
建筑特征 Architectural features英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-11 08:48:40


建筑特征 Architectural features英语短句 例句大全


建筑特征,Architectural features

1)Architectural features建筑特征

1.Through the investigation of the Sanxuantang Hall of LIU Yong-fu s former residence, this paper analyzes on its distribution, architectural features and architectural art, and probes into the relation between the architectural style and the architectural function for the purpose of searching the connotation and the transmission of Chinese folk houses architectural culture.通过对刘永福旧居三宣堂的考察,分析了其布局、建筑特征及装饰艺术,探讨了建筑功能与建筑形式的关系,旨在探索我国民居建筑文化的内涵及承传。

2.On base of deep investigation to the courtyard dwellings in Shenmu area and inspection of the typical case,the paper analyzes architectural features of courtyard dwellings like plane distribution,use of space,using function and so on from the angle of architectural design,it also discusses about combining of courtyard dwellings and folk-custom culture,so as to push study on courtyard dwellings.在对神木地区四合院民居建筑的深入调查和典型案例实测的基础上,从建筑设计的角度分析了四合院的平面布局、空间利用、使用功能等建筑特征,并就其与民俗文化的结合进行探析,以促进四合院民居的研究。


1.Research on Traditional Theater Buildings in Northeast in Hubei Province(Part two) : Examples and Characters of Theater Buildings鄂东北地区传统戏场建筑丛考(下)——戏场建筑的实例及其建筑特征

2.Investigation on Traditional Theater Buildings of Northwest in Hubei Province(Part Two):Taking the Theater Buildings and Architecture Characteristic an Example鄂西北山区传统戏场建筑丛考(下)——戏场建筑的实例及其建筑特征

3.The Discovery ot the Dam of Zhengguo Canal of Qin Dynasty and its Architectural Characteristics at the Starting Part秦郑国渠大坝的发现与渠首建筑特征

4.Primary Research of Shanghai Simple Brick Buildings in Modern and Contemporary Times;近代上海清水砖墙建筑特征研究初探

5.Analysis of architectural characters of"Xitianfanjing"in Beijing Beihai park北海公园“西天梵境”建筑特征分析

6.a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function.建筑物中有某种特征和作用的部分。

7.Analysis on the energy-use characteristic and the energy efficient strategy of the commercial buildings of Shanghai;上海市公共建筑用能特征与节能策略

8.On the Characteristics of the Carving Patterns in Hunan Folk Buildings;湖南民间建筑雕刻艺术图案特征研究

9.Unique Stylistic Features and Translation Teaching of Architectural English;建筑英语语篇的文体特征与翻译教学

10.Analysis to the Artistic Architectural Features of Laoyuanzi;土家古宅“老院子”的建筑艺术特征分析

11.Decorative Characters of the Lintels at the Entrance of Traditional District Buildings in WuXi;无锡传统街区建筑入口门楣装饰特征

12.The Original Work Device and Image Feature of the Deconstruction Architecture;解构主义建筑的创作手法及形象特征

13.A Comparison between Chinese and Western StyleGardens and Architecture;试论中西园林与建筑景观的艺术特征

14.A Study on the Characteristic of the Ancient City of Hancheng Historic City韩城古城传统建筑风貌及其特征研究

15.New Aesthetic Features of Large Space Buildings in the Era of Information信息时代大空间建筑信息美学新特征

16.The Construction Characteristics of Steel Structure and the Proof of these Characteristics in Practise钢结构建筑构造特征及表现实证浅析

17.Artistic Features Analysis of Buildings at Five Old Street in Tianjin天津五大道地区的建筑艺术特征探析

18.Analysis on Aesthetic Culture Characteristic of Changle "Nine winners" Ancient residential areas浅析长乐九头马古民居建筑艺术特征


Architectural feature建筑特征

3)Architectural Characteristics建筑特征

1.This paper probes into the architectural characteristics and use value of the compound library,and points out that the solid buildings of the compound library should break through the restriction of the individual and independent buildings,and should possess certain perspectiveness and adaptability in the architectural design and overall arrangement inside and outside the buildings.通过对复合图书馆建筑特征、实用价值的探讨,指出复合图书馆的实体建筑要突破个体的、独立的馆舍限制,在建筑设计、馆舍内外布局上,具有一定的前瞻性和适应性。

4)building feature建筑物特征

5)Features of times architecture时代建筑特征

6)feature point of building建筑物特征点


中国建筑之特征中国古代文化-中国传统建筑-中国建筑之特征 中国建筑乃一独立之结构系统,历史悠长,散布区域辽阔。在军事,政治及思想方面,中国虽常与他族接触,但中国建筑之特征建筑之基本结构及部署之原则,仅有和缓之变迁,顺序之进展,直至最近半世纪,未受其它建筑之影响。数千年来无遽变之迹,渗杂之象,一贯以其独特纯粹之木构系统,随我民族足迹所至,树立文化表志,都会边疆,无论其为一郡之雄,或一村之僻,其大小建置,或为我国人民居处之所托,或为我政治、宗教、国防、经济之所系,上自文化精神之重,下至服饰、车马、工艺、器用之细,无不与之息息相关。中国建筑之个性乃即我民族之性格,即我艺术及思想特殊之一部,非但在其结构本身之材质方法而已。 建筑显著特征之所以形成,有两因素:有属于实物结构技术上之取法及发展者,有缘于环境思想之趋向者。对此种种特征,治建筑史者必先事把握,加以理解,始不至淆乱一系建筑自身优劣之准绳,不惑于他时他族建筑与我之异同。治中国建筑史者对此着意,对中国建筑物始能有正确之观点,不作偏激之毁誉。 中国建筑之主要特征: 一、 于结构取法及发展方面之特征,有以下可注意者四点: (一)以木料为主要构材;(二)历用构架制之结构原则。既以木材为主,此结构原则乃为“梁柱式建筑”之“构架制”;(三)以斗拱为结构之关键,并为度量单位在木构架之横梁及立柱间过渡处,施横材方木相互垒叠,前后伸出作“斗拱”,与屋顶结构有密切关系,其功用在以伸出之拱承受上部结构之荷载,转纳于下部之立柱上,故为大建筑物所必用。(四)外部轮廓之特异 外部特征明显,迥异于他系建筑,乃造成其自身风格之特素。中国建筑之外轮廓予人以优美之印象,且富于吸引力。 二、 属于环境思想方面,与其它建筑之历史背景迥然不同者,至少有以下可注意者四:(一)不求原物长存之观念;(二)建筑活动受道德观念之制裁;(三)着重布置之规制;(四)建筑之术,师徒传授,不重书籍。 ——选自梁思成著《中国建筑史》

  1. 春柳依依2024-04-13 17:41春柳依依[辽宁省网友]
  2. 不穿内裤2024-04-12 13:14不穿内裤[台湾省网友]
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