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英语单词不会读?Lighten AI英语阅读伴侣伴读So easy

英语单词不会读?Lighten AI英语阅读伴侣伴读So easy

...助我们识别文献、著作、读物的陌生单词呢?领腾的这款Lighten AI英语阅读伴侣,就很方便的解决了这样的麻烦,英语读物再也不需要花时间用词典和手机去查了。刚见到Lighten AI英语阅读伴侣的时候,小编表示真的一脸茫然,这...

2018-02-27 #经典句子

句子那么短 心却那么酸

句子那么短 心却那么酸

...系,我都会毫不犹豫的帮你一把。Any relationship you want to lighten up on, I will not hesitate to help you.十、无能为力那叫顺其自然,心无所谓才叫随遇而安。Powerless that let nature take its course, the heart does not matter is happy-go-lucky.想要了解更多...

2023-01-23 #经典句子

10个可爱的骂人短句 不带一个脏字 却怼到你想打人!

10个可爱的骂人短句 不带一个脏字 却怼到你想打人!

...你自己就是为国家减轻负担了!To mind your own business is to lighten the burden of the country! 6.你的气质还真是与日俱增啊,还是猥琐型的。You"re just getting more and more indecent temperament.7.别在我的世界里污染环境了好吗,你可是不可回收型啊...

2023-05-26 #经典句子

阳光向上励志的句子 阳光正能量 发朋友圈很火!

阳光向上励志的句子 阳光正能量 发朋友圈很火!

...s.世界上没有什么能减轻别人的负担。Nothing in the world can lighten the burden of others.一生中做过傻事的人,从来没有他想象的那么聪明。People who have done stupid things in their lives are never as clever as they think they are.人的思想是伟大的,只要...

2022-11-24 #经典句子

让人起死回生的英文励志句子 高冷又犀利 句句直刺人心!

让人起死回生的英文励志句子 高冷又犀利 句句直刺人心!

...o should make oneself of the sun.九、Friends are like stars. They always lighten up your world, even in your darkest hour. 朋友就像天上的星星,永远照亮着你的世界,即使在你最黑暗的时候。十、听说,时间会把陪伴熬成最美的情话。 It has been heard that ...

2022-12-19 #经典句子

不辜负岁月的走心句子 干净温暖 句句动人!

不辜负岁月的走心句子 干净温暖 句句动人!

...我对你的爱,却永远保持着初恋的热情。Although time will lighten the love between us,But my love for you has always maintained the passion of my first love.十全十美的人,我们都爱,但是我们要分清哪些才是最适合我们的人。We all love perfect people,But we h...

2023-06-09 #经典句子

充满思念的情话文案 简单美好 内涵有深度!

充满思念的情话文案 简单美好 内涵有深度!

... an effective remedy to forget your own burden in the burden of others, to lighten your sorrow in the sorrow of others.我无需独一无二,只要你铭记于心。I don"t have to be unique, just remember.当你习惯过一种日子,那么,你的一生只过上一天;如果你生活常新...

2022-11-14 #经典句子



...tion 素质教育sustainable development 可持续发展monthly exam 月考lighten students" burden减轻学生负担distance learning/education 远程教育have equal access to education获得教育的公平机会have access to a variety of learning resources获得各种学习资源Never put of til...

2019-11-24 #经典句子

八月人人都喜欢的的句子 “唯美精致”

八月人人都喜欢的的句子 “唯美精致”

...来。Time is too short, so a lot of things are different. Maybe wecan"t lighten the wind of life, but we can calm our minds.让生命之美在蓝天白云下驰骋,回归心灵的纯朴,在宁静中见真谛,在光明中知真理,在繁华处保持淡然。Let the beauty of life gallop unde...

2022-12-13 #经典句子

深夜发朋友圈的温柔句子 不要抱着我 我实在是没有力量去推开你

深夜发朋友圈的温柔句子 不要抱着我 我实在是没有力量去推开你

...an"t have it.为了你淡忘了所有的关系你还会继续。For you to lighten all the relationships, but you still have to go.能够轻易被取代的,归根结底就不重要了。What can be easily replaced is not so important anyway.真不容易碰到那种知道你冷知道你热的人。It...

2022-12-03 #经典句子

一句简单而治愈的小句子 让人心疼 满是柔情

一句简单而治愈的小句子 让人心疼 满是柔情

... an effective remedy to forget your own burden in the burden of others, to lighten your sorrow in the sorrow of others.你是我惟一的心脏,我旳心跳不是为别人而跳是为你而跳。如果幸福有方向,尽头一定有你。You are my only heart, my heart beats not for others but f...

2022-10-19 #经典句子

优质早安句子 干净阳光 满满的正能量

优质早安句子 干净阳光 满满的正能量

...an not resist, but we might as well change our mentality, change our mood, lighten our burden, and make a piece of sugar for life. good morning!每个人的生活里都有阴影,但若没有这些阴影,又如何能知道我们正站在光里。早安!There are shadows in everyone"s life, but ...

2023-07-11 #经典句子

考研作文怎么准备 我就靠这2点考了20分!

考研作文怎么准备 我就靠这2点考了20分!

...展public/civil servants 公务员 ; refuse to take passengers 拒载lighten the burden on the peasants/farmers 减轻农民负担light rail train 轻轨火车 ; risk investment 风险投资2.文化交流类Confucius Institute 孔子学院; simple ethnic customs 淳朴民族风...

2023-11-02 #经典句子



... = impair = undermine = jeopardize11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten二、 形容词:1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding4. 积极的,好...

2022-11-11 #经典句子



... + -y 提高 征税。词根lev- 源自拉丁语 levis "light."= raise, lighten, 表示“提高,举起,变轻”,如:elevate/elvet/ v. 举起, 提拔, 鼓舞levee/levi/ n. 堤坝;码头,君王早朝relievo/rliv/ n. 浮雕品leaven/levn/ n. 酵母, 发酵剂,调和剂【推荐阅读...

2023-06-23 #经典句子



...项为 thrill mayhem pandemonium作文部分作者:MATT Ridley文章标题"Lighten up. Sir David ,our wild life is safe "来源: 2013,9,12,times LondonPrompt : How does Matt Ridley build on his argument that human population do not have adverse effect on the natural environment in the future?原文...

2023-10-09 #经典句子

英语9月周汇总17(英语阅读量3000+ 43个词汇 11个句型)

英语9月周汇总17(英语阅读量3000+ 43个词汇 11个句型)

... + -y 提高 征税。词根lev- 源自拉丁语 levis "light."= raise, lighten, 表示“提高,举起,变轻”,如:elevate/elvet/ v. 举起, 提拔, 鼓舞levee/levi/ n. 堤坝;码头,君王早朝relievo/rliv/ n. 浮雕品leaven/levn/ n. 酵母, 发酵剂,调和剂【本篇读后...

2023-01-21 #经典句子

英语读后续写实在难 学会这一招才是解决问题的关键

英语读后续写实在难 学会这一招才是解决问题的关键

...。 (美好日落时的画面)The moon under siege by stars seemed to lighten the night bringing forth stars that shone and hung in the blackness. The never ending blackness consumed everything.被群星围困的月亮似乎照亮了黑夜,带来了在黑暗中闪耀和悬挂着的群星。无...

2019-05-06 #经典句子