
万里挑一的伤感小句子 简单而大方 守望快乐!


张开你的手掌对着天空,你的手掌里有阳光,那是我想你时的微笑。手心有雨滴,是我偶尔想你的眼泪。Open your palm to the sky, and there is su

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Open your palm to the sky, and there is sunshine in your palm, which is the smile when I miss you. There are raindrops in my palm, which are the tears I miss you occasionally.


After you have loved, cried and hated, your senses will become dull.


Never expect eternity, just want to meet once. Never dare to think that love will last forever, just want to catch a glimpse in the world of mortals.


Have we ever been in love? Love each other. How long has it been? For an instant.


Standing in a certain place and missing a certain time; Looking up into the distance, the lonely time makes me unable to embrace. As for memory, everyone is immersed in their own world, busy pretending that others can"t understand it. Familiar with unfamiliar faces, wandering in memory, unable to distinguish right from wrong.


No one asked me if porridge was hot, no one told me it was late, and no one shared wine with me.


If you are sad, try to look up at the sky, because it is too big, it can certainly accommodate all your grievances.


The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death, but when I stand in front of you, you don"t know that I love you.


As a dancer of life, as long as the heartbeat is still there, the performance will not end.


It"s not that I don"t like you anymore, it"s that I really waited for you for a long time and you didn"t respond. Whether you play dumb or don"t understand, don"t come back to me. It"s like a cold meal. If you heat it again, it won"t taste the same.

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  1. 聪明梅2024-01-04 13:35聪明梅[北京市网友]
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