

1.Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don"t matter and those who matter don"t mind.做你自己,说出你心中的想法,因为那些介意的人并不重要,而重要的人不会介意。2.The future has several names. For the weak,it is impossible; for the faintheart...

2022-12-02 #经典句子

中英文激励自己的句子 pain past is pleasure

中英文激励自己的句子 pain past is pleasure

最孤独的时光,会塑造最坚强的自己。1.The end of hard work is powerless. The standard of hard work is to move yourself.努力的终点是无能为力,拼搏的标准是感动自己。2.Don"t feel inferior. You are not stupid than others. Don"t be complacent. Others are potential.不...

2022-12-07 #经典句子

十句激励人心的英文正能量句子 你一定用得上!

十句激励人心的英文正能量句子 你一定用得上!

你是否也有“只会believe yourself”不会其他英语激励语句的苦恼?今天就来和大家分享下十句超级实用的激励人心英语句子,不管你是要鼓励别人还是说服自己都可以使用,非常实用哦!1、Hang in there 撑住啊!Hang in there是加油的...

2022-12-28 #经典句子