
总有句话值得你记在心里 懂你的内心 抚慰心灵!


If you were given a chance, would you really love him? Unfortunately, the love that can come back is too sparse 秋天很强,月华的颜色褪去了世界的蓝色

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If you were given a chance, would you really love him? Unfortunately, the love that can come back is too sparse.


Autumn is very strong, and the color of Yuehua fades from the blue of the world. Autumn leaves staggered along with the lonely dance at my fingertips. At my feet, the pale memory shook my shoulders and shook off the tears in my eyes. Go forward gently, and the noise of the city will come to me like the lonely tide in the night.


Speak, fold into reed flute, melodious once gentle, play. All I picked up was tears, the epitaph in my heart, the penetration of blood and tears again and again.


Sadness is a cup of bitter tea, and time is water, which washes away all sadness.


How painful is the defect left by incompleteness? Only people in pain can understand.


There is nothing to believe in this world, I am exploring.


I tried to forget, but the result was meditation, meditation on your name, and nostalgia for the past with you.


If I can, I am willing to rub everything in my heart into today"s difference. But I can"t! Then, let"s break up silently! You know, this is the silence of the volcano, which is better than all farewell!


I miss everything I said to you and the impulse to love you after quarreling with you.


I"m glad I came all the way, so it doesn"t matter who is missing. Fortunately, I am not sentimental.

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