
抖音很火的情感句子 充满哲理 看的人心都碎了



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一、如果一个人能够很清楚地解释分手失败的原因,那么他就会明白这段失败的感情并不是一个不小心,一个偶然,而是一个必然的结果。也可以说,他是找到了问题的症结。If a person can clearly explain the reasons for the failure of breaking up, then he will understand that the feelings of failure is not a careless, accidental, but an inevitable result. In other words, he found the crux of the problem.

二、 我坚持不和你说话,不表示我没有想你,试着疏远你,是因为我知道我不能拥有你,有些爱只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。人生的一大挑战,在一个丧失自我的世界中保持自我。I insist on not talking to you, does not mean that I do not miss you, try to alienate you, because I know I can not have you, some love can only stop at the lip and teeth, hide in the years. One of life"s great challenges is to keep yourself in a world where you have lost yourself.

三、 好了遭人嫉妒,差了让人瞧不起,开放点人家说你骚,保守点人家说你装,忠厚的人家说你傻,,精明的人家说你奸,冷淡了大伙儿说你傲,热情了群众说你浪,走在前头挨闷棍,走在后头全没份,总之就算你再好也会有人从你身上挑刺儿。Well, people are jealous, poor people look down on you, open people say you complain, conservative people say you pretend, loyal people say you are foolish, shrewd people say you are adulterous, cold people say you are proud, warm people say you are proud, walk in front of the stuffy stick, walk in the back, no matter how good you are, someone will pick on you.

四、你看到的洒脱,都是我心碎之后的无可奈何。时间没有让我忘了你,而是让我习惯了想你,不能遗忘的人终究难忘。年轻人羡慕老年人的财富与经验,而老年人却羡慕年轻人的活力与矫健,人生每个阶段都有它的好处与不足。You see the free and easy, are my heartbreak after the helpless. Time did not let me forget you, but let me get used to thinking about you, can not forget the people will eventually be unforgettable. Young people admire old people"s wealth and experience, while old people admire young people"s vitality and vigor. Every stage of life has its advantages and disadvantages.

五、 有苦有乐的人生是充实的,有成有败的人生是合理的。有得有失的人生是公平的,人生坎坷不平才有价值。坎坷的路上,虽然艰辛,但拥有一颗恒心,梦想总会花开。我想做你床边的闹钟,用最清脆的声音把你从梦中带出,领略早晨的光景,所以我用短信向你道上早安,愿你一天都美满。A life of happiness and suffering is full, and a life of success and failure is reasonable. Life with gains and losses is fair, and life is valuable only when it is rough and bumpy. On the rough road, although hard, but with a perseverance, dreams will always blossom.

I want to be your bedside alarm clock, with the most crisp voice to bring you out of your dream, enjoy the morning scenery, so I use text messages to you good morning, wish you a happy day.

六、每个人都该明白,和任何人倾诉都比不上与自我对话来得更彻底更舒服。每个人都有自己的生活,读懂自己比表达自己更重要。Everyone should understand that talking to anyone is not as thorough and comfortable as talking to oneself. Everyone has his own life. It is more important to understand himself than to express himself.

七、时间如流水,来去总无痕,却会让浅的更浅,深的更深。有些事知道就好,不必多说;有些人认识就行,不必深交。拿得起,放得下才好,何须困坐愁城,纠结到老?Time, like running water, is always traceless, but it will make shallower and deeper. Some things just know, do not need to say more; some people know, do not need deep friendship. If you can afford it and let it go, why do you have to sit in a sad city and tangle with the old?

八、最使人疲惫的,往往不是道路的遥远,而是你心中的郁闷;最使人颓废的,往往不是前途的坎坷,而是你自信的丧失。The most exhausting is often not the distance of the road, but the depression in your heart; the most frustrating is often not the frustration of the future, but the loss of your self-confidence.

九、春日里,我们一起踏青出游,去你想去的地方,我愿意陪你去看你想看的风景,我们可以一起走遍世界的各个角落,旅行的脚步从来没有停歇。In spring, we travel together, go where you want to go, I would like to accompany you to see the scenery you want to see, we can go all over the world together, the pace of travel has never stopped.

十、人来人往的站台,又要踏上去远方的路,一路兜兜转转,关上了心门,望向万家灯火,却触摸不到幸福的方向。爱在心间,组成了太多画面,后来才知道,相逢不易,舍弃更难。也许有一天,我们都苍老,你会看到我亲手为你写下的诗行,里面还有爱情燃烧的炙热。People come and go to the platform, but also on the way to the distant road, all the way around, closed the door of the heart, looking at the lights, but can not touch the direction of happiness. Love in the heart, composed of too many pictures, later learned that it is not easy to meet, abandon more difficult.

Maybe one day, we are all old, you will see the poems I wrote for you personally, there is also the burning of love.

十一、我弄丢了我的宇宙飞船,距离我的傻子有十亿光年。这个世界的问题是,笨蛋都充满了自信,而聪明人反而总是怀疑自己。I lost my spaceship, a billion light-years away from my fool. The problem with the world is that fools are full of self-confidence, while smart people are always suspicious of themselves.

十二、爱,会让你无视所有的偏见。尽管心中的ta是你可望而不可及的人,但是你就是那么固执的喜欢ta,一发而不可收拾。花妩媚,因为蝴蝶在追;梦已醉,因为月色很美;夜深沉,因为天使降临;情珍贵,因为有你安慰;我幸福,因为有你一生伴随。Love will make you ignore all prejudices. Although the TA in your heart is the person you can not reach, but you are so stubborn like ta, hair and irremediable.

