第一句子大全 > 标签 > stride
英语 take in stride 的用法

英语 take in stride 的用法

...是我们应有的一种态度。那么用英语如何表达呢?take in stride就很贴切。Stride 是‘步,一大步”的意思,把什么事情都放到你的步伐中去,也真是淡然处之了。一般用take something in stride 的结构形式,今天我们一起来学习一下这...

2016-08-20 #经典句子



...想解放 Free the ideology改革开放 Reform and opening-up世纪跨越 Stride the centuries与时俱进 Stride with era科学发展 Scientific development社会和谐 Social harmony祖国万岁 Long live the motherland麦浪 Wheat waves科教兴国 Rejuvenate our country through science and educa...

2023-12-19 #经典句子

CEO 说了一句话后 这只教育股立刻暴跌 30%……

CEO 说了一句话后 这只教育股立刻暴跌 30%……

...官方看空”,美股教育股周一尾盘下跌,专攻 K12 教育的 Stride、专注教育技术的 2U、在线学习平台 Coursera 统统遭殃,就连刚刚上市的 Udemy 也不例外。反观 Chegg 自己,过去三个月也是表现不佳,累跌接近 30%,不复年初股价飙升...

2023-07-27 #经典句子

精致又可爱的小众短句 清爽有韵味 适合细细品味

精致又可爱的小众短句 清爽有韵味 适合细细品味

....我们还是应该勇敢一些,大步向前走。We should be brave and stride forward.现在最向往干净的圈子,简单的生活和温暖的爱情。Now most yearns for the clean circle, the simple life and the warm love.温柔的落日洒在铺满青石的小巷上,如果有你在,那...

2023-08-10 #经典句子

温柔上进且小众的句子 温暖亲切 发朋友圈人气超旺!

温柔上进且小众的句子 温暖亲切 发朋友圈人气超旺!

希望你继续兴致盎然地与世界交手,一直大步走在充满鲜花的道路上!I hope you continue to be interested in fighting with the world, has been striding on the road full of flowers!半山腰永远是最拥挤,我们要山顶见!The hillside is always the most crowded, we w...

2023-01-30 #经典句子

适合置顶的高质量文案 满是无奈 总是可以深入人心

适合置顶的高质量文案 满是无奈 总是可以深入人心

...e setbacks in the road ahead so what, as long as I live I still lift feet, stride forward.在时代和个人的种种不幸中In the misfortunes of time and man死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。The deed of death and life is broad, and Zi Cheng said.Taking your hand, growing...

2010-03-30 #经典句子

爱过才懂得的文案 字字真心 句句触动心灵

爱过才懂得的文案 字字真心 句句触动心灵

我向往大海,向往草原,向往一切自由美好的东西。I yearn for the sea, for the grassland, for all free and beautiful things.一句句伤人的话语,像极了被灌了一口冰冷刺骨的凉水,从嘴里一直冰到胃里,直达心脏。The hurtful words are like a mouthful...

2023-06-08 #经典句子

适合摘抄的文案句子 一级精美 越看越喜欢

适合摘抄的文案句子 一级精美 越看越喜欢

...wo roads,走时摆摆手,大步向前走,Swing your hands when you go, and stride forward,无法让你感到安心,It doesn"t make you feel comfortable,能跟不上雄心壮志的时候不是只能怪自己It"s not just a blame to be able to keep up with ambition还有你,风都超级甜美。And yo...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

文艺范的温柔句子 简单干净 沁人心脾!

文艺范的温柔句子 简单干净 沁人心脾!

...white skirt, drinking lemonade flavored soda, listening to favorite songs, stride on the street, to meet the long lost friends.越来越期待夏天的到来,弥漫着花香的小巷,树荫下的风,还有女孩子飞扬的裙角和满眼的绿。你笑着向我跑来,带着阳光和果香...

2023-09-12 #经典句子

情商很高的简短句子 唯美心动 值得收藏

情商很高的简短句子 唯美心动 值得收藏

...ou can go around with others and you will meet them.“放心地大步走,"Stride with ease,渐渐地成为一个好词渐渐地遇见渐渐地成长Gradually become a good word, gradually meet gradually grow up没人是好演员No one is a good actor半山总是拥挤的,你必须到山顶看看Hal...

