第一句子大全 > 标签 > child


child词根词缀词源:一词千金秒杀英语单词child——阿晨《一词千金秒杀英语单词词典》childchild n. 小孩;子女;产物;孩子气的人,幼稚的人结构秒杀:child =c+hild =c+hold/hand =手臂张开的象形+抱住/托住 =需要用手抱的人 =小孩/产...

2011-09-23 #经典句子

母亲节你和宝宝说的英文:做贺卡 感谢妈妈 制造惊喜

母亲节你和宝宝说的英文:做贺卡 感谢妈妈 制造惊喜

作者:小雅和英美友人Mother"s Day 母亲节Child: Good morning!宝宝:早上好!Happy Mother"s Day, Mom!母亲节快乐,妈妈!Mom: Thank you!妈妈:谢谢!What have you brought me?你给我带来了什么礼物?Child: A card.宝宝:一张贺卡。We made them in school.我...

2019-10-08 #经典句子

做教师节贺卡时和宝宝说的英文 彩纸 对折 蜡笔 怎么说?

做教师节贺卡时和宝宝说的英文 彩纸 对折 蜡笔 怎么说?

...:小雅和英美友人Making a Card for Teachers" Day 做教师节贺卡Child: Tomorrow is Teachers" Day, Mom!宝宝:明天是教师节,妈妈!教师节的英文写法有很多,我们选用了联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)的写法Teachers" Day,UNESCO世界教师节的日期为10...

2010-03-24 #经典句子

瞬间勾起你童年回忆的句子 简单快乐 哪一句让你有熟悉的感觉?

瞬间勾起你童年回忆的句子 简单快乐 哪一句让你有熟悉的感觉?

...一天好长,一学期好长,一直想要快快长大。When I was a child, I felt a long day and a long semester. I always wanted to grow up quickly.2、小时候总觉得打破碗就是滔天大罪,所以每次打破碗都嚎啕大哭。When I was a child, I always felt that breaking the bow...

2022-11-20 #经典句子

端午节吃粽子和宝宝说英文 红枣鲜肉粘米 甜口咸口怎么说?

端午节吃粽子和宝宝说英文 红枣鲜肉粘米 甜口咸口怎么说?

...也常常被用到,但它们也可以指其他米、粘米做的点心。Child: Hurray! I love zongzi.宝宝:太棒了!我喜欢粽子。Mom: Let"s work on steaming them.妈妈:咱们把它们蒸一下吧。They"re nearly ready;它们是半成品;we just need to place them in the steamer....

2010-06-13 #经典句子

长大后才明白的句子 现实深刻 哪一句戳中你内心?

长大后才明白的句子 现实深刻 哪一句戳中你内心?

...长大了遇到不开心的事情,就只剩下苦笑了。When I was a child, when I met unhappy things, I would cry once. When I grew up, when I met unhappy things, I only had a bitter smile.2、小时候放假总喜欢出去玩,长大了一放假就想着回家。I always like to go out to pla...

2023-06-22 #经典句子



...怎么说?◆ Thankful和grateful有什么区别?Giving Thanks 感恩Child: Look at all that food.宝宝:看这么多吃的。Mom: Doesn"t it look delicious?妈妈:看起来很好吃吧?Child: Yes! I am ready to eat!宝宝:嗯!我准备吃了!Mom: The turkey needs a few more minutes ...

2023-01-03 #经典句子

春天和孩子说的英文:小草发芽 柳树抽新枝 冰雪消融 动物苏醒

春天和孩子说的英文:小草发芽 柳树抽新枝 冰雪消融 动物苏醒

...“春雨”?◆ 英语里有什么关于春天的谚语?Spring 春天Child: The birds seem loud and talkative today.宝宝:今天鸟儿的叫声好大、一直叫个不停。Mom: That means spring is coming.妈妈:这说明春天来了。Child: How do you know?宝宝:你怎么知道的?...

2010-07-02 #经典句子

“私生子”英语怎么说?千万别说“bastard” 小心挨揍!

“私生子”英语怎么说?千万别说“bastard” 小心挨揍!

...。【例句】He"s a real bastard.他是个十足的混蛋。illegitimate child刚刚上面bastard的英文解释有:an illegitimate child其实这是“私生子”最正式、严肃的说法,illegitimate child更偏向于书面用语。illegitimate英 [ldtmt] 美 [ldtmt] adj. 私生的;...

