第一句子大全 > 标签 > Milky
英文阅读6——Milky Way's centre exploded many years ago

英文阅读6——Milky Way's centre exploded many years ago

...曲的ionisation:n离子化,电离cone:n圆锥体;vt形成圆锥体Milky Way"s centre exploded 3.5 million years ago350万年前银河系的中心爆炸A cataclysmic energy flare ripped through our galaxy, the Milky Way, about 3.5 million years ago, a team of astronomers say. 一组天文学...

2018-09-01 #经典句子

强颜的丧句|秋天的第一杯奶茶 款款独制 杯杯走心

强颜的丧句|秋天的第一杯奶茶 款款独制 杯杯走心

...杯奶茶,喝完的感觉是,款款独制,杯杯走心。The first milky tea of the autumn explains that making alone continuously, even a bottle can move your heart.(2)我不喜欢茶,但我更喜欢奶茶,正如我喜欢花,但我更喜欢有结果的树!每个人喜欢的定义...

2023-05-15 #经典句子

向人间贩卖温柔的句子 文艺唯美 适合摘抄下来

向人间贩卖温柔的句子 文艺唯美 适合摘抄下来

...赠与我们。I want to chew up all the unhappy, and then scatter to the Milky Way, the Milky Way to purify all the unhappy, and then become the stars to give us.我要开着我的宇宙飞船一直前行,虽然我可能会撞上流星,我的飞船也可能会耗光所有的燃料,但是我...

2022-12-03 #经典句子

满眼皆是星河的温柔仙句 精致美好 适合做个性签名

满眼皆是星河的温柔仙句 精致美好 适合做个性签名

...ve this world, gentle this world, gentle to melt the moon and stars in the Milky Way!愿我们勇敢自信且温柔,就这样朝着那个光亮的地方,头也不回地走下去吧!要去追寻月亮和星辰,即使是坠落,那也应该是坠落在这浩瀚的银河里吧!May we be brav...

2017-01-13 #经典句子

高级文案 句句触动你心弦!

高级文案 句句触动你心弦!

...good love, and then tonight carrying the flashing light.Hazy fall into the milky milky milk, and deeply into another embrace.很高级的撩人情话,高甜暖心,让人心动!雨后走心温柔文案,精致美好,越看越入迷!适于写在便签上的激励文字,简单大方,拿...

2020-01-22 #经典句子

关于星辰大海的温柔文案|光与陆契合 月与海浪漫

关于星辰大海的温柔文案|光与陆契合 月与海浪漫

...immortal.眉眼是银河,眼里有星辰。The eyebrows and eyes are the Milky way, and there are stars in the eyes.我们就像是银河中的一颗寒星,相互闪烁寻找呼应,为了找到同在一个频率的那个人。生活本不易,希望我们「慢慢相遇」且行且珍惜。 W...

2013-01-25 #经典句子

高质量文案句子 句句精辟 写的太好了!

高质量文案句子 句句精辟 写的太好了!

...来,我胸中有谷,立刻撼动了河山。All the nights back to the Milky Way, all the spring back to the sparse hedges, all the careless ecstasy and stagnation back to the past and the future, I have a valley in my heart, immediately shook the mountains and rivers.想在黄昏时分闲逛,...

2022-11-12 #经典句子



...疑是银河落九天DeepL: fly straight down 3,000 feet, suspect that the Milky Way is falling into nine heavens谷歌翻译:Flying down 3,000 feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days有道: It flew down three thousand feet and was suspected to be the Milky Way falling nine days...

2023-10-15 #经典句子

适合发给对象的爱情短句 甜蜜深情 说给心爱的人听吧!

适合发给对象的爱情短句 甜蜜深情 说给心爱的人听吧!

...r part.你读的都是银河,你读的都是银河。All you read is the Milky Way. All you read is the Milky Way.所有的相遇都是我的本意。All the encounters are my original intention.为了你,为了你,为了你,为了熬了一夜的你,为了你,为了你,为了你的余...

2023-06-18 #经典句子



...refund.3、跨过星河迈过月亮去迎接更好的自己。Crossing the Milky Way and Crossing the Moon to Meet a Better Self4、躲在暗处的星星也在努力发光,你也要加油啊。The stars hiding in the dark are also trying to shine, so you have to refuel.5、我野蛮生长,没能...

