
施工网络计划 construction network planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-02 09:55:39


施工网络计划 construction network planning英语短句 例句大全

Construction network planning is essential for managing and organizing a construction project efficiently. This crucial process involves creating a detailed schedule of all tasks, resources, and timelines involved in the construction process. By developing a comprehensive construction network plan, project managers can ensure that all aspects of the project are completed on time and within budget. From setting deadlines for specific tasks to allocating resources effectively, construction network planning helps streamline the construction process and minimize any potential delays or setbacks. In this collection, you will find a variety of English sentences and examples related to construction network planning, providing insights into how this important aspect of project management works in practice.

施工网络计划,construction network planning

1)construction network planning施工网络计划

1.On the management in implementingconstruction network planning of building engineering;浅谈建筑工程施工网络计划实施中的管理

2.The defects in optimization and application ofconstruction network planning is pointed out.指出了施工网络计划在优化和实施过程中的不足。


1.The Optimizing Project of Construction Network in Time-cost Algorithm of Engineering;工程施工网络计划中工期-成本优化方案

2.Period Optimization Scheme Determination of Building Engineering Construction Network Plan建筑工程施工网络计划工期优化方案的确定

3.Construction Network Plan of Pit Botton in Changping Mine长平矿井底工程施工网络计划的编制与应用

4.The Research on the Plan of Construction Net-Work under Rough Set and Unascertained Set;基于粗集—未确知理论的施工网络计划研究

5.Construction Network Multi-resources and Multi-objectives Optimization Research施工网络计划多资源与多目标优化研究

6.Study on Network Planning Standardization Oriented to Construction Organization Design面向施工组织设计的网络进度计划标准化研究

7.Multi-goal synthesized optimization for network planning in highway construction projects;公路施工项目网络计划多目标综合优化

8.Technical specification for engineering network planning工程网络计划技术规程

9.Construction Management Design and Research on Net-Plan Application on Zhongxiang Hanjiang Bridge in Chang-Jing Railway;长荆线钟祥汉江特大桥施工组织设计及网络计划应用研究

10.Application of Double-Symbol Network Planning to Niutoushan Project;双代号网络计划在牛头山电站施工工期中的应用

11.Problems for Application of Network Planning Techniques to Building Project Construction Management;网络计划技术在建筑工程施工管理中的应用问题

12.Application Research of Network Planning Technique Optimization Methods to Building Construction Management网络计划技术优化方法在建筑工程施工管理中的应用研究

13.Study on Risk Prediction and Network Planning Optimization for Construction Item Based on Intelligent Optimization Algorithms;基于智能优化算法的施工项目风险预测与网络计划优化研究

14.The Application of Network Plan in the Investment Management for Information Construction of Construction Enterprise;网络计划在建筑施工企业信息化建设投资管理中应用

15.The Application of Multi-dependency Network in the Project Management of Highway and Bridge Construction;搭接网络计划在公路和桥梁施工项目管理中的应用

16.Swift In-situ Beam Fabrication with Mobile Formwork Based on Network Planning基于网络计划技术的客运专线移动模架制梁快速施工技术

17.Study and Plan on Computer Networking Design of Fuling Chemical Industry Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.;涪陵化工计算机网络规划设计与研究

work planning optimization for the calculating method of heating engineering quantity;采暖工程量计算方法的网络计划优化


construction network scheme施工网络计划图

1.Through drawing theconstruction network scheme and analyzing the key route line, the author put forward the optimization, regulation and application of the CNS in hydropower project construction plans.通过对施工网络计划图的绘制及其关键线路分析 ,提出施工网络计划图在施工方案中的优化、调整及应用。

3)construction plan施工计划

1.This paper points out that before the construction of the coking oven,should compile the detailed and strictconstruction plan and construction period,and should implement the norms of the construction of the coking oven strictly,and puts forward some detailed methods for solving the problems frequently occurring in the construction of the coking ovens.提出了砌筑焦炉前首先应编制详尽严谨的施工计划与工期,砌筑中严格筑炉规范。

2.It is not until the beginning of actual construction that theconstruction planner can realize the validity of his construction operations planning.工程施工计划是一项复杂的工作,不断增长的复杂因素决定了工程管理人员需要采取新的、从未被用过、检测过的工程施工方法。

