第一句子大全 > 标签 > Temple
小学英语作文写景篇:109 The Confucius Temple 夫子庙

小学英语作文写景篇:109 The Confucius Temple 夫子庙

英文:The Confucius Temple is one of the most famous places in Nanjing , the capital of Jiangsu Province. It was built to memorize Confucius, a famous educator and philosophyer. It was built in1034 in the Song Dynasty.There are some tourist shops, snack bars, restaurants and tea cafes in the area....

2012-04-07 #经典句子

双语阅读|The Way God Helps 机会可遇不可求 需要自己抓住

双语阅读|The Way God Helps 机会可遇不可求 需要自己抓住

...y the river.Everyone lives a happy life and prays regularly in the village temple.Once in the rainy season, it rained heavily.The river began to flood and the flood entered the village.Everyone began to evacuate their homes and go to safe places.河边有个小村庄,村子里的每个人都过着...

2018-02-03 #经典句子



...很神秘对不对长城the Great Wall颐和园the Summer Palace天坛the Temple of Heaven兵马俑the Terracotta Warriors, terracotta是 陶瓦、陶器的意思布达拉宫the Potala Palace珠穆拉玛峰Mount Everest吴哥窟Angkor Wat清水寺Kiyomizu Temple富士山Mount Fuji或Fujiyama或Fuji...

2019-10-31 #经典句子

翻译中 定语从句与其它后置定语的顺序你用对了吗?

翻译中 定语从句与其它后置定语的顺序你用对了吗?

...造的。The pagoda you visited the other day just in front of the ancient temple was built 700years ago.句中定语从句 you visited the other day不能后移,否则可能会影响句子的原意:试比较The pagoda just in front of the ancient temple you visited the other day was built 700ye...

2023-08-15 #经典句子

那些让人超级心动的句子 句句都是心里话

那些让人超级心动的句子 句句都是心里话

...玫瑰,也是背叛我的士兵。You are the fallen God of love in the temple, the rose that seduced me, and the soldier who betrayed me.2.玻璃窗里倒映着人生百态,不知道会不会有人看着发呆的我发呆。Life is reflected in the glass window. I wonder if someone will look at...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

关于西施 请把全部关于美的词语用上

关于西施 请把全部关于美的词语用上

...back to the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). Zhuji has a Xi Shi memorial temple. And Xiaoshan, previously a rural county adjacent to Zhuji and now part of Hangzhou, also has a Xi Shi memorial temple. Yu Xuanji (844-871), a woman poet in the Tang Dynasty (618-906), wrote a poem about the temple in ...

2023-11-28 #经典句子



The confession, and i met you, and I drew it on the temple.我这一生都是坚定不移的唯物主义者,没有你我希望有来生。I have been an unyielding materialist all my life, and without you I would have an afterlife.其实我更希望如果下一次我可以变成一棵大树,这...

2023-07-10 #经典句子

九年级英语语法选择题:天天练 第15讲(附答案解析)

九年级英语语法选择题:天天练 第15讲(附答案解析)

...you just now?﹣ He asked me ________.A.that he can get to Confucius Temple on footB.how long it takes him to get to Confucius Temple on footC.how could he get to Confucius TempleD.whether he could get to Confucius Temple on foot【答案】D【解析】根据He asked me,可知本句...

2012-01-14 #经典句子

奇速英语祝您腊八节快乐 附传统腊八节习俗中英文表达

奇速英语祝您腊八节快乐 附传统腊八节习俗中英文表达

...。Laba is a grand festival of Buddhism. Before the liberation around the temple for Buddha’s Birthday will be held prayers, and, like the Buddha into the Road, before the story of The Legend of chylous Munv Xian, with fragrant valley, fruit, etc. porridge worship Buddha, called laba porridge. Lab...

