
很精致唯美的伤感小句子 温暖有格调 让人难以忘怀




Disappointment is also a kind of happiness.Jealousy can exist by itself, but love must coexist with jealousy.Just as disappointment exists in happiness.


Don"t say love easily, the promise is a debt owed.


Diligence creates what we don"t have, laziness destroys what we have.


They miss each other when they can"t see each other.But once able to meet, once walking together, they will torture each other.


Yu Xin, word zi Mountain, Nanyang new savage also....Young and handsome, smart peerless, widely read, especially good "Spring and Autumn Left biography".


So I"ll laugh out loud. It"s no big deal.


I want to play with you, lost you love me for a lifetime.| I want to match with you, and want you to accompany me a lifetime.


Suppose you go to a place where there are no doors or Windows.Don"t worry, you are in my heart.


Even if the world is perfect, but you are the most precious.


White hair with flowers jun mo smile, years never defeated beauty


Do you smell something?The air is always sweet when you come out.


Don"t boss people around. Don"t take yourself too seriously. Don"t think the world revolves around you.

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  1. dswsaf2024-01-19 20:59dswsaf[网友]
  2. 妺兮2024-01-19 07:37妺兮[网友]
    @歪着脑袋笑 读完这个小句子,心里立刻暖暖的,感觉整个人都变得温暖起来。
  3. 歪着脑袋笑2024-01-18 18:16歪着脑袋笑[网友]
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