商 轮胎工程师一起学习轮胎部位和部件术语

...胎侧上,用以保护胎侧不被擦伤的环形凸起胶棱。29胎圈 bead轮胎安装在轮辋上的部分,由胎圈芯和胎圈包布等组成。30钢丝圈 bead ring由钢丝按一定断面形状排列制成的刚性环。31钢丝包胶 wire covering包覆在钢丝或钢丝圈表面的胶...


乳胶颗粒 latex beads英语短句 例句大全

乳胶颗粒 latex beads英语短句 例句大全

乳胶颗粒,latex beads1)latex beads乳胶颗粒1.Methods The mouse peritoneal macrophages were incubated withlatex beads in 24 well plate in cell culture incubator.方法取小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞与乳胶颗粒在不同培养条件下混合后定量加入24孔板,37℃,5%CO2培养箱中孵育后...




...响7.Fusarium moniliforme Sheld.串珠镰孢-稻恶苗病菌8.a string of beads or a strand of pearls.一串珠子或一串珍珠。9.Preparation and Inducement Activity Determination of Fusarium Moniliforme Oligosaccharins;串珠镰孢菌寡糖素的制备和诱导活性研究10.Fungus-derived carc...


满眼都是遗憾的句子|望着自己走进烟雨 走向失落的过往

满眼都是遗憾的句子|望着自己走进烟雨 走向失落的过往

...ld things, lies on the exotic bed, the rain hits the banana, falls the big bead, the small bead, The hotel in the dust carries the past rush, bears fatigue and tears.岸边的小巷并不深,闾阎不大,但却成了执念,家还安好吧,我就在这里。在窗边的木椅上,我想起...


英语短句大全:耳穴压丸法与Pill-Pressing on Ear Point的例句合集

英语短句大全:耳穴压丸法与Pill-Pressing on Ear Point的例句合集

....Observations on the Efficacy of Acupuncture plus Auricular Point Magnetic Bead Plaster Therapy in Treating Insomnia针灸配合耳穴磁珠贴压治疗失眠症疗效观察12.Clinical Observation of Abdomen Acupuncture Therapy and Pressing Ear Acupoints Method on Essential Dysmenorrhea,A Report of ...


离子凝胶法 Ionotropic gelation英语短句 例句大全

离子凝胶法 Ionotropic gelation英语短句 例句大全

... applications include the encapsulation of bioactive compounds in alginate beads for sustained release, the preparation of injectable hydrogels for cell transplantation, and the development of dressings for chronic wound management. The versatility and tunability of ionotropic gelation make it a pro...


“她有两只大大的眼睛”英语不要说“She has two big eyes”!

“她有两只大大的眼睛”英语不要说“She has two big eyes”!

...(清澈的用clear即可,也可以用来描述水的清澈)She has beady eyes.圆溜溜的小眼睛(好像小鸟的那种眼睛)* bead就是表示珠子,念珠,所以beady作为它的形容词也很好理解哈。He has piggy eyes.他有一双小小小眼睛。(用这个词描述的...


说出心里话的情感句子 锥心刺骨 令人心碎

说出心里话的情感句子 锥心刺骨 令人心碎

...y, you walk into my heart, you will cry, because it is full of your little beads.如果有一天,我走进你的心里,我会哭,因为我在里面找不到一丝的痕迹。If one day, I walk into your heart, I will cry, because I can"t find it inside.你真的忘记我了吗?曾经那么...


夜深人静的忧伤小句 深情浪漫 忍不住收藏!

夜深人静的忧伤小句 深情浪漫 忍不住收藏!

...azy to lie to him is really want to break up.在我的眼上结成了水珠Beads of water on my eyes如果当初无爱,我们又怎么会因为昨天而心痛呢。If there is no love, how can we because of yesterday and heartache.Love with love, those who become accustomed to爱着爱着,那些...


适合发说说的感悟句子 简短有哲理 句句深入人心

适合发说说的感悟句子 简短有哲理 句句深入人心

...ive comments, which can hurt yourself.九星连珠不是冰葫芦Nine star beads are not ice gourd而只是因为执著看到了希望。And just because I see hope.我一直跑着,只是为了追那一年被寄予厚望的自己。I have been running, just to pursue the year was placed on their own...