2008-09-12 #经典句子

小学英语作文写景篇:《Places of Interest 风景名胜》经典好句

小学英语作文写景篇:《Places of Interest 风景名胜》经典好句

...来参观。4.Many people take boats to see the scenery of the Confucius Temple.许多人乘船欣赏夫子庙风光。5.Yancheng lies in the east of Jiangsu province.盐城位于江苏省东部。6.They are still many other interesting and exciting things waiting for you.这里还有许多有趣而...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

温暖治愈的高质量文案 唯美精致 元气满满

温暖治愈的高质量文案 唯美精致 元气满满

... sun is warm. Your smile is very shallow. It"s good. I almost dreamed of a temple.不寂寞,那年看的烟花,很耀眼。Not lonely. The fireworks I saw that year were dazzling.仰视习惯用的一种意气用事的方式,一枚彼方。那是最近幸福的地方。Look up to the other sid...

2015-12-23 #经典句子

钱塘湖春行 白居易 英译文也可感受春天的气息

钱塘湖春行 白居易 英译文也可感受春天的气息

...ring Tour by Qiantang LakeBei JuyiTr. Feng HongWalking to the north Gushan Temple and the west Jiagong Villa,I saw the water parallel to the embankment and the clouds lower.To the fore for the sunny trees the early orioles rushed,And the spring mud the swallows pecked.Various flowers around were enc...

2023-11-30 #经典句子



...story in an easy way.每天五分钟,历史变轻松295 BC – The first temple to Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty and fertility, is dedicated by Quintus Fabius Maximus Gurges during the Third Samnite War.公元前295年,在第三次Samnite战争期间,昆图斯·法比尤斯·马克...

2024-01-03 #经典句子

看了就会沦陷的句子 温柔有力 让人印象深刻

看了就会沦陷的句子 温柔有力 让人印象深刻

...the girl you want to see the first snow. I asked for a sign from me in the temple. The master told me: "common things in the world gather and disperse.姑娘,有空的话,请您答应和我一起去看一场雪。Girl, if you are free, please promise to see a snow with me.

2017-10-31 #经典句子



...here is no need to conquer each other, you do not believe in Buddhism, the temple is never short of people with incense四、看似海王,实则寡王,没对象不可怕,可怕的是别人以为你有一堆。Looks like sea king, but in fact, no object is not terrible, terrible is that others ...

2023-07-11 #经典句子

写进内心的句子 高冷又文艺 深情暖心

写进内心的句子 高冷又文艺 深情暖心

...d the collection code hanging on wechat. I think of the way to pray in the temple when I was a child. I took a lot of one yuan coins to every beggar on the way I feel I need回家后,哥哥带着得意的口气说你有没有发现今天你送钱的几个人都是装的如谁的残疾其实腿藏...

2011-12-18 #经典句子

怼渣男的拽句子 句句独特 皮一皮很开心

怼渣男的拽句子 句句独特 皮一皮很开心

...是在寺庙长大的吧,也就和尚不杀生了。If you grew up in a temple, the monk would not kill.13.那你当人的时候,请你尽量装得像点。When you are a human being, please try to act like a person14.哥哥爱就像街边的传单,人人都有。Brother love is like a flyer o...

2022-12-22 #经典句子

文艺干净的神仙句子 让你一眼就爱上!

文艺干净的神仙句子 让你一眼就爱上!

...4、红尘是道场,烟雨洗楼台。The world of mortals is the Taoist temple, the misty rain washes the balcony.5、少年与爱永不老去,即使披荆斩棘,丢失鲜衣怒马。Teenagers and love never grow old, even if they cut through thorns and lose fresh clothes and angry horses.6...

2023-01-26 #经典句子

这些让人捧腹的段子 据说会点英语的人才能懂

这些让人捧腹的段子 据说会点英语的人才能懂

...nmen Square 故宫:the Palace Museum 长城:the Great Wall天坛:the Temple of Heaven 颐和园:the Summer Palace六:口语词汇 fresh 帅呆了 superb 棒极了 so-so 马马虎虎 willingly 很乐意 exactly 完全正确 drat 讨厌 definitely 当然 endore 再来一次好了,成功把...

2016-12-19 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈的高质量文案 满是无奈 触碰内心

适合发朋友圈的高质量文案 满是无奈 触碰内心

... blankets, and the star ceiling decorated with lights is next to our quiet temple我们一起旅行有多久了?How long have we been traveling together?我们有多久没有一起深夜起床,突发奇想地出去吃一顿奢华的路边小摊了?How long has it been since we got up late at n...

2012-11-03 #经典句子