2020-10-01 #经典句子

清明踏青的亲子英文 踏青怎么说?教宝宝支帐篷 挂吊床 铺餐垫

清明踏青的亲子英文 踏青怎么说?教宝宝支帐篷 挂吊床 铺餐垫

...ing outing this short holiday?妈妈:这个小长假你想去踏青吗?Child: I"d love that!宝宝:想去!Where would we go?咱们去哪儿?Mom: We"d go to a park in the suburbs.妈妈:咱们可以去一个郊区的公园。We"ll get to see foliage and greenery我们能看到植物和绿...

2011-07-04 #经典句子

六月一日是儿童节 那“儿童节”用英语怎么表示?

六月一日是儿童节 那“儿童节”用英语怎么表示?

...好!今天是儿童节,那“儿童节”用英语该怎么表示呢?child的意思是“小孩,儿童”,其通常指 14 岁以下的儿童,这个单词的复数形式为children。儿童节是孩子们的节日,因此,“儿童节”可以用英语表示为“Children"s Day”。 ...

2023-10-16 #经典句子

元宵节吃汤圆的亲子英文 元宵汤圆的区别 糯米面 各种馅怎么说

元宵节吃汤圆的亲子英文 元宵汤圆的区别 糯米面 各种馅怎么说

...il them?你想帮忙煮吗?Let"s get the pot out.咱们把锅拿出来。Child: I"ll fill it with water.宝宝:我来倒水。Mom: Very good.妈妈:非常好。I"ll turn the heat on.我来开火。We"ll bring the water to a boil咱们把水烧开,and then add the Tang Yuan.然后下汤圆。...

2007-01-27 #经典句子

带宝宝去水上乐园说的英文:玩懒人漂流 碰碰船 造浪池

带宝宝去水上乐园说的英文:玩懒人漂流 碰碰船 造浪池

...ly exciting,它不是很刺激,but it is very relaxing.但是很放松。Child: I think that"s exactly what I need after that big lunch!宝宝:我觉得吃完这么一顿大餐之后玩这个正好!I could really take a nap in the warm sunshine.我可以在温暖的阳光下睡一小会儿。M...

2009-07-08 #经典句子

小学英语双语作文 家长辅导英语写作练习 《家谱》

小学英语双语作文 家长辅导英语写作练习 《家谱》

...我们的家庭成员介绍给我。Father side grandparents have only one child.爷爷奶奶只有一个孩子。He was born in winter, and called Yunancheng.他出生在冬天,叫元诚。Of course, he is my daddy.当然喽,他就是我爸爸。He is a police.他是一名警察。Mother side g...

2023-09-30 #经典句子



...use English at home1.Watch cartoons and songs in English, without subtitlesChildren love learning through songs and videos.2.Rhyme with your childRead your child nursery rhymes in a whisper, but get loud on the rhymes so they can hear the difference. For example: “The little brown CUB liked to RUB...

2023-05-18 #经典句子



...:- Get Your Bed BackPlenty of toddlers, preschoolers, even school-aged children nationwide are sleeping with their parents at least some of the time. 我们习惯说baby,kid,child,children等等,今天学了一个因此:a toddler:a toddler is a baby,or a little child,a little kidA pre-school...

2009-07-10 #经典句子

玩水枪亲子英文 从选地儿 到接水 灌水 射击 分步教打水仗

玩水枪亲子英文 从选地儿 到接水 灌水 射击 分步教打水仗

...这说明今天很适合打水仗!What do you think?你觉得怎么样?Child: Yes! That would be fun!宝宝:嗯!肯定很有意思!Mom: Okay. Let"s go pull the water guns out.妈妈:好的。我们把水枪拿出来。亦可将pull替换为take。I think they are in the top of your close...

2010-04-19 #经典句子



一、单选题1.Now most families have only one child _____ our country’s one-child policy.A.soB.becauseC.because forD.because of2.—_____ you _____ your homework yet?—Yes, I _____ it ten minutes ago.A.Did; do; finishedB.Have; done; have finishedC.Have; done; finishedD.Will...

2023-10-01 #经典句子

长大后才看懂的句子 触动心灵 说到心坎里!

长大后才看懂的句子 触动心灵 说到心坎里!

...活就是:事事如意了之外,年年有余额不足。When I was a child, I thought that life was: everything goes well, with surplus every year; when I grew up, I found that life was: everything goes wrong, with insufficient balance every year.小时候微笑是一种心情,长大后微笑...

2022-11-17 #经典句子

今天重阳节 用英文给宝宝讲讲如何尊敬老人

今天重阳节 用英文给宝宝讲讲如何尊敬老人

作者:小雅和英美友人Respecting the Elderly 尊敬老人Child: Mom, I don"t think that elderly lady with the walker宝宝:妈妈,我觉得用助行器的那位老奶奶can cross the street before the light changes!在变灯前过不去马路了!Mom: You"re right!妈妈:你说得对...

2017-01-04 #经典句子