
土石方施工 soil and rock construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-29 16:45:07


土石方施工 soil and rock construction英语短句 例句大全

Soil and rock construction, commonly known as "土石方施工" in Chinese, plays a crucial role in various infrastructure projects including road construction, building foundation, and land reclamation. This comprehensive collection of English short phrases and example sentences aims to provide a valuable resource for individuals working in the field of construction and engineering. It covers a wide range of topics related to soil and rock construction, including excavation, compaction, grading, and slope stabilization. Whether you are a student, a professional in the industry, or simply interested in learning more about this topic, this collection will help you improve your English language skills and deepen your understanding of soil and rock construction terminology. With this abundant resource, readers will be able to effectively communicate, understand, and apply the concepts and techniques involved in soil and rock construction in both English and Chinese contexts.

土石方施工,soil and rock construction

1)soil and rock construction土石方施工


1.Brief talk on the influence of subgrade earthwork construction method on project cost浅谈路基土石方施工方法对工程造价的影响

2.Initial analysis on composite disposition of the highway project earthwork construction machine浅析公路工程土石方施工机械的组合配置

3.Approach To Random Simulation Methed about Construction Process of High Earth Rockfill Dams高土石坝施工过程随机模拟方法探讨

4.Construction of Environmental Prevention Measures In Gz New TV Station Project广州电视台新址项目基坑支护及土石方工程的施工环保措施

5.The Design of the Diversion Plan of the Construction of Concrete Face Rock-fill Dam(CFRD)of Wujiazhuang Reservoir吴家庄水库混凝土面板堆石坝施工导流方案设计

6.Design of Stone-Revealing Concrete Pavement and Requirements for Construction Technology露石混凝土路面设计及施工工艺要求

7.The Research on the Method of Earthwork Allocation and Transport for Highway Construction Considering Construction Order and Earth Quality and Software Realization;公路建设中考虑施工次序与土质的土石方调运方法研究及软件实现

8.Who is responsible for constructing the mud slab over the site?谁负责铺设施工现场的泥土石板路面?

9.Construction Technology for Mass Concrete with Dense Barite高密度重晶石大体积混凝土施工技术

10.Anti-seepage construction of earth-rockfill cofferdam for Yinpan Hydropower Station银盘水电站土石围堰防渗施工及评价

11.Construction Technology of Limestone Soil in Low Temperature低温条件下石灰稳定土施工技术研究

12.Experimental research on the construction performance of the tailing dinax concrete尾矿砂石混凝土施工性能的试验研究

13.Discussion about Some Construction Techniques of Soil-lime in Residential Area’s Road Project小区道路中石灰土施工若干技术探讨

14.Construction of Concrete-gunite and Grass-planting for Protection of Lithic Subgrade Slope石质路基边坡喷植混凝土护坡的施工

15.Concrete construction management in reconstruction of energy dissipation structures of Hongshi dam红石大坝泄洪消能工改造工程混凝土施工管理

16.Mechanized Construction of Asphalt Concrete Core of Maopingxi Earth-rockfill Dam茅坪溪土石坝沥青混凝土心墙机械化施工

17.Deformation of asphalt concrete core wall of Maopingxi earth-rock dam in the stage of construction茅坪溪土石坝沥青混凝土心墙施工期变形分析

18.Study on Concrete Face Rockfill Dam Construction Diversion Standard and Flood Passing Measures During Construction Period;混凝土面板堆石坝施工导流标准及施工期渡汛措施研究


earthwork construction土方施工

1.This paper states some treatment methods and relevant precautions of groundwater inearthwork construction.论述了在土方施工中几种地下水处理的方法及注意事项。

2.According to the project purpose classification cupability target of earth and the mechanism to densification earth in earthpower science,this paper briefly discusses that the earth hydrous ratio densification function and drought density are taken as the importance of quality control earthwork principle in thedikeearthwork construction.依据土的工程用途分类的特性指标和土力学中对土体压实的机制,简述了堤坝土方施工中以土料含水率、压实功能和干密度为质量控制重点的土工原理。

3.Takingearthwork construction of a power plant soft soil foundation as a example,it introduces earthwork constructing method and announcements of soft soil foundation,and summarizes its constructing experience,practice proves that formulating scientific and rational constructing scheme is a reliable way of safely high quality finishing engineering item.以某电厂软土地基的土方施工为例,介绍了软土地基的土方施工方法和注意事项,并对其施工经验进行了总结,实践证明,制定科学合理的施工方案,是安全、优质完成工程项目的可靠途径。

