
烟草赤星病 tobacco brown spot英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-19 11:25:34


Tobacco brown spot, also known as tobacco red star disease, is a pervasive fungal disease that affects tobacco crops worldwide. The disease is characterized by the appearance of small, brown spots on tobacco leaves, which can merge to form large, irregularly shaped lesions. These lesions can cause significant damage to the plants, leading to reduced yield and quality of the tobacco. In efforts to manage this disease, farmers often utilize fungicides and other cultural practices, but the disease continues to pose a significant challenge in tobacco production. Researchers and agricultural experts are actively working on developing more effective strategies to tackle tobacco brown spot and minimize its impact on the tobacco industry. This collection of English short sentences and example sentences aims to provide a comprehensive resource for understanding and addressing the challenges posed by tobacco brown spot.

烟草赤星病,tobacco brown spot

1)tobacco brown spot烟草赤星病

1.Screening of antagonistic rhizospheric spore-producing bacilli againsttobacco brown spot;防治烟草赤星病拮抗根际芽孢杆菌的筛选

2.Influence of temperature and moisture time on lesion area expansion oftobacco brown spot caused by Alternaria alternata;温度和保湿时间对烟草赤星病叶斑扩展的影响

3.Advances in studies on control oftobacco brown spot;烟草赤星病防治研究进展


1.Methods of Identifying Resistance to Alternaria alternariae烟草赤星病抗病性鉴定方法研究进展

2.Modeling Method for Estimating Tobacco Production Losses Caused by Brown Spot Disease烟草赤星病损失估计模型的建立方法

3.Control Effects of Several Fungicides Against Alternaria alternata几种药剂防治烟草赤星病的药效试验

4.Study on the Specific Classification and the Pathogenicity Differentiation of Tobacco Brown Spot Pathogen in Chongqing;重庆烟草赤星病菌种级地位及致病力分化研究

5.Resistance of the zymotic fluid of antagonistic actinomyces against Alternaria alternata烟草赤星病菌拮抗菌发酵液的防病作用

6.Screening of Antagonistic Bactera of Phyllosphere from Tobacco Leave and Their Biocontrol the Disease of Tobacco Brow Leaf Spot;烟草赤星病菌叶面拮抗细菌的筛选及防治研究

7.Study on Mutation Breeding of Antagonistic Bacterium Ata28 Strain Against Tobacco Brown Spot;烟草赤星病拮抗细菌Ata28菌株的诱变选育

8.Screening and Application of Antagonistic Actionmycetes Against Tobacco Brown Spot Disease;烟草赤星病菌拮抗菌的筛选及应用研究

9.Screening of Antagonistic Bacterium Against Pathogens of Tobacco Brown Spot Disease and Analysis of Their 16S rDNA PCR-RFLP;烟草赤星病拮抗细菌筛选及其16S rDNA PCR-RFLP分析

10.The Role of Chitinase Produced by Trichoderma sp.in Biocontrol of Tobacco Brown Spot Caused by Alternaria Alternata;木霉几丁质酶对烟草赤星病菌的作用机制

11.Control Effect of Chitooligosaccharide on Tobacco Brown Spot and Its Mechanism几丁寡糖对烟草赤星病的控制效应及其机制

12.Inoculating method for Alternaria alternata in seedling stage of tobacco烟草赤星病菌苗期人工接种方法的研究

13.Fermentation Conditions of Antagonistic strain Tpb55 of Bacillus subtilis against Tobacco brown spot烟草赤星病拮抗细菌Tpb55摇瓶发酵条件的筛选

14.Studies of Population Diversity on Endophytic Fungi of Tobacco and Selection of Biocontrol Endophyte to Tobacco Brown Spot Disease烟草内生真菌种群多样性及烟草赤星病生防内生菌的筛选

15.Inhibitory effects of Bacillus subtilis Tpb55 strain on Alternaria alternata growth and the colonization of the strain on tobacco leafTpb55菌株对烟草赤星病菌的影响及其在烟草叶表的定殖

16.Purification and Characterization of Cutinase from Alternaria Longipes and Its Role in Pathogenesis烟草赤星病菌角质酶的纯化、性质及在致病中的作用研究

17.Study on the Pathogenicity Differentiation of Alternaria Alternata and Its Genetic Diversity in Chongqing重庆烟草赤星病菌的致病力分化及遗传差异性研究

18.Studies on biological characteristics and pathogenicity differentiation in Alternaria alternata in Anhui安徽烟草赤星病菌生物学特性及致病力分化研究


tobacco brown spot disease烟草赤星病

1.Screening of antagonistic microorganism againsttobacco brown spot disease and its inhibitory action on the pathogen;烟草赤星病菌拮抗微生物的筛选及其对病原的抑制作用

2.In tobacco maturation period, this disease causestobacco brown spot disease seriously, and makes large economic losses.烟草赤星病是烟草的一类重要叶部病害,其主要病原菌为链格孢属真菌(Alternaria alterrrata (Fties) Keisslar),在烟草成熟后期危害十分严重,造成重大经济损失。

3)Alternaria alternata烟草赤星病

1.Screening and Choosing of Antagonistic Bacteria from Phylloshere and Initially Determining Its Resistance toAlternaria alternata;烟叶面细菌分离筛选及其对烟草赤星病的拮抗作用

2.Screening of Plant Extracts with Bioactivity toAlternaria alternata;抗烟草赤星病的植物源粗提物筛选

3.Experiments on ControllingAlternaria alternata with Antagonistic Bacteria AM6 Metabolite;拮抗菌AM6代谢产物防治烟草赤星病试验

4)tobacco spot disease烟草赤星病

1.Effect oftobacco spot disease on tobacco chemical component of different part leaves;烟草赤星病对不同部位烟叶化学成分的影响

2.Measurement of tobacco losses of quality and output caused bytobacco spot disease;烟草赤星病危害烤烟产量产值损失测定

5)Alternaria alternata烟草赤星病菌

1.Determination of dimethachlon resistance inAlternaria alternata;烟草赤星病菌对菌核净的抗药性测定

2.Relationship between Number of Reproductive Generation ofAlternaria alternata in Field and its Sensitivity to Fungicide;田间烟草赤星病菌繁殖代数与其对杀菌剂敏感性的关系

3.348 strains primarily isolated showed antagonistic effects onAlternaria alternata,Phytophthora parasitica var.对烟草赤星病菌和黑胫病菌采用对峙培养法,对烟草青枯病菌采用平板喷雾法共初筛到有拮抗活性的菌株348个,占分离株总数的46。

6)tobacco brown spot烟草赤星病菌

1.Primary screening of the active metabolites of actinomycetes for controllingtobacco brown spot disease;通过孢子萌发法从278份放线菌发酵液提取物中筛选出对烟草赤星病菌[Alternaria alternate(Fr。



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  1. 凤凰织梦2024-03-06 00:19凤凰织梦[内蒙古网友]
  2. 青衫素洒2024-03-02 03:06青衫素洒[安徽省网友]
  3. 轻风伴月2024-02-27 05:52轻风伴月[河北省网友]
  4. 神圣信仰2024-02-23 08:39神圣信仰[上海市网友]
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