
那些清新又自然的情感文案 句句走心 文艺暖心


Before that, I was afraid you would forget me, but now, I remember, whether you remember the rest of my life, we would n

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The amazing love did not show up, but because of deep love, I don"t know, there are hundreds of thousands of beautiful thousand red, only you are my love


The right person is later than the one he likes to choose the right one


There is no smoke behind the mountain,


Before that, I was afraid you would forget me, but now, I remember, whether you remember the rest of my life, we would never have another story.


In a world without enterprising spirit, how can we force ourselves to do bad things for others?


I have a lot of secrets to share with you. Now you are the biggest secret in my heart


I built a high wall around myself to keep people from entering my room.


Is a cold, lovely feeling for a cold lunch in the cafe?


Don"t think of yourself as a great person. You should know that no matter how much good you do in other people"s world, you are just a supporting role.


I used to think crazy about how to forget the present


How strong I am when someone tells you!


It"s not always a long way to go. In retrospect, the world is full of people. Tea is cold. His mouth will eventually kiss other people"s lips, give you what you didn"t give them

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  1. 正太、2024-01-06 00:46正太、[广西网友]
  2. 冬儿2023-12-27 02:31冬儿[山西省网友]
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