Flowers are charming, because butterflies are chasing; dreams are drunk, because the moon is beautiful; night is deep, because angels are coming; love is precious, because you comfort; I am happy, because you accompany me all my life.

十三、如果你爱上了某个星球的一朵花。那么,只要在夜晚仰望星空,就会觉得漫天的繁星就像一朵朵盛开的花。不要试图寻找不可能的捷径,世上没有便宜的事,只有脚踏实地才是最好的方法。If you fall in love with a flower on a planet. So, as long as you look up at the stars at night, you will feel that the stars in the sky are like blooming flowers. Don"t try to find impossible shortcuts. There is no cheap thing in the world. Only down-to-earth is the best way.

十四、所以在感情里,有什么想法何不及时告诉对方,因为在这个世界上最了解你的人只有你自己,有什么说什么,会尽快脱离暧昧期,知道对方的心意,然后选择在一起。Therefore, in the feelings, why not tell each other in time, because in this world, the only person who knows you is yourself, what to say, will get out of ambiguity as soon as possible, know each other"s mind, and then choose to be together.

十五、人这一辈子,最开心的一件事,就是用真诚和善良赚到了陌生人的信任,久 而久之成为朋友,并且一直信任你,支持你,选择你;这是用钱都买不到的人格魅力!堂堂正正做人,明明白白做事,永远相信:诚信可赢天下,守信方得人心!The happiest thing in a person"s life is to earn the trust of strangers with sincerity and kindness, become friends over time, and always trust you, support you, choose you; this is the charm of personality that money can"t buy! Be honest and upright, do things clearly and plainly, always believe: integrity can win the world, keep faith to win people"s hearts!

十六、原谅一个人容易,想要再信任一个人却很难。 永远不要放弃自己的梦想。也许眼前有看似阻滞你梦想实现的障碍,但那正是需要你用温柔敦厚、开阔的胸襟去实践理想所必要的磨炼与考验。千万不要急功近利,生命的历程原本是一场华丽的探险,有梦想的人生,才是最完美的人生。It"s easy to forgive someone, but it"s hard to trust someone again. Never give up your dream. There may be obstacles in front of you that seem to block your dream, but that"s the temper and test that you need to practice your ideal with gentleness, generosity and open mind.

Never rush for quick success and instant benefit. The course of life is originally a magnificent adventure. The life with dreams is the most perfect life.

十七、即使在最丑的孩子身上,也有新鲜的东西,无穷的希望。而我在转身的不经意间却能遇上你,我想你我之间,必定有一根隐形的线条将我们牵引着,直到相遇的那一刻。Even among the ugliest children, there is something new and endless hope. And I turn around accidentally but can meet you, I think between you and me, there must be an invisible line to pull us, until the moment we meet.

十八、一个人最好的生活状态,有自己的生活和情趣,努力完善自己。没人爱时专注自己,有人爱时,有能力拥抱彼此。我的脸可以对每个人善意地笑,但我的眼只笑给我喜欢的人看。从不讨好所有人,才会如此迷人。A person"s best living conditions, have their own life and interests, and strive to improve themselves. Concentrate on yourself when nobody loves you, and have the ability to hug each other when someone loves you. My face can smile kindly to everyone, but my eyes only smile to the people I like. Never please everyone, it will be so charming.

十九、在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。不要期待,不要假想,不要强求,顺其自然,如果注定,便一定会发生。心安,便是活着的最美好状态。Precious things are always rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world. Don"t expect, don"t imagine, don"t demand, let it be, if destined, it will happen. Peace of mind is the best state of being alive.

二十、曾几何时,总是希望自己与快乐为伍,与开心为伴。可是当忧伤袭来之时,才知道自己原本对快乐就是一种奢求。很多时候我们都在等,等一场遇见,等一人出现,你会心甘情愿的沉醉在这段感情里,也会投入自己全部爱,去守护着一个人。Once upon a time, I always wanted to be with happiness and company. But when sadness strikes, I realize that my original desire for happiness is a luxury. Many times we are waiting, waiting for an encounter, waiting for a person to appear, you will be willing to indulge in this feeling, will also invest all their love, to guard a person.

二十一、人生的高度, 不是看清了多少事, 而是你看轻了多少事。 心灵的宽度, 不是认识了多少人, 而是包容了多少人。 做人如山, 望万物,而容万物。做人似水, 能进退,而知进退。The height of life is not how many things you see clearly, but how many things you see lightly. The breadth of mind is not how many people we know, but how many people we embrace. Man is like a mountain, looking at all things, and allowing all things. Man is like water, he can advance and retreat, but he knows how to advance and retreat.

二十二、我本以为,遇到了你,我们可以幸福的走下去,一直到白头,可是,你我只是一起走了一阵子,没能一起走一辈子。我知道,总有一天你的影子会走出我的世界,只是需要更多一点时间罢了。I thought we could go on happily until we met you, but you and I just walked together for a while, not for a lifetime. I know that one day your shadow will come out of my world, just need a little more time.

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  1. 光芒万丈小太阳2024-01-17 05:58光芒万丈小太阳[国外网友]
  2. ゛昨 ☎ 天ミ2024-01-14 17:43゛昨 ☎ 天ミ[内蒙古网友]
  3. 疯人院傻姑娘2024-01-12 05:29疯人院傻姑娘[香港网友]
  4. (((●晴天2024-01-09 17:14(((●晴天[台湾省网友]
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