第一句子大全 > 标签 > tape
go through lots of red tape和红色胶带有关吗?其实指繁文缛节

go through lots of red tape和红色胶带有关吗?其实指繁文缛节

red tape官僚的作业流程。几个世纪以来,英国的律师和官员都是以红色的书带绑住一沓沓的文件,因而狄更斯在他的作品中,以red tape来讽喻死板苛刻的法规和流程,沿用至今,这个短语便被用来形容官僚体系的作业流程。看看...

2017-06-15 #经典句子

2016年考研英语 英语一Text 1(第二部分) 长难句解析

2016年考研英语 英语一Text 1(第二部分) 长难句解析

...*sign v. 签名;签字;打手势 n.标志;迹象;指示牌;手势tape-measure n. 卷尺2. 拆分句子①标点符号:, . ! : — 等②连接词:and, but, or, that, which......a. 首先进行标点符号拆分:在“especially teenage girls”前后都有个“,”,其后面是个...

2022-11-21 #经典句子

英语教案怎么写?来看看这个教案模板 手把手教你写

英语教案怎么写?来看看这个教案模板 手把手教你写

... the leaves on the tree.”Step 2: PresentationStudents will listen to the tape and answer the question “what is your favourite season?”Teacher will play the tape again and students will imitate it. Then teacher will write the words with “w” on the blackboard such as watch, water, week, wint...

2012-05-28 #经典句子

英文美句D130:你可以偶尔停下来 享受简单的快乐

英文美句D130:你可以偶尔停下来 享受简单的快乐

...了屋外。(2)(按暂停键)暂停放音,暂停放像:to stop a tape, CD, etc. for a short time using the pause buttonShe paused the video and went to answer the phone.她停下录像机去接电话。[ noun ](1) ~ (in sth)停顿;停顿的时间:a period of time during which sb stops ta...

2022-12-08 #经典句子

日语新声报到!盘点四组2018年出道话题新人 不止好听还好看!

日语新声报到!盘点四组2018年出道话题新人 不止好听还好看!

...,想必未来知名度会越来越高。感受复古都会魅力:LUCKY TAPES曾在1980年代日本乐坛风靡一时的CITY POP风格音乐,放克爵士搭配上些许摇滚,充满现代都会感,在近几年又流行了起来,渐渐成为主流乐风。今年出道的LUCKY TAPES便是...

2023-11-22 #经典句子

近义词易辨析 疑问词需细心 攻克英语题

近义词易辨析 疑问词需细心 攻克英语题

...o,……”。即A、C两个选项均是错误的。再看问句主语为tape player是单数名词,故答句动词也应采用相应形式。所以正确答案选择B。第2题可以翻译出来释义为:“你的狗在哪?它总是在桌子___。”我们分析一下这道题的选项,可...

2024-01-17 #经典句子



...萨尔巴德 巴基斯坦-有大力胶吗 -什么胶- Do you have duct tape? - Tape?好用的大力胶带Strong duct tape.-这个箱子多少钱 -三千- How much is this bag? - Three thousand.你需要包车带司机吗You want car with driver?我自己开Self-drive.-多少天 -十天- How many...

2019-12-16 #经典句子



...rder to improve English , ________.A. Jenny’s father bought her a lot of tapes.B. Jenny’s father bought a lot of tapes for herself.C. A lot of tapes were bought by Jenny.D. A lot of tapes were bought by Jenny father.解析:根据不定式短语我们可以推知,句子的逻辑主语应该...

2023-07-24 #经典句子



...go!Now, let"s sing the song… together.Now, let"s enjoy the song from the tape.Well, let"s go on. Please look at page …This time, you do it one by one.Now, listen to the tape.Now, listen to me, please.Now, I"ll read the …, please follow me.Now class/ boys and girls/ children , read after me/ th...

2009-04-10 #经典句子

我可能学了假英语!明明单词都认识 放一起就不会翻译了

我可能学了假英语!明明单词都认识 放一起就不会翻译了

...为半个小时后要去相亲,但我还不知道要如何打扮。9.Red tape 官僚习气,繁文缛节假英语:红色带子 ※ We are able to respond very quickly as we have no red tape, and no need for higher management approval. 我们可以非常快速地反应,因为我们没有繁...

