第一句子大全 > 标签 > flood
成语故事《Da Yu governed the flood》

成语故事《Da Yu governed the flood》

It was said that in the reign of Yao and Shun, the overrunning flood was mischievous, so Yao assigned Gun to regulate it.Gun wanted to cut off the flood with stones but failed.Then, Shun assigned Yu, Gun’s son, to continue the work. Having learned his father’s lesson, Yu dredged new river channe...

2010-05-16 #经典句子

新概念三册Lesson 10讲义 课内单词详解 重点句型剖析

新概念三册Lesson 10讲义 课内单词详解 重点句型剖析

...artment 部门 participate v.参加;参与capsule 太空舱;胶囊4. flood v.充满水 n.洪水(drought 干旱) be flooded with 被……淹没;大量涌入;充满 The room was flooded with moonlight. She blamed her husband in a flood of words on seeing him.5.float v.漂浮...

2020-07-05 #经典句子

燃爆热搜的一条短信 暴雨中的中国科技力量有多硬核!「转推」

燃爆热搜的一条短信 暴雨中的中国科技力量有多硬核!「转推」

...ed Wing Loong-2 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to support relief efforts in flood-ravaged Zhengzhou City. The Wing Loong supports real-time audio and video communications covering 15,000 square kilometers between rescue sites and the command center.中国已派出其自主研发的“翼龙”-2H无...

2010-08-23 #经典句子

ishow口语|May Day还是Labor Day都搞不清 还想愉快过“五一”?

ishow口语|May Day还是Labor Day都搞不清 还想愉快过“五一”?

...表达了例:The square wasa sea of people. 广场上人山人海。be flooded with,是挤满,拥满的意思be flooded with people. flood作名词是洪水潮水的意思,The officeswas flooded with interviewees.办公室里挤满了来面试的人。be stuffed stuff 作动词,是塞满...

2015-08-04 #经典句子

人山人海 土特产用英语怎么说?

人山人海 土特产用英语怎么说?

...ines in a tin.餐馆里坐满了客人,像沙丁鱼罐头一样。4、be flooded with peopleflood作名词是洪水潮水的意思,be flooded with是挤满,拥满的意思。The offices was flooded with interviewees.办公室里挤满了来面试的人。5、be stuffedstuff 作动词,是塞...

2007-04-06 #经典句子



...述句可进一步分为肯定句和否定句。一、肯定句The river flooded. 河水泛滥了。(主谓)He has a sense of humor. 他有幽默感。(主谓+宾)He can teach you English. 他可以教你英语。(主谓+双宾)He painted the desk blue. 他把书桌涂成了蓝色。(...

2023-08-06 #经典句子

双语阅读|The Way God Helps 机会可遇不可求 需要自己抓住

双语阅读|The Way God Helps 机会可遇不可求 需要自己抓住

...lage temple.Once in the rainy season, it rained heavily.The river began to flood and the flood entered the village.Everyone began to evacuate their homes and go to safe places.河边有个小村庄,村子里的每个人都过着幸福的生活,他们还定期在村庄的教堂中祈祷。雨季...

2018-02-03 #经典句子

意难平卑微的文案 刺痛内心 建议有人陪着你看

意难平卑微的文案 刺痛内心 建议有人陪着你看

...雷鸣,不时点亮一盏漆黑浓烈的夜As night fell, the city was flooded. I sat by the French window of the cafe. Lightning and thunder lit up a dark and strong night from time to time大街上的人都匆忙逃走,只有她下了车,打着雨伞不慌不忙地走过泛滥成河的街道...

2007-03-15 #经典句子

冷酷而经典的情感句子 懂你的内心 深沉又深情!

冷酷而经典的情感句子 懂你的内心 深沉又深情!

...就是泛滥,你没见过我认真的时候输的有多惨。Emotional flood is flood. You have never seen how badly I lost when I was serious.妈,一只鸡刚被人拒绝,说我胖,你就等着我瘦了,一道闪电就把你打死!Mom, a chicken has just been rejected, saying that I am ...

2011-05-22 #经典句子

每日英语单词学习 千里之行始于足下

每日英语单词学习 千里之行始于足下

...分词: deluging 过去式: deluged 过去分词: deluged同义词:flood,inundate例句:(1)a deluge of calls/complaints/letters接连不断的电话;没完没了的投诉;纷至沓来的信件(2)We have been deluged with applications for the job.申请这个工作的求职信...

