
冷艳又撩人的深情小句子 抚慰伤心 温暖入心!


不管生活有多艰难,都要勇敢的走下去,无论何时回头都要佩服自己。只有相信自己,别人才有理由相信你。No matter how hard life is, go on brave


No matter how hard life is, go on bravely and admire yourself whenever you look back. Only by believing in yourself can others have reason to believe in you.


Please delete me, or I will always want to chat with you. If you don"t return, leave me alone.


You will love me in 61 minutes and in 25 hours, on Monday in March.


To a glass of wine, to my cleanliness, and to your drift. I want to drink. You"re welcome.


A simple word disappears, and we are not even strangers.


I have worked hard for so many years, but I still don"t understand you. Now, I don"t need to understand, and I don"t want to understand.


My heart is not invulnerable, please let me go.


Wandering day after day, looking at myself coldly, sometimes pale, sometimes dark, leaving my heart in an untouchable corner, carrying the loss of the world, and finally forgetting myself.


I can tell myself I"m tired, but I"m not allowed to tell myself I can"t!


The time is really good. It verifies people"s hearts, witnesses human nature, understands true and false, and has no unsolvable problems, only unsolvable hearts. There is no hard experience, only oneself who can"t get out. I have been worried about who I will lose, but I forgot to ask, who will be afraid?

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  1. ◆ヽ剔透的水晶粉。2024-01-19 07:23◆ヽ剔透的水晶粉。[网友]
  2. 深南2024-01-18 07:31深南[网友]
  3. Sound2024-01-17 07:39Sound[网友]
  4. 画扇悲风殇月夜2024-01-16 07:47画扇悲风殇月夜[网友]
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