第一句子大全 > 标签 > attractive
作文续写——How to write out an attractive story

作文续写——How to write out an attractive story



充满阳光的励志句子 记在心里 努力向上

充满阳光的励志句子 记在心里 努力向上

...oblin, but to be a queen. Goblins are used to charm and queens are used to attract. Charming and attracted, attracted and attracted, these two pairs of words are meaningful.如果老人们告诉你做不到的事,你不妨试着去做,最后发现你其实可以做到。If the old people tell yo...


看破人心的句子 句句有道理 言简意深 一语道破!

看破人心的句子 句句有道理 言简意深 一语道破!

...是有吸引力的。知道自己想要什么很有吸引力。Maturity is attractive.having your shit together is attractive.having ambition and goals is attractive.knowing what you want is attractive.十一、你可以为了某人往返于月球,而他们会厚颜无耻地说:“我从没要...


安慰自己的正能量句子 唯美阳光 句句暖心窝!

安慰自己的正能量句子 唯美阳光 句句暖心窝!

...,你会惊讶于你所吸引的东西。You will be amazed at what you attract when you start believing in what you deserve.三、如果生活能让你失去一个你从未想过失去的人,那么它也能让一个你从未想过要拥有的人取而代之。If life can remove sommeone you neve...


快乐女孩秒懂的沙雕句子 可爱逗趣 一眼就爱上!

快乐女孩秒懂的沙雕句子 可爱逗趣 一眼就爱上!

...book seriously, the world becomes very interesting, any wind and grass can attract me.2、如果有一天你不开心,不如来看看我的朋友圈吧,你会发现我比你开心多了。If one day you are not happy, it is better to visit my circle of friends, you will find that I am much happi...


高中英语阅读理解(带翻译 答案 带解析)

高中英语阅读理解(带翻译 答案 带解析)

...nd green Isle of Wight (IOW). The Isle of Wight is one of the main tourist attractions. Here is some information on a few of the attractions on the IOW.Dinosaur IsleIt is located in Sandown, a seaside town on the southeast coast. It"s a large, lovely museum, both fun and educational. Here you can se...


Day 75 短语辨析 做到会学会用

Day 75 短语辨析 做到会学会用

... attitude to life.她的魅力在于她对人生天真烂漫的态度。5. attract one"s attention 吸引某人注意力eg.: The chairperson clapped to attract our attention.主席拍手以唤起我们的注意。6. back and forth 来来往往地、(前后)来回地back and forth只能做副词...


适合在雨夜欣赏的短句 看透人生

适合在雨夜欣赏的短句 看透人生

...ourself confidence to face life. Confident people can make themselves more attractive and attract the attention of others.在爱情面前,女人会欣然接受。与此同时,她也会积极合作,让爱情早日到来。In front of love, women will gladly accept it. At the same time, she will...


学好用好英语长难句 阅读 写作 翻译三不误

学好用好英语长难句 阅读 写作 翻译三不误

...a Lutheran University and University of Texas, Austin, posits that men’s attraction to certain traits in women can be directly affected by how realistic a romantic prospect their potential lover is.1. 阅读:三步骤解析句子:1)简化结构:主句——主语—谓语—宾语The study...


运用语篇语言学知识 提高英语阅读教学主题主旨理解能力

运用语篇语言学知识 提高英语阅读教学主题主旨理解能力

...ul/untouched/various/famous/special可以推断Galapagos Islands is a very attractive place.④提取Verb-ing: sitting/watching/observing/travelling主题句(标题): Galapagos Islands - an Attractive Place for Tourists.主旨大意: Galapagos Islands is an attractive place for tourists,inspiring Ch...


值得你细品的句子 一眼便触动你的内心

值得你细品的句子 一眼便触动你的内心

... chatting, you can show yourself well, stimulate each other"s emotions and attract each other"s attention.从这个角度来看,如果你想判断一个人是否被你吸引,那就很容易理解了。因为爱会主动,不爱就不会。From this point of view, it"s easy to understand if you ...




...d a picnic with local delicious food to follow up.名.旅游景点 tourist attractions观光地 sight-seeing spots宜人的景色 wonderful scenery便利的交通 convenient transportation华夏文明 Chinese civilization 低廉的费用 low budget有趣的传说 interesting legends 登山 mounta...


温柔爱情文案 句句动心 怦然心动

温柔爱情文案 句句动心 怦然心动

...是两个灵魂相吸。Love is not the collision of two organs, but the attraction of two souls.总是有一场相遇,是互相喜欢,是相互欣赏,是彼此踏上茫茫人海中的一次温柔奔赴There is always a meeting, is to like each other, is to appreciate each other, is to step on...


保研英语面试 这2个问题导师最常问 看完可以去准备稿子了

保研英语面试 这2个问题导师最常问 看完可以去准备稿子了

...究很有意义。用到的词:对方向感兴趣,有吸引力interest/attraction;收获与成长gains and progress;有意义及原因meaningful/helpful/conducive to social well-being等2、选择这个专业原因Why do you choose this major?为什么选择这个专业?碰到这个问题,...


让人瞬间通透的句子 意味深长 值得一看

让人瞬间通透的句子 意味深长 值得一看

...对方,而吸引我的人,从头到尾都不是你。Only the best can attract each other, and the people who attract me are not you from beginning to end.本可以处理得更好,但是现在想要做得更好已经太晚了。I could have done better, but it"s too late to do better.我的那...


风趣幽默的文案|招蜂引蝶的技术没有 招蚊子我却是一流

风趣幽默的文案|招蜂引蝶的技术没有 招蚊子我却是一流

...的技术没有,招蚊子我却是一流的。I don"t have the skills to attract butterflies, but I have the skills to attract mosquitoes.你们在家捂白了一个色号,我在家吃大了一个尺码,我们都有光明的未来。You cover a white color at home, I eat a size bigger at home,...


适用于忧伤时发的小句 治愈情绪 抚慰受伤的心

适用于忧伤时发的小句 治愈情绪 抚慰受伤的心

...较单纯。我被你的颜色所吸引。Those little girls outside are attracted by your wealth, so I am relatively simple. I am attracted by your color.被表白不是骄傲,而是被怀念。Being professed is not pride, but being remembered.如果有一天我们不在一起了,我们应该...


激励成长的句子 句句有内涵 富含哲理 直入心灵!

激励成长的句子 句句有内涵 富含哲理 直入心灵!

...、被你的美丽吸引是平凡的,被你的灵魂吸引是罕见的。Attraction to your beauty is ordinary attraction to your soul is rare.五、如果你不知道如何做人,你的知识就一文不值。Your knowledge is worthless if you don"t know how to be a human.六、当生活洒下...


小众治愈系精品短句 惊艳你的朋友圈 适合下载收藏

小众治愈系精品短句 惊艳你的朋友圈 适合下载收藏

...心灵的至纯至真和至善。It"s true that extraordinary talent can attract bees and attract butterflies, but the most touching thing in the world is the purity, truth and goodness of the soul.言语独存无真意,心到诚处才有情Words alone have no true meaning, and only when the heart...




...宾不分I want to describe one of my best friends.shename is Amy.He has attractive eyes and curly hair. I like him very much.这种错误十分常见,我们在看的时候能够一眼就看出来错误在哪里,但是说的时候往往不能意识到。因为在中文里面,表示男女的人...