2010-12-05 #经典句子

读新闻学英语 打造自己的独特的典型的语料库

读新闻学英语 打造自己的独特的典型的语料库

...tions, put nearly three times as many people in coastal areas at risk from flooding than previously thought, and are the result of new advances in elevation modeling technology.Global sea levels are expected to rise between two to seven feet (0.6 meters to 2.1 meters) -- and possibly more -- over th...

2023-06-17 #经典句子



...东西,你能想象这期间在它身上都发生了什么吗?When the flood has come, what meaning does a tank full of water have? When the creator is throbbing within you every moment, you must look within.当洪水来临时,一罐水有何意义?造物主每时每刻都在你的内在跳...

2024-02-04 #大杂绘

藏在备忘录里的心酸句子 委屈失落 却不想被人看穿

藏在备忘录里的心酸句子 委屈失落 却不想被人看穿

...。 爱就像大海,麻子也能发光。Give the sun to shine, give the flood to flood. To break a pan requires breaking the lid. Ugly ghosts have the love of ugly women. Love is like the sea, even pockmarks shine.古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠的人在等你的电话!Ancient road w...

2022-10-20 #经典句子

每日10题 英语学起来:turn的短语 形容词修饰不定代词的位置

每日10题 英语学起来:turn的短语 形容词修饰不定代词的位置

...While B.When C.Where D.What time8.All the houses _____ in the flood(洪水).A.were taken off B.were taken awayC.were taken out D.were taken down9.While the woman _____ ,the accident happened.A.shopped ...

2023-07-12 #经典句子



...e 手套 won 赢(过去式)[km] [br ] [glv] [wn]③oo 组合 flood [fld] 洪水 blood [bld] 鲜血4. ou组合发 []enough足够的 young年轻的 cousin堂兄弟姐妹 touch触碰 trouble 麻烦[ nf] [j] [k zn] [tt] [tr bl]总结:[] u闭音节,o(在m/n/v/th前) ,oo真可怕, ...

2008-03-13 #经典句子

夜深人静时悲伤的句子 悲伤的每一句 读完之后的悲伤

夜深人静时悲伤的句子 悲伤的每一句 读完之后的悲伤

...情泛滥。Love to the depths of disconsolate, love to the depths of the flood.千古帝王皆作古,繁华如梦,梦醒了无痕。今生,为你倾尽一生,不悔,弃一生荣耀。往事历历在心头,夜夜梦回昨,丝丝凉意涌心头。是谁执意离别,徒留满心回忆...

2022-11-29 #经典句子

「青春」你好 旧时光语录摘抄

「青春」你好 旧时光语录摘抄

...初以为很大的事情,最后都会被稀释的很淡。Time is like a flood, the distance between people will be farther and farther, thought a great thing, will eventually be diluted very light.世界上最好的安慰并不是告诉对方,一切都会好起来,而是哭着脸说:哭个...

2009-03-10 #经典句子

一眼就心动的句子 适合发朋友圈

一眼就心动的句子 适合发朋友圈

...ne back.四、愿思念泛滥成河时,你能乘舟归来。May thoughts flood into a river, you can take the boat back.五、梦里出现的人,到底是谁想谁?The person that appears in the dream, who is to think who after all?六、身边碎碎念念的人,也要成为岁岁年年的...

2023-01-21 #经典句子



...流 lahar泥石流 mudflow/landslide超级火山爆发 supervolcano洪水 flood大(或急剧的)漩涡 maelstrom海啸 tsunami暴风雪 blizzard 干旱 drought雹暴 hailstorm热浪 heat wave飓风 hurricanes冰雹 ice storm龙卷风 tornado冰河时代 ice age森林大火 wildfire那么关于天...

2023-12-12 #经典句子

阳光励志的句子 感悟人生句句走心 送给心累的自己

阳光励志的句子 感悟人生句句走心 送给心累的自己

...不遇到岛礁,很难激起美丽的浪花。People"s life flows like a flood. It is difficult to arousebeautiful waves without encountering islands and reefs.

2022-12-14 #经典句子