2022-12-16 #经典句子

激励自己上进的句子 句句有哲理 干净睿智 给你力量!

激励自己上进的句子 句句有哲理 干净睿智 给你力量!

.... Every comment, every retort, every criticism; just take them all in your stride. Remember, silence often speaks volumes. Save your energy for that which really requires your involvement!二、人每天都会学到一些东西,很多时候就是前一天学到的东西是错误的。People learn ...

2022-12-06 #经典句子

女生发朋友圈的经典英文短句 不收藏会后悔!

女生发朋友圈的经典英文短句 不收藏会后悔!

...步向前。Even if life is full of wind and rain, we still have to make strides forward.12.愿世间所有的分道扬镳,都是为以后更好的重逢做铺。May all the parting ways of the world Pave the way for a better reunion13.先处理心情,再处理事情。Handle the mood first, the...

2023-08-23 #经典句子

正能量早安句子 新的一天给自己打打气 能量满满迎接新挑战!

正能量早安句子 新的一天给自己打打气 能量满满迎接新挑战!

...e little while sufficient charge, then continues to the goal to make great strides forward.做人做事,学会低调,懂得藏拙,大智若愚,韬光养晦,才可能赢得整个人生。Do things, learn to keep a low profile, know how to hide, big wisdom if stupid, light and obscure, can w...

2022-12-04 #经典句子

适合置顶的高质量文案 释放忧伤 充满温暖

适合置顶的高质量文案 释放忧伤 充满温暖

...明早,太阳依旧会如时升起。Be a wise man.Learn to take life in stride.Face life positively, life will be exactly as you want, like tomorrow morning, the sun will still rise as usual.你很擅长离别,而我最会假装不在乎。You"re good at goodbyes, and I"m the best at pretending...

2008-12-15 #经典句子



...y is still hazy. It is the teacher who accompanies us to shout slogans and stride forward; It"s hard to forget that the night is dead. It"s the teacher who told us to have a good rest and accumulate enough energy; Unforgettable, all the time, is the teacher"s meticulous care to us, let us feel warm ...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

简单又不失美好的小句子 干净治愈 看完很舒服!

简单又不失美好的小句子 干净治愈 看完很舒服!

...wear a clean white skirt, drink lemonade, listen to my favorite songs, and stride down the street to meet my old friend whom I haven"t seen for a long time.想当路边花儿比美大赛的评委,想好好感受晚风的温柔,想公开自己人间观察员的身份,去记录有趣的人和事...

2023-05-13 #经典句子

总有句话值得你记在心里 治愈伤心 治愈伤感伤心

总有句话值得你记在心里 治愈伤心 治愈伤感伤心

...e setbacks in the road ahead so what, as long as I live I still lift feet, stride forward.最好的生活:无非就是白天可以有说有笑,晚上还能睡个好觉。The best life: the ability to laugh and talk during the day and sleep well at night.

2023-06-02 #经典句子

温柔到骨子里的温柔句子|我看我星辰大海 却只爱高原的山川湖泊

温柔到骨子里的温柔句子|我看我星辰大海 却只爱高原的山川湖泊

... breath.It"s like a sunflower growing in the sun forever, and I" ll always stride forward towards you.I can"t say it"s wrong, but at this moment I should understand how loyal you are to my love.备忘录里的温柔句子|你总是对所有的一切都是过分期待一眼心动宝藏句子,赶...

2023-01-04 #经典句子

「励志语录」你受过的苦 走错的路 都会造就独一无二的你

「励志语录」你受过的苦 走错的路 都会造就独一无二的你

...是不必回头。即使有一天,发现自己错了,也应该转身。Stride in the right direction instead of always complaining about your mistakes.大步朝着对的方向去,而不是一直回头怨自己错了。The real beauty of life is not because he has been beautiful, but because he...

2015-12-28 #经典句子

提前存一下12月31号的文案吧 希望明年是轻松的一年

提前存一下12月31号的文案吧 希望明年是轻松的一年

1.跨年那天,我会给你打电话,叫你出去,带你去散步,然后在路灯下牵你的手,说喜欢你。On the new year"s day, I"ll call you, ask you to go out, take you for a walk, and then hold your hand under the street lamp and say I like you.2.2020年832个贫困县都脱贫...

2007-10-14 #经典句子