2022-11-16 #经典句子

时刻提醒自己努力的句子 简单大方 建议收藏

时刻提醒自己努力的句子 简单大方 建议收藏

...so happy and I didn"t know what I said. "「看见银河了吗?」"See the Milky way?"只有血流成河的手指,可以弹人间的绝唱。Only blood flowing fingers can play the world"s unique singing."月亮掉进河里看不见底,星星垂眼惊动了舸""The moon falls into the river and cann...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

干净文艺的句子|承蒙你出现 够我喜欢好多年

干净文艺的句子|承蒙你出现 够我喜欢好多年

...星揣兜里,跑到远处送给你You are the lone star scattered by the Milky Way, just fall into my eyes, want to carry the stars in the pocket, run to the distance to give you想看的山河湖海日落星辰,遇见你的那天都有了着落Want to see the mountain river lake sea sunset star...

2022-12-12 #经典句子

温柔系句子‖大雾四起 我在无人处爱你

温柔系句子‖大雾四起 我在无人处爱你

...oon and the dense stars came late. I suddenly thought of the melody of the Milky way if there was a sound.大雾四起,我在无人处爱你。I love you where there is no one.当飞机驶入城市上方,初升的阳光照在你脸上,我知道我的青春都有了答案,这场爱恋也不...

2022-12-04 #经典句子

告白文案:一年四季会有很多意外 但最迷人的 还是遇见了你

告白文案:一年四季会有很多意外 但最迷人的 还是遇见了你

... Evening wind letter said I think you sporadicly think you also made the milky milky gentle wind and playful you I want.Ever since I liked you, I"ve been out of gravity because my center of gravity has become you.「暖心情话」在所有四字成语里,我最喜欢久别重逢「告白情话」...

2014-07-25 #经典句子

睡前发朋友圈的暖心晚安句子 俏皮可爱 简短经典!

睡前发朋友圈的暖心晚安句子 俏皮可爱 简短经典!

...一同为你沦陷。The moon is for sale. You come to me from behind the Milky Way. I fall for you with the starlight.我要乔装成一颗小奶糖,夜深了提着星星灯,快快溜到你的梦里说晚安。I want to disguise as a small toffice, late at night with the star light, quickly sli...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

星星般的文案 北斗七星的勺子 你看我的眼睛

星星般的文案 北斗七星的勺子 你看我的眼睛

...。Sparkling stars, like gems, scattered thickly over the vast night sky.Milky white Milky Way, from the northwest horizon, across the sky, slanting down to the southeast land.深夜后哽咽的句子,无助地对抗,悄悄地消失心情美丽发朋友圈的句子,鲜花和泡沫,全都是...

2023-02-02 #经典句子

毕业后才知道 文科生和理科生的差距 真不是一星半点

毕业后才知道 文科生和理科生的差距 真不是一星半点

...受得到的,无需多言。这可能就是所谓的气质所在吧。@Milky CC跑操的时候,尤其是夏天,文科班穿裙子的女生真多啊,再看看我们理科班,女生全是T恤和裤子(我们虽然穿裤子但我们还是美美的小仙女啦)。- 02 -「理科生味道VS...

2018-02-27 #经典句子



...民,我环游整个宇宙,为找寻你的踪迹。I am a wanderer in the Milky way. You are a resident of the moon. I travel around the universe to find your trace.⑥你的眼睛真好看,里面有晴雨、日月、山川、花鸟、云雾,但我的眼睛更好看,因为我的眼睛里有你Your ey...

2023-05-19 #经典句子

写给女生的温柔雅句 纯洁高级 值得珍藏!

写给女生的温柔雅句 纯洁高级 值得珍藏!

... by talking hard. 没有我你看不到银河。 You can"t see the Milky Way without me. 你说走就走。我从来没有想过我的感受。 Just leave when you say so. I never thought about how I felt. 我只喜欢爱我的人靠近我 。If you don"t want to see you, ...

2022-12-04 #经典句子



...ear me.9.我沿着星河捡着你遗落在月亮旁的浪漫。I along the Milky way to pick up the romance you left beside the moon.10.你胜过百个泛泛之交。You"re better than a hundred casual friends.

2023-10-26 #经典句子