
温馨的情绪短句 深情又温柔 深沉而有意义


Who walked through their youth and left a smile; Who stays in whose flower season, warm thoughts 人生跌宕起伏,如一杯茶,苦如茶,香如茶

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Who walked through their youth and left a smile; Who stays in whose flower season, warm thoughts.


Life is ups and downs, like a cup of tea, bitter as tea, and fragrant as tea.


Everything that happened to you was not accidental. What you get is what you give.


What can be lifted and lowered is called weight lifting, and what can be lifted and lowered is called weight bearing. Unfortunately, most people"s love is heavy.


Whose face did you lose after a touch of classical moonlight? Whose mind is this faint chord connected with?


I tore my heart out for you, but what I got was your endless hypocrisy.


One"s greatest worry is having a good memory. If you can forget everything, every day in the future will be a new beginning.


We are too young, and we believe in this special love.


Go to a place and miss a place because of the people there; A city will be associated with itself, not the scenery there; Because there used to be many good friends there,


If it can make you happy and at ease, just talk casually, regardless of the other party"s poor status, poor educational background and long differences. If feelings make you miserable, let go. Finding someone who can make you happy for a lifetime is the goal of love. Maybe this kind of love is love.

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  1. 十秋2023-12-22 00:45十秋[云南省网友]
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