抒发情感的爱情语录 发自肺腑 令人动容

抒发情感的爱情语录 发自肺腑 令人动容

...see roses.我把我两只眼睛的珠子都抠不进去。I can"t pull the beads in both my eyes.夕阳照在霞上"The sunset is shining on the sunset“你会像影子一样跟随我吧,怀吉?You"ll follow me like a shadow, wyge?你眨一眼,温驯的小鹿跳了起来,You blink, and the tame dee...


老外学汉语出奇招 手臂翻译成“show bee” 中国人听了笑到喷饭

老外学汉语出奇招 手臂翻译成“show bee” 中国人听了笑到喷饭

...是“yachts”,胃的读音被翻译成“way”,鼻子的读音是“beads”,虽然读起来和中文的发音很像,但是准确度不高,而且听起来怪怪的,缺点火候!外国人把不客气翻译成“book ltchy”,你好吗被译成“knee how ma”,很好被翻译成...


值得细品的人生感悟 句句深入人心 句句引人共鸣

值得细品的人生感悟 句句深入人心 句句引人共鸣

...cause I love you和尚对佛珠感到不安Monk is uneasy about the Buddha beads实际上没有什么,只是希望它能够变得更大。There is nothing, but hope it will become bigger.你不会因为圣诞节而老是吵架吧?You don"t fight all the time for Christmas, do you?你和温柔。You ...


经典有韵味的短句子 句句独特 总有一句与你心有灵犀

经典有韵味的短句子 句句独特 总有一句与你心有灵犀

...,今天喜赤绳系定,珠合。Today, I like to tie the red rope, and the beads are closed.遥远的未来,山与水之间,The distant future, between mountains and water,唯独你最深得我意,只因你最不懂举手。Only you know me the most, only because you don"t know how to raise your han...


让你一见倾心的521句子 简短可爱 人气超高

让你一见倾心的521句子 简短可爱 人气超高

...one, losing泡奶要加蜂蜜点奶茶像小珠儿一样Honey and tea like beads对于自己的要求很低:Low requirements for yourself:祝你这一生快乐,心地善良I wish you a happy and kind heart in your life微拖眼上挑舒缓墨水湿透的睡意Light drag eye to ease the wet sleep of ...


滴水湖 Dishui Lake英语短句 例句大全

滴水湖 Dishui Lake英语短句 例句大全

...ake.Crystal drops were dripping from a dozen lotus buds in the lake, while beads of water rolled about the leaves.湖中有十来枝荷花。荷花上清水滴滴,荷叶上水珠滚来滚去。10.Crystal drops were dripping from a dozen lotus buds in the lake, while beads of water rolled about the...


皮一下很开心的语句 沙雕有趣 快乐一整天!

皮一下很开心的语句 沙雕有趣 快乐一整天!

...ve that seeing a meteor can make a wish. I just want to collect the Dragon beads.2、你这样不对,我教你,要两粒一起嚼才够味”“还让不让人吃米饭了“It"s not right for you. I"ll teach you to chew two grains together to make it tasty“3、为什么男生追到女生后...


暖心语录|也许 这样的雨天 更适合独处

暖心语录|也许 这样的雨天 更适合独处

...uch a rainy day, through the door to the balcony angleis the connection of beads in the wind does not belong to their own radians, floating on the ground, scattered, gathering, Disorderly flow to unknown low recesses, showing the power of convergence.静默,源于内心,曾经以为静默就足...


温柔到爆的神仙句子|缘来缘去 守住一份淡泊 留一份悠闲

温柔到爆的神仙句子|缘来缘去 守住一份淡泊 留一份悠闲

...ronger the aroma with the wind, drink shallow whispers.Pen and ink such as beads, entrance, tongue into the heart, pen to spring flowers autumn fall, books to the tip of the blue silk is full of thick bitter, and then is a touch of fragrance to go to the time, leaning on the world, from now on the y...


值得你细品的现实文案 有感而发 每一句都能说到心坎里!

值得你细品的现实文案 有感而发 每一句都能说到心坎里!

...ou very much ", from the Southern and Northern dynasties" broken jade cast beads "适合发动态的干净短句,满满正能量,人见人爱!超拽超有范的霸气句子,治愈洒脱,值得你去欣赏!适合抄在书上给自己加油打气的句子,献给不平凡的你!蕴含...
