第一句子大全 > 标签 > sock
双语学习|衣服类的趣味俚语 put a sock in it到底什么意思?

双语学习|衣服类的趣味俚语 put a sock in it到底什么意思?

Idioms are phrases or common expressions which usually have figurative but sometimes also literal meaning. Check out our list of common idioms related to clothes and clothing.习语是指通常具有比喻意义,但有时也具有字面意义的短语或常用短语。看看我们关于服装的...

2013-01-15 #经典句子

四年级英语最易出错点:学通“复数性名词” 1个口诀全搞定!

四年级英语最易出错点:学通“复数性名词” 1个口诀全搞定!


2023-11-06 #经典句子

干货| 生活中容易误用的10句常用口语!你都用对了吗?

干货| 生活中容易误用的10句常用口语!你都用对了吗?

...这件事,甜心。你知道我还没有心理准备。10pull up one"s socks.振作起来!这句话来源于篮球教练,比赛的中场休息时,落后比分的一队就会气势低迷,袜子都会滑道脚踝,这时候教练就说,“Pull up one"s socks”,把袜子提起来,也...

2014-05-10 #经典句子

英语中怎么询问物品价格?5个句型必掌握 最后2个太重要

英语中怎么询问物品价格?5个句型必掌握 最后2个太重要

... 当询问的物品为两个或者两个以上时eg: –How much are these socks?这些袜子多少钱?–They are two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.2美元一双,3美元两双。–How much are three apples?三个苹果多少钱?–They are five yuan. 5元。(sock和a...

2023-12-26 #经典句子



...上帝与你同在”,现表达“再见,再会”。03Pull up one"s socks是“穿上袜子”?NO!这是“振作起来”的意思。 这个表达来源于篮球教练,在比赛中场休息时,落后的一队往往会气势低迷,袜子都会滑到脚踝,这时候教练就说,“...

2023-02-06 #经典句子

五年级英语Unit4单词 音标 句型 英汉互译高频考点汇总

五年级英语Unit4单词 音标 句型 英汉互译高频考点汇总

...里?(复数)They are ……. 他们在……。例:Where are the socks? 袜子在哪里?They are on the bed. 他们在床上。2、猜测某物在哪里但是不确定。Is it …? 它在……吗?(单数)Yes,it is. 是的,它在。(肯定回答)No,it isn’t. 不,它...

2022-11-20 #经典句子



...盒子和一双袜子,向全班介绍:“This is a box, and these are socks.”接着把袜子放进盒子里面,说“The socks are in the box.”然后又把它们拿出来放在盒子的上面,说:“They are on the box.”接着把袜子放在盒子的下面,说:“They are under t...

2007-08-22 #经典句子

学习跟工作相关的短语 Learn 12 English Phrases to Use at Work

学习跟工作相关的短语 Learn 12 English Phrases to Use at Work

...of colleagues, I"m sure everyone has a coworker who needs to pull up their socks.In English, when we say that someone needs to pull up their socks, it means they need to work harder.I"m sure at your place of work, everyone works really hard, but there might be that one person who just doesn"t work a...

2018-01-02 #经典句子

小学英语双语作文 家长辅导英语写作练习 《童年趣事》

小学英语双语作文 家长辅导英语写作练习 《童年趣事》

...把它们挂在架子上。There is a shirt, a pair of trousers, a pair of socks, and a pair of shorts on the pole.有衬衫、裤子、袜子和短裤。It was windy.起风了。The wind blew them down from the clothes-horse.风把它们吹掉了。Just then, an old man passed by the door of my yar...

2016-05-23 #经典句子

50句BBC地道英语表达汇总 很好的口语素材

50句BBC地道英语表达汇总 很好的口语素材

BBC英语短语1. Knock your socks off叹为观止2. Work your socks off拼命干活3. Armed to the teeth全副武装4. Under someone"s thumb受人控制5. Have egg on your face狼狈不堪6. Turn a blind eye视而不见7. Burn a hole in your pocket一有钱就想花8. Strapped for cash手头紧9. P...

