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慰藉心灵的句子 洒脱奔放 却句句治愈

慰藉心灵的句子 洒脱奔放 却句句治愈

风儿将为我想见的人送行Feng"er will send off for the people I want to meet从你用爱的名义建造的城堡中逃走Escape from the castle you built in the name of love不要慌张,月亮在海洋深处也是一样的困惑Don"t panic. The moon is also confused in the depths of the oc...

2022-12-11 #经典句子

给你力量的句子 洒脱奔放 宝藏系文案!

给你力量的句子 洒脱奔放 宝藏系文案!

阳光没有出来,就在那里。The sun didn"t come out, it was there.群星闪耀,岁月流逝。The stars shine and the years pass.我要落落大方地放下你,不枉疯狂地爱你。I will let go of you and love you madly.“不给别人添麻烦”是一门博大的学问。"Don"t bother ot...

2022-11-17 #经典句子

充满哲理的爱情句子 洒脱奔放 治愈心灵!

充满哲理的爱情句子 洒脱奔放 治愈心灵!

我相信,你说我爱你的那一刻是真诚的,说不爱的那一刻是坦诚的。I believe that the moment when you say I love you is sincere, and the moment when you say I don"t love you is frank.千帆过尽,曾经有太多的不理解,和难以置信,都变成了我能够接受的...

2022-11-19 #经典句子