3)construction of limestone soil石灰土施工

4)rock fill dam construction土石坝施工

5)earth-rock works土石方工程

1.Bidding tactics onearth-rock works of Jinping-Ⅰ Dam;土石方工程施工在锦屏一级大坝标中的投标策略

2.By combining with the concrete conditions of Shuibuya project,this paper analyzes and studies the importance,guiding idea and methods of the rational allocation and scientific dispatching of mechanical equipment in theearth-rock works construction,aiming to sum up a set of scientific and effective methods for rational allocation and scientific dispatching of mechanical equipment.结合水布垭工程实际,对土石方施工过程中机械设备合理配置和科学调度的重要性、指导思想以及方法等问题进行了分析研究,旨在通过对这些问题的分析,总结出一套能适用于一般土石方工程施工的、科学高效的机械设备配置及调度方法。

6)earth-rock work土石方工程

1.Theearth-rock work is an important part in the hydraulic and hydropower projects.土石方工程是水利水电工程的重要组成部分,如何进行快速而精确的方量计算在水利水电工程设计和施工中具有重要的意义。

2.Theearth-rock work is an important part of water conservancy and hydropower projects.土石方工程是水利水电工程的重要组成部分,随着施工机械、施工技术、科技水平的不断提高和发展,土石方工程施工规模日益增大,土石方工程量的快速计算及平衡调配规划在工程建设中所起的作用日趋重要。


路基土石方施工在铁路或公路建设中,路基土石方是一种工程量大、劳动量多、施工条件复杂多变的工程。地形复杂的山区,高填深挖,每公里土石方量可达1~10万米3。崩坍、滑坡、泥石流、岩溶、软土等(见自然地质作用和工程地质作用)复杂的不良工程地质地段,还会给施工带来很大困难。因此,必须预先做出施工组织计划,在满足质量要求、讲究生产效率的前提下,确定施工方法,选定施工机械,编制施工进度计划,设计工点施工平面图,计算施工机具和劳动力等资源需要量,组织路堑的开挖、路堤的填筑和各种路基附属构筑物的修筑工作,以及路基土石方调配。一些和路基施工有关工作,例如施工排水,取弃土地点的布置,和隧道出碴、桥头填土在施工顺序上的配合协调等,也必须周密安排。解决这些施工组织问题的技术文件,就是路基土石方工程实施性施工组织设计。施工方法 有:①人工施工。②小型机具半机械化施工。可以适量降低人工劳动强度和提高施工速度。所谓小型机具,一般是指结构比较简单、制造加工方便、利用简单的机械原理和动力进行操作的简易机械,如手推车、翻板车、索道等。③机械化施工。在很多国家广泛使用,中国在50年代也开始重视了路基土石方施工机械化的发展;和世界工业先进国家一样,也逐步向综合机械化方向迈进,亦即在路基土石方工程的每个工序上,挖、装、运、卸、压以及炮眼钻孔等,都使用机械,并使生产率彼此协调,能发挥最高效率。④爆破施工。在开挖岩石路堑,扬弃大量土石方,开挖冻土,以及在沼泽中扬弃淤泥换土时,都可应用爆破方法施工(见爆破技术)。在易于冲松和渗水的土体、充足的水源和廉价的电力情况下,还可采用水力机械化方法施工,即用高压水枪冲松路堑的土体,用水槽或管道将泥浆流送到路堤位置,渗除水分而形成路堤。对于特殊的施工条件(例如改建工程和铁路第二线施工)和复杂的不良工程地质条件,必须采取特殊的施工组织措施和特殊的施工方法,才能保证施工的安全和路基构筑物的稳定。路基土石方工程机械 路基土石方施工中,一般都应用铲运机、挖掘机(见挖掘机械)和推土机(见彩图)。这几种主导机械都属一机多能型,适用于在夹石土体或经过爆破松动的石方中施工,但对石方粒径要有一定限制。和主导机械配合使用的,还有松土机、羊足碾、压路机、平地机、挖沟机等辅助机械。土石方施工机械始终在沿着能量大、重量轻、通用性强的方向发展。 施工方法的选择 施工方法主要从技术和经济两方面选定。技术方面主要根据土石方调配方案、运输距离、土石方数量、工期要求、工点宽窄程度、土的性质、地形特点、填挖高度、气候条件、燃料和工程用水条件等进行考虑。经济方面主要根据主导机械和劳动力所能发挥的生产效率、每立方米土石方的生产成本和能源消耗等指标进行考虑。在综合机械化施工中,施工机械的选型和配套是选择施工方法的重要环节。施工进度计划 用以指导和控制土石方工程施工进程,表明每个工作面在各个施工时期内各应完成的土石方工作量,作出时间与空间关系的合理安排,确保整个工程按计划完成。工地施工平面图 表现路基土石方工程施工地点各种空间安排的平面图。图中主要表明路基构筑物的位置,取土坑(场)和弃土堆(场)的位置,施工机械的工作路线和走行路线,以及现场其他设施的位置等。

  1. 然陶2024-04-04 13:30然陶[内蒙古网友]
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