
安抚伤心的小短句 简短温柔 守望快乐!


When you are sad, squat down and hug yourself quietly, and let your tears fall freely 对不起,我爱你的时候是瞎的

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When you are sad, squat down and hug yourself quietly, and let your tears fall freely.


Sorry, I was blind when I loved you.


Love is equal to hurt, because I love first, I get hurt first, because I love, I get hurt first.


Hugs are warm, but they are also addictive. I would rather never feel the taste of hugging than suffer for every little bit of warmth all my life.


Sometimes, we may be so fragile that we burst into tears when we say a word. Sometimes, I find myself walking a long way by clenching my teeth.


I am stubborn and unwilling to give in, but all I get is scars. From now on, there will be no more you in my world.


Remember to say good night to me every night and let me know that you will be there tomorrow.


We all hide somewhere, remembering someone. Cold footsteps.


When you can"t help crying, open your eyes and never blink! You will see the whole process of changing the world from clear to fuzzy, and at the moment you cry, your heart will become clear.


Life is destined to suffer many grievances. The more successful a person is, the more grievances he will suffer. If you want to make your life valuable and colorful, you can"t care too much about grievances, and you can"t let them tighten your heart.

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  1. 孤独の薰衣草2023-12-31 02:33孤独の薰衣草[山东省网友]
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