2024-01-03 #经典句子

从门外汉到行家 你和法式甜点的距离 只隔着这一篇文章

从门外汉到行家 你和法式甜点的距离 只隔着这一篇文章

...距离。对话嘉宾:向菲菲旅法十年,出版法语中餐书《étape par étape, la cuisine chinoise》,曾蝉联三周法国亚马逊网站上亚洲菜书籍类销售排行榜第一。因为热爱法式甜点,考取法国最著名的烹饪学校FERRANDI费航迪,进入筛选最为...

2016-01-03 #经典句子

用训练BERT的方法解码蛋白质 我们能读懂生物界的语言吗?

用训练BERT的方法解码蛋白质 我们能读懂生物界的语言吗?

...转移学习的自监督状态,我们控制了每个变量 并发展了TAPE:对蛋白质嵌入的评估任务,我们的灵感来自于"粘性"NLP 基准 GLUE。在 TAPE 中,我们针对各种困难的下游任务对从蛋白质和 NLP 文献中提取的各种自监管模型进行基准测试...

2023-12-13 #经典句子



...adj.Hoop 环n.Net 网n.Cross 交叉 v.Touch 触摸v.Basically 本质上adv.Tape 粘黏 v.Handwriting 书法n.Worth 值得 v.Stress 紧张n.P.E. =physical educationSure enough 当然Pass on to sb 传递给某人Protect.. from... 保护...免受A couple of days 几天DiscussionWhat do you think of th...

2023-11-30 #经典句子



...You will need:●one piece of colored paper ●five ribbons●) strong tape(胶带) ●a string ●a pencilWhat to do:Step 1:Draw pictures on the paper.You can write your name on it.Do anything that will make it special to you.Step 2:Make the paper into the shape of a tube(管子)....

2022-12-14 #经典句子

2021冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 26 Cookies Please教学设计

2021冀教版八年级英语下册Lesson 26 Cookies Please教学设计

...为主导,训练为主线 2 探究 一 :Listening Step 1:Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks . 1.You can use one dollar to buy cookies. 2.Danny ’sinvention costs dollars. 【 Keys 】 1.four 2.five Step 2:Listen the tape and answer the following questions. 1. What isBrain selling? He issel...

2023-05-30 #经典句子



...:获取与梳理:Ask students to scan the text and judge the type of the tape of the discourse. Of course it is an email.Recognise the discourse. Before reading the contents of the email, ask students to answer the following questions based on the characteristics of the discourse.

2024-01-07 #经典句子

只有按照这3个步骤去做 才算真正开始了英语启蒙的第一步

只有按照这3个步骤去做 才算真正开始了英语启蒙的第一步

...折成两半。Step 2Glue both sides of the folded paper with the adhesive tapes. Leave the top open to form a bag.用胶带将折叠纸的两面粘上。打开顶部形成一个袋子。Step 3Stuff the bag with candies.把糖果塞进袋子里。Step 4Seal the top of bag with the adhesive tapes. Ti...

2023-11-07 #经典句子



...ttend the meeting personally, he forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape. 2.He forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape because he was unable to attend the meeting personally. 两者强调的事情就有分别了.3.轻重有分. 同等重要的用and来连接,较轻放在次要的句子...

2023-12-01 #经典句子



... Payne)和他的未婚夫玛雅·亨利(Maya Henry)本周在伦敦的Tape Nightclub 参加了演出,这一天也是这位歌手的27岁生日。当他们牵着手时,他们看起来很幸福,她自豪地展示着她耀眼的钻石订婚戒指。这位流行音乐制作人穿上了精致...

2024-02-05 #大杂绘



...副;一组Unit 4 Where is my school bag?1. come on 快点儿 2. tape player 录音机 3. model plane 飞机模型Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?1.soccer ball (英式)足球 2.let"s = let us 让我们(一起)3. watch TV 看电视Unit 6 Do you like bananas?1. think about 思考...

2009-03-22 #经典句子