努力奋斗的英文句子 人生需要努力和奋斗

努力奋斗的英文句子 人生需要努力和奋斗

每天醒来,告诉自己:微笑才会美,付出才有收获,坚持才会成功!做一个勤奋的人,一个努力积极向上人!Wake up every day, tell yourself: smile will be beautiful, pay will have harvest, adhere to will succeed! Be a hard-working person, a positive person!无论...


五月你好的正能量英文句子 五月 请努力做自己!

五月你好的正能量英文句子 五月 请努力做自己!



超励志的英文句子 写给六月正在努力的自己!

超励志的英文句子 写给六月正在努力的自己!

1.I hope I can work harder, have my own small house earlier, get up early in the morning and meet the aroma of coffee and bread. I find friends to eat hot pot and drink soda in my spare time, and in the evening, I fall into the sofa with my favorite people to watch the play and eat snacks. When I fa...
