
颇具格调的情感文案 单纯入心 现实又心疼


No one like you can bring heaven or hell with a word 像你这样的人,没有一句话能带来天堂或地狱

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It turns out that the world of love is so big that it can hold the next kind of grievance; It turns out that the world of love is very small, so small as three people can squeeze into suffocation; It turns out that the world of love is very big, and there is still a gap in how much happiness is stuffed; It turns out that the world of love is very small, and it turns into ruins after being trampled by one foot.


No one like you can bring heaven or hell with a word.


We used to love each other, but since I left, you and him have come to the present. Now, you are still there, but I have no choice but to become a mistress.


I said I would never cry, but I still couldn"t hide my tears.


Don"t keep your mouth shut and say I love you. You should think it"s worth it.


I"d rather be a scheming, cold-blooded and heartless woman than be bullied, and I"ll swallow my nose in a dark corner after forgiveness!


Don"t throw everything at will. Instead of being humble into the dust, leave some pride and love for yourself.


A lie is packaged to have a better name called oath.


Lonely lamp night, unconsciously thinking about the past, I waited for half a life in exchange for a piece of sadness, unforgettable sadness pervaded the other shore, ink dyed the world of mortals, where is the love?


Wait for someone who doesn"t love you, take time to gamble, and then lose completely.


About the age at the beginning of the word, there is only a pale solitary brave and incomplete.


If you put on a white gauze for her, remember to give me an invitation. I want to touch the bride"s skirt and tell her that it was my dream when I was six years old.


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  1. 盛开的花2024-01-16 01:34盛开的花[黑龙江省网友]
  2. 浮生、若凉2024-01-12 08:26浮生、若凉[福建省网友]
  3. 尒岆棈2024-01-08 15:19尒岆棈[云南省网友]
    @陈一祎Baby2 感觉作者真的是用心写的,让人读了之后感同身受。
  4. 陈一祎Baby22024-01-04 22:11陈一祎Baby2[台湾省网友]
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