
精巧而高级的深情短句 字字暖心 温柔又治愈


People all over the world have left you, I will be by your side, there is hell we rampant together 感谢上苍,我所拥有的,感谢上苍,我所没有的

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People all over the world have left you, I will be by your side, there is hell we rampant together.


Thank God for what I have, thank God for what I don"t have.Can not put down, bitter yourself.


Is you let me know that friendship than love to more hell-bent.


Time is not necessarily born, but must see the heart.Don"t do it. The wrong people.Hurt, shouldn"t hurt the heart.


Can not hold the sand, as early as the early Yang it.

到最后都会用青春和泪水买单 "?

Will pay with youth and tears in the end?"


Love is a river, who is not feeling stones across the river.


As long as you, who I love, can be happy, I want nothing more.


I don"t want to sleep, I just want to sleep with you.


To use the best of their own to treat the most loved ones, not the worst of their own to test whether they love you


Memory is like falling in the palm of the water, whether you spread out or clenched, will eventually from the fingers, drop by drop, flowing clean.


Even if not good, but it is still kindness, but the illusion is thin, even if again intense, still only fireworks, leaving a cold dust.

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  1. 烟云风满天2024-01-09 00:39烟云风满天[河北省网友]
  2. HGH2023-12-31 02:20HGH[山西省网友]
  3. 水*墨青花2023-12-22 04:00水*墨青花[湖南省网友]
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