

时间:2024-03-20 07:18:30



This collection of English short sentences and examples aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of exotic cultures. By exploring various aspects of different cultures, readers can gain insights into the beliefs, customs, traditions, and values of diverse communities around the world. The examples included in this compilation cover a wide range of topics, such as traditional festivals, social etiquettes, daily practices, and historical anecdotes, offering readers a nuanced understanding of the beauty and complexity of exotic cultures. Whether it"s learning about the significance of certain rituals or understanding the cultural symbolism behind specific gestures, this resource serves as a valuable tool for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the world"s diverse cultural tapestry. Through these concise English sentences and illustrative examples, readers can deepen their understanding and respect for the richness of exotic cultures.

理解异文化,understanding exotic culture

1)understanding exotic culture理解异文化

1.He also emphasizes the importance of transforming from "understanding exotic culture" to "understanding the other".强调由"理解异文化"到"了解他者"的重要性。

2)differences in cultural understanding文化理解差异

3)comprehension on cultural differences文化差异理解

4)cultural understanding文化理解

1.It also preliminarily analyzes the present rock color painting teaching situation in Sino-Japanese colleges and universities from the perspective ofcultural understanding and through making investigations on the rock color painting teaching in colleges and universities of Chinese mainland,Taiwan and Japan.本文从中日两国不同历史时期的社会环境和对待外来文化的心态入手,分析具有多元文化因子的岩彩艺术的演变及其教学的发展历程,并从文化理解的视角对中国大陆、台湾地区与日本著名高校近现代的岩彩画教学进行调查,初步分析中日各高校岩彩画的教学现状,通过比较近现代岩彩画在日本各高等艺术院校的教学形态,与我国大陆各高校岩彩画以及台湾地区胶彩画教学模式的异同;发现中国大陆目前各高校的岩彩画教学由于起步较晚,还没有形成系统的教学模式,存在着结构上的不合理。

2.English cultural teaching concludes cultural knowledge level andcultural understanding.当前英语教学中文化教学的含义包括文化知识与文化理解两个层面。


1.define intercultural competence.定义“跨文化理解能力”。

2.Kulturepistemik und interkulturelles Verstehen am Beispiel einiger Falle aus sino-german interkultureller Kommunikation;文化认知与跨文化理解——以中德跨文化交际为例

3.Intercultural Communication: The Bridge of Cultural Understanding-Words That Creat Culture Gaps;跨文化交际:文化理解的桥梁——文化空缺词

4.Cross - cultural Understanding and Westerners Misunderstanding of Chinese Culture of Communication;跨文化理解与西方人对中国交际文化的误读

5.Understanding and thought on of science and literal arts;对科学文化和人文文化的理解与思考

6.Philosophical Hermeneutic Mode in the Understanding of Intercultural Texts;论跨文化文本理解的哲学解释学模式

7.University sports culture under the idea of "Humanities Olympic Games";“人文奥运”理念下高校体育文化解读

8.Characteristic,Deep description and Understanding--An Interpretation of Interpretation of Culture;特质、深描和理解——解读《文化的解释》的路径

9.How to Understand TCM Culture in Cultural Globalization在文化全球化背景下如何理解中医文化

10.From "Vision" to "Visualization":Rethinking of Visual Culture从“视觉”到“视觉化”:重新理解视觉文化

11.The Understanding of the Concept for "United but Unique" Campus Culture;对“和而不同”校园文化理念的理解

12.Relevance Theory ,Stereotypical Relation and Cross-Cultural Reading;关联理论、常规关系与跨文化阅读理解

13.The Comprehension and Disposal of the Cultural Factor in the Process of Translation;对翻译活动中文化因素的理解与处理

14.Understanding Culture:Anthropological Track in the Second Half of the 20th Century --On Robert C.Ulin and His work Understanding Cultures;20世纪下半叶的人类学轨迹:理解文化——罗伯特·尤林和《理解文化》

prehension on Cultrue and School Culture of Overseas Research and Its Inspiration;国外学者关于文化与学校文化的理解与启示

16.On Analyze and Comprehend the Cultural differences during Cross-cultural Marketing;论跨文化营销中对文化差异的分析和理解

17.Conflict of Contemporary Cultures --Topic Arising from Chinese Mass Culture;理解当代文化冲突——由中国大众文化引出的话题

18.Understanding Indirect Speech Act in Intercultural Communication;理解跨文化交际中的间接言语行为理论(英文)


differences in cultural understanding文化理解差异

3)comprehension on cultural differences文化差异理解

4)cultural understanding文化理解

1.It also preliminarily analyzes the present rock color painting teaching situation in Sino-Japanese colleges and universities from the perspective ofcultural understanding and through making investigations on the rock color painting teaching in colleges and universities of Chinese mainland,Taiwan and Japan.本文从中日两国不同历史时期的社会环境和对待外来文化的心态入手,分析具有多元文化因子的岩彩艺术的演变及其教学的发展历程,并从文化理解的视角对中国大陆、台湾地区与日本著名高校近现代的岩彩画教学进行调查,初步分析中日各高校岩彩画的教学现状,通过比较近现代岩彩画在日本各高等艺术院校的教学形态,与我国大陆各高校岩彩画以及台湾地区胶彩画教学模式的异同;发现中国大陆目前各高校的岩彩画教学由于起步较晚,还没有形成系统的教学模式,存在着结构上的不合理。

2.English cultural teaching concludes cultural knowledge level andcultural understanding.当前英语教学中文化教学的含义包括文化知识与文化理解两个层面。

5)understanding culture理解文化

6)culture understanding approach文化理解层

1.And with an analysis of the special cultural flavor in the 21st Century College English, two categories of approaches to culture teaching, namely, culture knowledge approach andculture understanding approach, are introduced to meet the new requirement for College English.以我国当前大学英语教学改革的基本精神为纲,探讨了在大学英语教学中实行文化导入的理论根据,并结合《21世纪大学英语教程》这套教材,从文化教学的两个层面即文化知识层和文化理解层剖析如何在大学英语教学中导入文化因素。



  1. 吃!吃!吃!就知道吃!2024-03-30 07:18吃!吃!吃!就知道吃![山东省网友]
  2. 倪捷凡2024-03-25 07:18倪捷凡[天津市网友]
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