4)construction program施工计划

1.This paper describes and analyzes the relationship between FIDIC Contract Conditions andconstruction program preparation, implementation, management and construction progress control in the course of the construction of Paksey Bridge Project in Bangladesh, and also summarizes the experiences acquired in the implementation of theconstruction program in question.对孟加拉国帕克西桥项目实施过程中FIDIC合同条款与施工计划的编制、实施、管理和施工进度控制之间的关系进行了介绍和分析,并对项目计划执行过程中的经验进行了归纳与总结。

5)construction schedule施工计划

1.Determining the optimal projectconstruction schedule with rsource-based precedence relationships under multiple resource constraints;多资源约束下包含资源使用顺序关系最优施工计划的确定

2.With the outstanding functions of spatial modeling and data processing of GIS,also its 3D visualization,we can give a satisfying dynamic model of theconstruction schedule,which will be a great help for the research and decision-making work of the project.利用地理信息系统(GIS)的空间建模及数据处理技术和三维可视化功能,实现了基于施工进度计划的工程三维动态模拟,为工程施工计划的编制提供了技术支持,对提高工程的研究和决策水平有重要的意义。

6)construction network施工网络

1.When various resources take part inconstruction networks, their optimum-times are different.针对多种资源进入施工网络时的最佳时间不同,研究了模糊综合相似优选法应用于施工网络中多资源均衡问题。


矿山建设施工的网络计划技术矿山建设施工的网络计划技术network scheduling technique in mine constructionkLJangshon Jians触shigong de wanglLJoJ一hua Jishu矿山建设施工的网络计划技术(n etworksehe一duling teehnique in mine eonstruetion) 根据图论和网络理论,用计算机编制和管理矿山建设施工进度计划的方法。网络计划技术又称统筹法。简史长期以来,工程建设施工进度计划都用人工编制,以条形图表示。在此基础上,按定额编制劳动力、材料、设备、财务计划。当工程规模较大时,用人工编制工程建设施工进度计划,费力费时,且不够细致准确,而且在情况变化时,还难以修正。1957年,美国杜邦公司(I.E·dupont de Nermours簇黔麟然蒸eo.)与兰德公司(Remington Rand,Univae)合作,开发式中(h,i)为工序(i,j)前的全体紧前工序。只有在这些 了关键路径法(c PM一Critical Path Method),用于杜邦紧前工序全部结束后,工序(i,j)才能开始。第一项工 公司所属化工厂的建设。1958年,美国海军军械局为序的最早开始时间等于。,作为初始条件。 了编制北极星导弹研制的进度计划,开发了计划评审(2)工序最早结束时间坛(i,j)必等于 技术,协调3800多家主要承包商的进度及衔接。这两tef(i,j)一tes(i,j)+D(i,j) 种技术在一开始便取得成功,迅速在建设施工和大型(3)在全体工序的最早开始时间和最早结束时间 科技工程中得到推广。以后又出现了很多新方法,其中计算完后,便按后退顺序逐个工序计算工序最迟结束 比较著称的有解决随机问题、强调图形表示的图形评时间tl;(i,j) 审技术,和解决随机问题,不仅考虑工序时间,同时考‘ lf( i,j)一职{‘lf(j,k)一D(j,k)}虑成本、指标和风险的风险评审技术。式中(j,k)为紧接工序(i,j)后面的全体紧后工序·工60年代初期,中国华罗庚教授倡导推广统筹法。序(i,j)最迟结束的条件是不能影响总工期。初始条件由此,网络计划技术逐渐在中国采矿企业工程项目中是最后一项工序的最迟结束时间,等于该工序的最早得到应用,它主要用于生产接续工程计划、设备大修计结束时间。划和工程施工计划,更多用于煤矿建设。(4)工序最迟开始时间t。(i,j)必等于基本原理和方法网络计划技术把工程项目分解tls(i,j)~tlf(t,j)一D(l,j) 为若干工序,用网络图表示工序的进展和衔接。如网络(5)时差及关键路径的判定。如果工序的最早结束图所示,用箭头表示工序,记为(l,j)(图中i,]一1,5,时间tef(i,j)与最晚结束时间tlf(i,j)不同,说明工序(l,10,…,100),节点i,j称为事件,箭尾事件i表示工序j)开始或结束时间并不严格,窜动几天不会影响总工的开始时刻,箭头事件j表示工序的结束时刻·工序的期。允许窜动的天数称为时差。

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