2023-06-09 #经典句子

适合圣诞节发朋友圈的句子 适合平安夜发的句子。句句经典!

适合圣诞节发朋友圈的句子 适合平安夜发的句子。句句经典!

...头的袜子里。Santa, I hope you can tuck your final exam answers in my socks at the end of my bed.5、圣诞老人是哪家快递公司的 等了十年都没到货,差评。Which express company is Santa Claus, waiting for ten years, did not arrive, poor comments.6、今年提前谢谢大家...

2023-01-27 #经典句子

蒙特梭利教育法 学英语洗衣服两不误

蒙特梭利教育法 学英语洗衣服两不误

... the laundry in the machine.把要洗的衣服放进洗衣机内。Get the socks all together.把袜子都放一起。Put the colored clothes here and the whites over there.有颜色的衣服放这里,白色的衣服放那里。Should these pants be washed?这条裤子也要洗吗?Gosh! Dad"s sock...

2023-07-02 #经典句子

科比奥斯卡电影亲爱的篮球 中英文台词就像一首诗歌

科比奥斯卡电影亲爱的篮球 中英文台词就像一首诗歌

From the moment那一年I started rolling my dad’s tube socks我第一次穿上爸爸的筒袜And shooting imaginary Game-winning shots幻想着自己在场上赢球In the Great Western Forum幻想自己在西部论坛球馆I knew one thing was real:我知道I fell in love with you.我爱上了篮...

2016-04-21 #经典句子



...n the glass is very cold.(玻璃杯里的水很冷)2、glasses, shoes, socks, trousers, gloves等名词往往用复数形式,故谓语用复数。如:The trousers are very cheap and I want to take them.(裤子很便宜,我想买)注意:如果这类名词前用了a pair of等量词,...

2024-01-12 #经典句子

提前准备关于圣诞节的文案 超级有趣!快乐多多

提前准备关于圣诞节的文案 超级有趣!快乐多多

...过来,里朝外挂在床边,整个世界都是你的礼物Turn your socks over at Christmas and hang them outside the bed. The whole world is your gift五,世上当然有圣诞老人。只是因为一个人做不了他得做的那么多事情,所以上帝把任务分给了我们大家。所...

2011-06-05 #经典句子

第五章 英语同族单词辅音字母逻辑推理记忆实例(16-18)

第五章 英语同族单词辅音字母逻辑推理记忆实例(16-18)


2014-10-27 #经典句子



...替复数物品时可用they,尽量减少名词的重复。eg:Look at my socks. They are on the bed.★5.恰当地使用连词:句子与句子之间应用恰当的连词连接,这样才能使文章有自然的过渡,以使整篇文章流畅。常用连词有and,可以表并列、承接...

2023-05-19 #经典句子



...nit7 单词much 许多;大量;多少How much...?(购物时)……多少钱?sock 短袜T-shirt T恤衫shorts (pl.) 短裤sweater 毛衣trousers (pl.) 裤子shoe 鞋skirt 裙子dollar 元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$)big 大的;小号的small 小的;小号的short 短的,矮的lo...

2023-07-13 #经典句子

形容词性物主代词 英语的基本语法之一

形容词性物主代词 英语的基本语法之一

...物主代词完成下面的句子。1. The one on the floor is Daniel’s sock.The one on the floor is _____ sock.2. I am Emma"s sister.I am _____ sister.3. We are Tony"s cousins.We are _____ cousins.4. My wife"s dog is really friendly._____ is really friendly.5. These are my friends" books.These ar...

2023-06-08 #经典句子

12月25日圣诞节节日最美祝福中英双语 圣诞老人礼物贺卡带祝福词

12月25日圣诞节节日最美祝福中英双语 圣诞老人礼物贺卡带祝福词

...his year, there are two reasons: one, Santa last year by your smelly socks smoked afraid; second, your socks have a big hole, quick Bubu bar! Merry christmas!20.岁月悠悠,时光如流,恰是怀念最多时,且寄予无限的祝福,祝圣诞快乐!Over the years, such as the fl...

2007-03-20 #经典句子